NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

Unmitigated betrayal of America, her constitution, her people, and her future

Seduced and Abandoned

 - Michael Oberndorf, RPA  Friday, August 5, 2011

We are all pretty much aware that many of our elected representatives are not heavily endowed with functioning brain cells, especially the ones called Senators. However, stupidity alone is not enough to explain the unmitigated betrayal of America, her constitution, her people, and her future that the vote for the Budget Control Act of 2011 represents. These clowns have been around long enough to know exactly what they were doing.

Recent polls have shown that between 70 and 80 percent of Americans – Republicans, Independents, and Democrats – oppose raising the debt ceiling to allow more borrowing. They also oppose more government spending of this borrowed money. And they also oppose raising taxes on We, the Already Overtaxed People to get even more money to feed their spending addiction.

Knowing, as poll-driven politicians must, that Americans were adamantly against a bill that would clearly result in economic disaster, they voted for it anyway. Like crack addicts holding up a 7-11, knowing the consequences, but doing it anyway, n’est pas? Like true, mentally ill addicts, they have rationalized to themselves all sorts of lies as to why the unacceptable is acceptable, why wrong is actually right, why black is actually white, and why day is actually night, and why treason is patriotic.

In the Senate, only 19 Republicans voted against this unconstitutional bomb, this economic daisy-cutter, thrown by Obama-Soetoro, Harry Reid, and the running dog “leadership” of the Republican Party. I strongly urge everyone to work to de-elect every single one of the traitors who voted in favor of this nation-killing legislation, both Republican and Democrat. I’d include socialist, too, but Bernie Sanders actually voted against it.

However, the Senate is not alone in harboring willful miscreants. In the House, only 66 Republicans voted against turning America into a Third World, neo-fascist dictatorship ( So much for the lie that conservatives – or even, Americans – are in control of the House.  And just so you know, the fascist Democrats who voted against it did so because it didn’t raise the debt ceiling high enough, nor did it have massive tax increases.

This whole despicable display of unabashed contempt for the Constitution, for the wishes of the American people, for truth, for the rule of law, and for freedom will be, for many, the tipping point. For opposing a law that will add at least $7,000,000,000,000.00 to our already crushing debt - and probably a lot more, given that it will surely cause interest rates on the debt to rise - a law that puts dictatorial power in the hands of a “committee” that is more like a Soviet commissariat, a law that will wreck the constitutionally mandated balance of powers regarding borrowing and spending, for opposing all this un-American, unconstitutional, fascism, we have been branded as hostage-taking terrorists.

Folks, we have another unconstitutional law, the so-called Patriot Act, that allows all sorts of nasty things to be done to people whom the government decides are terrorists. Joe Biden, who in spite of having an IQ of about room temperature is our Vice President, has publicly called us terrorists. So have half of the neo-fascists in the Democrat Party, and the Ministry of Propaganda, aka, the “mainstream” media. It does not take a political genius to see where this is likely to lead.

Obama-Soetoro claimed that the Budget Control Act would protect global stock markets. Granted, he is only marginally intelligent, and so ignorant that he may actually have believed his own bald-faced lie. However, the rest of us knew that the market crash we are witnessing would happen, as well as the continued collapse into recession. We – meaning the scant 53 percent of us who actually pay taxes – also know that we and our children and our grandchildren will be tax-slaves, with everything we earn taken from us to pay the interest on a never ending, never shrinking debt, interest that goes to already fabulously wealthy foreign and domestic fascist bankers – does “Federal Reserve” ring a bell?

The simple truth is that if we know all this, then the traitors on Capitol Hill who wrote, promoted, and voted for this abomination knew it too.

Our best, and perhaps only, hope is our Tea Parties. We all need to get active, NOW. We need to take every action we can think of, from starting recall campaigns against Senators and Congressmen who have broken their oaths to support and defend the Constitution, to finding and supporting candidates to replace them and/or run against them in 2012. And we need to seriously discuss what we will do if those in power commit fraud and steal the elections.

To hesitate is to be lost.


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