NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.


Written by Michael Tennant
Friday, 29 October 2010 16:10

“You might as well know right now … that the Tea Party, no matter how
successful it is at the polls in November, will certainly betray the
party of liberty,” wrote Lew Rockwell, proprietor of, on September 22.
In addition to identifying philosophical problems among Tea Party candidates, Rockwell explained that “once they take office … the serious
problems begin. They are leaned on by their new colleagues, the party
elites, related financial interests, the press, and the entire system of
which they are now part. Are they going to make themselves enemies of
that system, or are they going to work within the system in order to
achieve reform, and not just for one term but more terms down the line?
Doing a good job means being part of the structure; doing a bad job
means being an enemy of the very system that they now serve.” He
concludes that most will choose to join the establishment, saying, “It
is for this reason that newly seated ‘revolutionary’ politicians will
betray those who put them in power. It happens like clockwork, same as
day turns to night.”

As if to prove Rockwell’s point, MSNBC reports that the GOP establishment in the Senate is already preparing to assume the role of Star Trek’s Borg, announcing to the newly minted Tea Party Senators: “Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.”

Ken Strickland, NBC News Senate producer, writes that while the Tea Party
candidates “defeated establishment-favored GOP contenders in their
states’ primaries by promising to upset the status quo in Washington,
former and current Republican aides aren’t expecting a political
earthquake. They say they’re confident that [Senate Minority Leader
Mitch] McConnell will deftly handle the new conservative arrivals by
incorporating them — and their ideas — into the larger caucus.” This
will need to take place because,
a former GOP leadership aide told Strickland, McConnell must direct the
Tea Party’s ideological energy “in a way that’s productive rather than
destructive or harmful to Senate Republicans or the country in general.”
In other words, the Republican establishment considers these upstart
conservatives destructive to both the party and the country and must
therefore blunt their opposition to ever larger government in order to
save both.

Just how will McConnell go about this? First, says Strickland, he’ll try to bribe them with “coveted slots on committees
that serve their constituents’ interests.” If that doesn’t work, the
next step is to “encourage new members to take a leading role in
introducing legislation that addresses one of their campaign agenda
items, but in a more scaled-back way,” such as cutting funding for
certain Department of Education programs rather than trying to abolish
the department outright — something the
Republican leadership promised to do back in 1994.

According to Strickland, “GOP sources believe McConnell will try to distill one
simple theme for the new members as they bring their campaign promises
into his governing body: Don’t do anything that will divide Republicans
and unite Democrats.” That pretty well eliminates all but the most
timidly conservative proposals and ensures that government will continue
to grow at the expense of liberty.

Strickland further dampens hopes for any real change as a result of Tea Party victories at the polls:

Most of the GOP insiders feel that, when all the votes are tallied, the Senate Republican conference will
generally look the same in the next Congress as it does now — just
larger. The caucus will likely contain a small bloc of Tea
Party-inspired conservatives, a small moderate bloc, and a large bloc of
more traditional Republicans who typically align with leadership.

The proportions don’t change ....The size simply gets bigger.

With the new conservative senators making up such a small portion of the party’s representation in the Senate, they are unlikely
to wield much influence. In fact, Strickland expects them to vote with
the leadership most of the time because “their ultimate objectives will
still be aligned with those of their caucus leaders.” Don Stewart, a
spokesman for McConnell, told Strickland, “The fact is that Republicans
will continue to unite behind the common goals of reducing spending,
slowing the growth of government and repealing and replacing the health
spending bill.” The reader will note that this agenda is somewhat less
than ambitious — it calls only for “slowing” government growth, not
reversing it, and for “replacing” ObamaCare, probably with House
Republicans’ “ObamaCare lite” proposal.
The one bright spot in Strickland’s account is that if Republicans do take the Senate — a difficult but not impossible feat — “all bets are
off.” With the party having the power to set the agenda, newcomers and
their allies such as Sen. Jim DeMint of South Carolina (disparaged by
GOP insiders who spoke with Strickland) may feel emboldened to push for
significant reductions in government rather than accepting the crumbs
the leadership throws to them. Republican control could, as Strickland
avers, force McConnell to “[struggle] to hold the factions of his party
together while trying to move major legislation,” but at least the party
won’t be unified around offering watered-down versions of Democrats’
All in all, Strickland paints a rather depressing picture of the potential for real change in the Senate regardless of how many Tea Party
candidates are seated in January. Chances are the situation in the
House isn’t much different, especially given that the sheer number of
representatives ensures that each one’s influence, and particularly that
of newcomers, is greatly diminished. If this is what Tea Partiers get
for all their hard work, they ought to throw the GOP overboard in 2012.

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