Din't know what this DCCC stand for,( usually when I receive this kind of email I just discarted, the title cut my attention) but since "The White House flag" I receive many emails that don't ask for. Well, I post this here, so everyone can know what they are about, and also the new attack. I hope this can be useful for you guys.Personally I believe they lie, how can welfare recipients is going to give them so much money? Just spin in lies, and sometimes when I read their crazy email, do boil my blood.Here is in example.God Bless you all my friends.--------------------
Antoniette --
Congressional Republicans are blindly following Sarah Palin, her merry band of Tea
Partiers and special interest fat cat friends right off the cliff by
publicly calling for the end of Social Security and Medicare as we know
Well we'll let them make their bed, and make sure they lie in it.
Help us hold every crazy, Social Security killing wing-nut Republican accountable for every word they say.That's
where you come in. The DCCC is launching an advertising campaign while
Republicans are home in their districts for Presidents Day.
me raise $50,000 before Monday, February 15th - Presidents Day - so the
DCCC can run hard hitting ads while Republicans are home in their
districts and hold them accountable for what they're saying about
Social Security and Medicare.It's engaged grassroots
Democrats like you who are standing up to the GOP's radical plans and
exposing their double-talk, misleading rhetoric and distortions.
Earlier this week, thanks to you, over 30,000 DCCC supporters of our Fact Check FOX team signed our Stand Up To Sarah Petition
- calling out FOX News' newest political pundit for her smears and
pathetic attempts to shift blame for our current economic mess from the
failed policies of George Bush to Barack Obama and Congressional
We're not going to let that happen. And, we're doing
everything in our power to be sure voters are fully aware of what Tea
Party Republicans and their special interest enablers are up to.
the DCCC raise $50,000 by Monday, February 15th to hold Republicans
accountable by running ads in their districts while they're home for
Presidents Day.Republicans are aggressively pushing to
turn over Social Security to the same Wall Street banks that ruined our
economy and give control of Medicare to the health insurance industry.
Republicans' budget is a crazy radical roadmap leading straight back
into the ditch that Bush dug for us and a dead end for Medicare for our
seniors. If Republicans and their Tea Party allies gain control of
Congress in November's election, these radical plans will be put into
Nothing would make GOP special interest donors in
corporate boardrooms across America happier. The popping champagne
corks would break the sound barrier.
Stand with me and the
DCCC against Sarah Palin, the Tea Party, the Republican special
interests and their dangerous plans for America's future. Contribute today.Together we'll get the job done.
Thank you,

Jon Vogel
DCCC Executive Director
The DCCC is taking the fight to Sarah Palin and the Tea Party crowd.
And, it's your generous contributions that gives them the means to keep
up the pressure.
the DCCC raise $50,000 by Monday, February 15th to hold Republicans
accountable by running ads in their districts while they are home for
Presidents Day.
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Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
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