NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

Somewhere In Kenya, A Village Is Missing Its Idiot…

As our military intervention continues in Libya, public opinion appears to be rising in favor of it. Therefore, I feel compelled to devote yet another post, my fourth this week, to this treasonous Executive Branch insanity.

First, President Obama unlawfully entered the Libyan civil war without approval of the United States Congress- and for this reason should be promptly impeached for flagrantly violating our Constitutional law. Surely Libya posed no immediate threat to the United States. King Barack may see himself as successor to the global throne, but for all practical purposes, he has unilaterally declared war on the sovereign country of Libya, taking his marching orders not from the US Congress- but from the United Nations. Not only foolish and inappropriate, this is high treason.

Second, this is not a one-night stand. This conflict will likely be protracted. Moreover, there was no clear mission objective at the outset- and there is no viable exit strategy. Even worse, Obama apparently desires to relinquish his role as Commander-in-Chief by placing our troops under foreign command. In my view, this is also high treason- worthy of the death penalty if found guilty.

Third, consider that in America we cherish freedom of speech- and though we may vehemently disagree with an individual’s words, we are still obliged to defend that person’s right to free expression. Likewise, I gravely condemn many things Gaddafi has done, especially his involvement in the Lockerbie bombing and the recent brutal treatment of his own citizens- including widespread murder. However, Obama’s decision to use our military to kill Libyan soldiers without lawful approval of Congress is tantamount to the same brand of brutality and murder being carried out by Gaddafi. As I stated again yesterday, Barry has apparently forgotten he’s is a US President- not a Muslim king.

Fourth, placing US troops in harm’s way without approval of Congress, especially in a rapidly escalating situation with no clear mission objective or exit strategy, shows not only lack of regard for our fighting men and women- but an apparent deficit of both Constitutional understanding and basic human decency. Even Lyndon Baines Johnson had more respect for our military!

Fifth, our nation is flat broke. We can’t even afford the current occupation of Iraq- or the continuing quagmire in Afghanistan. A third combat zone at this time is financial suicide. And who pays for all that broken Libyan pottery?

Sixth, if Gaddafi is removed from power, the subsequent power-vacuum will likely be filled by Muslim extremists, most especially the Muslim Brotherhood. I feel sorry for the people of Libya because of the many things they’ve endured under a brutal dictator. Nevertheless, if Gaddafi falls, there is an excellent chance our national security will be negatively impacted by an even higher spike in crude oil prices- and more importantly the creation of yet another haven for Muslim extremists bent on wreaking their terrorist havoc on the United States.

Seventh, although our invasion of Iraq and eventual elimination of Saddam Hussein should have been accomplished during the George H W Bush administration, Saddam was indeed a war criminal who both invaded the sovereign country of Kuwait- and who, despite all media hoopla to the contrary, did possess considerable stores of weapons of mass destruction. If you doubt the latter assertion, ask any of our troops who became ill after entering the facilities in Iraq where that WMD had been stored. There is no doubt in my military mind that there is no such justification for a full-scale assault on Libya- with or without lawful Congressional approval.

Eighth, additional stress on our already overburdened military presented by the Libyan War is in itself a grievous threat to our national security. Such unwise expansion of US military activity at this time only emboldens rogue elements like Iran, North Korea and Al-Qaeda. At least Gaddafi had the common sense to stop exporting terrorism- whatever his dirty laundry currently piled within Libyan borders.

Ninth, and related to the previous objection, a third theater of war also places further stress on American military families- who have already endured more than they should ever have been asked to endure. Whether Active Duty, Reserve or National Guard, our military families have seen deployment after deployment for over a decade. To paraphrase Winston Churchill, never have so few been asked to do so much in the name of freedom.

Tenth, our military families don’t need additional spouses, parents and children coming home in body bags. Haven’t we learned anything from the quagmires of Vietnam and Afghanistan? The two flyers who recently bailed over Libya were so blessed and fortunate to escape with their lives! The weight of this warning is exacerbated by the inevitability of Vietnam-like mission creep- which has already reared its ugly head. My trumpet has presided over hundreds of our military funerals- so unfortunately I’m an expert on this somber subject.

I rest my case- and yes, somewhere in Kenya, a village is missing its idiot…

Views: 43


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Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on March 25, 2011 at 11:41pm
Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on March 25, 2011 at 11:26pm

Thanks, Sandie...

Comment by Sandra on March 25, 2011 at 11:36am
Good one!
Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on March 25, 2011 at 11:35am
Comment by Sandra on March 25, 2011 at 11:23am
Very good video Allan, sure sums it up. They have dumbed down the people over the yeas, commies have that kind of patience and they have removed any worth while history in our schools. It is an all about me.... I am amazed that we don't see the people on the streets like in Vietnam protesting all this BS...   I can grow food, I can do some canning and I still cook from scratch... So maybe one day I will have to teach others as well how to. Attacking Libya is all about oil, and if he survives he will get even! Thanks for this post...
Comment by Sandra on March 25, 2011 at 11:19am
Solution to the problem in Libya:

They want a new Muslim leader,.....I say give them ours.

Solves both problems.
Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on March 25, 2011 at 11:17am
Comment by Sandra on March 24, 2011 at 9:29pm
Hey Allan; After spending most of the afternoon thinking about what I heard on the radio, the more I am unsure. Maybe they had been discussing Biden and Bush thing? So forget what I said about Biden except he did lie he never said it to Bush either... That much I know I heard for sure... Still love your writing as you know...
Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 24, 2011 at 8:11pm

WARNING! Our country is in serious peril.


As a member of this group of patriots [REAL CONSERVATIVES], do you truly believe the following?


  1. Our republic is under assault by communists that are hell bent on destroying it!
  2. Barrack Hussein Obama illegally holds the highest office in our land.
  3. He and other radical progressive leftists hate America and seek to bring it all down.
  4. Corruption within the present administration is totally out of control.
  5. The Department of Justice is culpable in these present illegal activities.
  6. Congress will not accept their elected leadership role to put a stop to it.
  7. We The People, demand action NOW (before its too late)!



What is the solution?

Uncle SAM, when will you demand accountability and put forth your action plan to put a stop to this insanity?

Justice is far too long in coming.

When will the other various Tea Party groups get together and move American conservatives to take real positive and honorable action?

Will we finally seek constitutional righteousness and follow the rule of law?


God, help your willing servants to move forward.

Comment by Sandra on March 24, 2011 at 6:01pm

I heard that show today as well. It appears that neither one believes zero is not a citizen, but Trump would like him to show his birth certificate to clear the air, and lots of good conversation on that on Rush's show today. They even got into what standing ment in a court? Boils down to a tax payer? But they need proof of sorts to charge zero as not being properly legit to hold office. Since all law suits have been tossed for lack of standing, I am confused for sure now... The we Lankin that got no place, so it seems it is a double standard...

I agree Gordon!






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