NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

UN Agenda 21 to hide land use control, regulation, and confiscation under the guise of environmental protection

Smart Growth America!

Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh  Tuesday, October 18, 2011
I received a robocall two days ago. It was my Magisterial District Supervisor, inviting me with all his Smart Growth friends to a tour of Belmont Bay, a mixed-used residential area with a new George Mason University environmental science facility. He called the right person for the wrong reasons.

The brochure sounded wonderful, golf club, walking paths, a marina, shops, who would not want their neighborhood to have amenities that make life so much easier, especially in the context of northern Virginia, which is one of the most traffic-congested areas in the country, with the largest population growth of 40 percent. (Census Bureau)

The words he used, Smart Growth, flagged my attention immediately, since I recognized one of the euphemisms used by UN Agenda 21 to hide land use control, regulation, and confiscation under the guise of environmental protection.

As my writing was informing other people of the dangers of the UN Agenda 21 and ICLEI (International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives) across the country, the Green Monster was lurking in my very own back yard. In April 2011, my supervisor sponsored a Smart Growth Symposium for all “residents, business leaders, and property owners.” I am a property owner and never heard of this symposium and neither did all others whom I polled.

Among the three speakers, Richard B. Norment, the Executive Director of the National Council for Public-Private Partnerships stood out as the conduit for UN Agenda 21 financing, along with a local banker and a lawyer.

The document presented said that Community Development Authorities were “created by governing body upon petition of 51 percent of landowners by area or assessed value.” None of the landowners I asked even heard of such an authority or petition.

Mecklenburg County, NC was used as one example of a successful mixed-use development, “transit-oriented” and “town center” focused. A light rail line was projected to parallel the relocated freight line.

The presenter from the National Council for Public-Private Partnerships emphasized the Stakeholder Support, a key element of the infiltration of UN Agenda 21 into our communities through various NGOs (non-governmental organizations).

My discovery came on the heels of Senator Robert Menendez (D) introduction of SB 1621 on September 22 of the Livable Communities Act. The bill has17 Democrat cosponsors and, when passed, would create an Office of Sustainable Housing and Communities at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), more bureaucracy to control our private land and housing by government fiat.

The Democrat sponsors were Richard Durbin, Ron Wyden, Patrick Leahy, Jack Reed, Al Franken, Frank Lautenberg, Tom Harkin, Bernard Sanders, Mary Landrieu, Chris Coons, Daniel Akaka, Benjamin Cardin, Michael Bennet, Richard Blumenthal, Chuck Schumer, Jeanne, Shaheen, Sheldon Whitehouse, and Jeff Merkley.

The media made no report of this bill as they were too preoccupied with the regime’s latest diversion tactic - the paid Marxist global warming lunatic collegiate fringe, “arrogantly stupid and smug,” as a famous talk show host put it, protesting capitalism and Wall Street in various venues across the country, while asking for entitlements the rest of us must provide. Being the useful idiots that they are, it had not crossed their minds to protest the colleges that charge the outrageous tuitions while sitting on millions and billions of dollars in endowments and paying college professors handsomely to indoctrinate them into communism and anti-Americanism.

“The office would coordinate federal policies that foster Sustainable Development, Healthy Homes, and administer HUD’s Sustainability Initiatives. This office would also award Comprehensive Planning grants, Community Challenge grants, and encourage transit-oriented development.”

All elements in this bill that I highlighted are further implementation of United Nation’s Agenda 21 goals by federal government law awarding grants to communities, forcing federal policy on states and exacerbating their financial needs when the grants expire.

Smart Growth America is another NGO (non-government organization) that pushes ICLEI’s goals, as their site states, “Smart Growth is a better way to build our urban, suburban, and rural communities.” They are concerned with our transportation, our communities, and reducing carbon emissions. They are using “steering committees” and “visioning” to change our lives in accordance with the United Nation’s vision of a one world government controlled by a few. Under the guise of saving the planet from the destructive humans, private property must be abolished; everybody must live in mixed-use zones, five-minute walk from work and school, moving about on public buses or light rail. Land must be given back to its intended wilderness.

Al Gore’s faulty power point presentation has been debunked as a hoax. Global warming as the religion of the environmental nuts has been scientifically proven global cooling, but these progressives are marching on, trying to reshape, restructure, control, and fundamentally change the way we live, according to their dictates and twisted vision of the world.

Smart Growth America is offering free technical assistance to communities “interested in smart growth strategies.” “To understand the new American dream, we have to understand the new America.”

RailVolution, a four-day conference last week in D.C., discussed “strategies for building livable communities served by transit.” The conference was opened by the president of an NGO called LOCUS, with a speech on “Responsible Real Estate Developers and Investors”.

