
Remember how since-demoted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said we’d have to pass the massive ObamaCare health law to find out what’s in it?

Well, now three years later that’s happening and a lot of people are not liking what they see.

Remember how ObamaCare was going to save you money?

Not going to happen. Premiums are going up, some by as much as 100%. And a new study by the nonpartisan Society of Actuaries finds that on average insurers will have to pay 32% more for claims under ObamaCare.

Remember how ObamaCare was going to cover more than 44 million uninsured Americans?

Not going to happen. As the immense law and its 86-inch tall stack of new regulations roll out, millions of Americans will remain uncovered, even if the troubled, challenged law works flawlessly, which it hasn’t. And won’t. The latest Congressional Budget Office estimate is that even with full implementation, more than 30 million Americans will remain uncovered by the so-called Affordable Care Act.

Remember how ObamaCare was not going to add “one single dime” to costs?

Not going to happen. The Congressional Budget Office estimates ObamaCare will add $1,300,000,000,000.10 to the costs of the nation’s healthcare. Obama masks this with new taxes, of course, and shuffling monies around within government programs, including cuts to Medicare.

Remember how last year the Supreme Court, lead by a cowed Chief Justice John Roberts, finally settled in the affirmative the legality of ObamaCare’s core individual mandate, which takes effect next January?