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So Predictable…When The Going Gets Tough, The Libs Play The Race Card

Well I bet nobody saw this coming. Bogged down by sinking approval numbers for the President, and a growing disdain among Americans for the democrat led senate, Charles Rangel has enacted the ever-so-popular liberal defense mechanism, the race card.

Rangel, the Chairman of the powerful House Ways and Means committee stated that “bias” and “prejudice” toward Obama are fueling opposition to health-care reform. Rangel further stated, “Some Americans have not gotten over the fact that Obama is president of the United States. They go to sleep wondering, ‘How did this happen?’ “

Rangel said when critics complain that Obama is “trying to interfere” with his push for healthcare reform, “then you know there’s just a misunderstanding, a bias, a predjudice, an emotional feeling.”

Rangel went so far as to compare the battle for healthcare reform to the battle for civil rights stating, “Why do we have to wait for the right to vote? Why can’t we get what God has given us? That is the right to live as human beings and not negotiate with white southerners and not count the votes. Just do the right thing.”

REALLY?? SERIOUSLY?? How is it possible that this guy gets elected to public office. Such uneducated, thoughtless, baseless arguments, from the mouth of a Conservative, would spell the end of their career as a politician. This isn’t the first stupid thing Charles rangel has ever stated.

He launched a number of uneducated responses during the Hurricane Katrina fiasco, like, “The Iraq war took priority over domestic disaster prevention” and “The people who couldn’t get out of New Orleans to escape the storm were predominantly Black.”

Here’s another brainy quote from your elected official, New York…”Today many Caribbean workers can be found in the hospital, construction, service and hotel industries, but there is also a growing professional sector.” ??????

How about this one Rangel fans, “We love the ability of the people to influence the actions of decision-makers, of lawmakers and presidents to be removed from or elevated to office by the will of voters, and of the community to connect amongst diverse populations through the ballot box.” To know what Rangel really meant by this, substitute ACORN for “people” and for “voters”

I, however, should not be so hard on ole Charlie I guess. He is only utilizing the liberals favorite play in their predictable playbook. Anytime the going gets tough, the liberals play the race card. Sure, it’s racism fueling the vast outcry at townhalls across the nation Charlie, because it couldn’t possibly be that the majority of Americans don’t support the socialized healthcare bill submitted by the liberals. It has to be something shallow like racism, because anyone intelligent enough to be a liberal would know that liberals always know what’s best for us.

If it is indeed racism, Chuck, how did Barack Obama get elected in the first place? If this nation is still so consumed by racism, as you seem to spew from your mouth on a daily basis, then how could an African-American be democratically elected by this nation?

New York, you should be ashamed and embarrassed that you routinely elect this undeserving, uneducated, hate-filled, poor excuse for a leader to represent your state. This is just the beginning of my focus on Rangel today. I found a quote which disturbes me so much, as a military member, that I most post separately on it.

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Comment by ELY on September 3, 2009 at 8:44pm

Comment by ELY on September 3, 2009 at 8:39pm
The race card has been their "ace in the hole", their "hale Mary”, their political shield for years and years, ever since King was shot. With a black man in the White House, this should no longer even be a topic. But things have gotten worse. For example: Here in Illinois when they were filling Obama’s Senate seat, Jesse Jackson, said (open in the news) that Senate seat was a black seat, and has to stay a black seat. With no questions of qualifications being raised. It wasn’t a black seat before Obama. Also if you follow Jesse Jackson’s logic, the President Seat is now a black seat, so must it remain a black seat from here on? Look I am not racist, but damn it! I’m getting sick of America bending over backwards to please the Political Correct (PCs), and tip toeing through issues to keep from hurting feelings of black people. It’s either going to be equality, or not, Make up your mind!
Comment by Elizabeth Parella on September 3, 2009 at 6:23pm
Here it comes again...the ugly race card when you don't buy what they're selling. This will set back race relations by decades. Those who wonder how Obama won the presidential election are right to wonder.... Those who were suckered in by his sweet-talking express train are waking up to a reality they didn't bargain for. Those of us who thought, "what the heck is this guy really saying," as he campaigned are not surprised. He said NOTHING. Big promises by a two-bit community organizer who are a dime a dozen (sans the gift of gab, of course) and no plan for anything. He has no concrete plans...just abstract ones...and he's still campaigning, even to the classroom children! someone once said (and we know who HE is!), "Only in America." The cretins in the administration are being let loose, but the folks (and we know who WE are!) will prevail and this crowd of prevaricators, liars, and cheats will be out of office in a nanosecond....






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