Manuel Pastor, a Professor of American Studies and Ethnicity at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, joined in the opening conference. If you wonder what ethnicity and American Studies of Ethnicity have to do with transit and American communities, you are not alone.
Pastor emphasized walkable neighborhoods because the U.S. is diversifying ethnically and racially, and growing older. Is that a good reason to move masses of people in high-rise tenements with high population concentration? Because we are more racially and ethnically diverse we must live in high-rise, concentrated areas? Seniors have done quite well in single-family homes and, when polled, they prefer to live independently.

Americans must wake up fast to this “green” invasion in our way of life: smart green growth, green transportation, saving the green planet, sustainable development, sustainable agriculture, and sustainable green jobs. Everything now is sustainable and all jobs and activities are green.

There is no green industry. We have windmills and we build solar panels expensively. Wind and solar power cannot provide enough electricity for our huge economy. Nobody has built a nuclear power plant since the seventies. There are no green jobs. There are traditional jobs, which have been given the “green” euphemistic name.

Beware of the Green Monster coming to your community, the excuse for United Nations to take over our economy, take over private property, and set the country back a few decades to the level of third world countries in the name of “social justice.” Watch for these signs and language of UN Agenda 21 activities underway in your communities:
  • Installation of Smart Meters in your area, an illegal surveillance device without a warrant in the name of reducing electricity consumption and costs by cutting your power at peak usage and causing all sorts of health ailments because of radiation from the meter itself
  • Your area is a member of ICLEI (International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives) or ICMA (International City/County Management Association)
  • Your area has a Vision, Master, or Comprehensive Plan that has been adopted in the last 5-10 years, promoting the “Triple Bottom Line,” or the three Es of Sustainable Development (Environment, Economy, and Social Equity)
  • Your community supports Smart Growth, New Urbanism, and Resilient Communities with emphasis on using light rail, bike paths, walking, public transportation, discouraging the use of cars.
  • Some communities narrow the roads to make them less accessible or install thousands of speed bumps; parking is at a premium and no parking garages are planned.
  • Sustainable agriculture and community gardens are emphasized, encouraging a shift away from traditional free market driven food system, providing food just for the local community
  • Your city established an Urban Growth Boundary ‚Äì anything beyond it is considered “sprawl” and “blight.” It is discouraged through incentives and regulations.
  • Your town has joined Public-Private Partnerships, local regional councils, state, or federal government to promote Sustainable Communities Planning or Initiatives.
  • Measurement of wealth through GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is discouraged while “happiness” and “well-being” become measures of wealth.
  • A “New American Dream” is advertised as “living simply.”
  • Green energy is most important, wind and solar, fossil fuels are evil.
  • More and more restrictions and regulations are placed on land use, farm, residential, and commercial, in order to preserve the wilderness, small creatures, and natural resources at the expense of humans.
  • The community is buying more and more “green space” and returning it to wilderness.
  • You find a chart in your local government’s documents with three concentric circles with the words, Environment, Economy, Equity written in the middle of each circle.
  • Community leaders subscribe to global warming as a manmade fact. They take action to lower the community’s carbon footprint by adopting “green” LEED building and energy code standards for construction and development, including incentives, benchmarks, and retrofitting.
  • Your town belongs to Earth Charter, the Sierra Club’s Cool Cities Initiative, the Audubon Society’s Sustainable Community Initiative, or your mayor has signed the U.S. Conference of Mayors’ Climate Protection Agreement.
  • Officials refer to your town as a “transition town,” a “resilient city,” or a “livable community” and begin teaching “globalism,” “interdependence with nature,” and “interconnectedness.”
  • Social Equity vocabulary is being used in your community such as “food justice,” “economic and environmental justice,” “fairness,” “direct democracy,” “diversity,” “food deserts,” “social justice,” and “wealth redistribution.”
  • NGOs (non-governmental organizations) become involved in your city’s planning through other “stakeholders” in the “collaborative, consensus-building,” “visioning” process that takes about 18 months to complete and details your community’s future without input from the voters.
  • Your school system starts teaching children how to be good “global citizens” and stewards of the environment via International Baccalaureate and other UN sponsored education agendas.
  • Your local government authorities start to exceed their constitutionally granted powers by working with private international and national organizations through Public-Private Partnerships.
  • You notice a significant push toward “social justice,” interfaith initiatives that promote “one world” along with community diversity, multiculturalism, sameness of faiths, social inclusion, and environmental stewardship. (Darin Moser)

Can we stop the Green Monster of UN Agenda 21 before our country is “fundamentally transformed” as the President promised before his Inauguration? The United Nations’ assault on our country began long before the American public became aware of its existence and of the negative effects on our country’s economy and its sovereignty. Many Americans are still blissfully unaware. Few are taking the issue seriously. Is it too late to reverse this social, moral, and economic destruction?


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