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ROMNEY? Is there, are there actual factual questions regarding his stand on social issues??

The Mitt Romney Report

As former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney runs for President of the United States, his powerful (and well-funded) campaign machine uses revised history and misleading statements to portray him as a solid social and fiscal conservative with a track record of successes as governor. Much of this is exacerbated by fawning (and lazy) conservative media.

However, the truth is different. We present the following documentation of Romney's actual record in Massachusetts. We think that the facts will speak for themselves.

The Mitt Romney Deception Report - Our 28-page comprehensive report released in November, 2006, describing how Gov. Romney ran for office and governed as a liberal, despite his claims to the contrary. This covers a wide range or topics and is an essential read.


Latest postings

Feb. 3, 2008: Boston Globe reports: Costs for Romney's health care to double! Federal government may be called for bailout.

Romney made a huge fortune in private equity. But (in at least one case) hundreds of workers lost jobs, and stockholders and creditors lost their money. Read the Ampad story, as reported in the Boston Globe last summer.

While Romney was governor, Massachusetts’ economic performance lagged near the bottom in the country. Northeastern University study, as reported in Boston Globe.

Romney’s senior counter-terrorism advisor was relieved of his CIA p... -- The CIA’s inspector general recommended at least six times that the former CTC chief (now Romney's senior advisor) and others face an accountability board for financial mismanagement, poor coordination, incoherent leadership and more.

Gov. Romney on same-sex "marriage": April 2004 letter to constituen... - "It seemed like he was sleep-walking through it all," says recipient. "His communication to constituents seemed confused with no clear thinking or sense of purpose."  Part I     Part II     Part III

Lawyers, leaders and activists from Mass and across US issue warning to voters - The national conservative movement's "elites" are covering up Romney's betrayals on homosexual agenda, constitution, and other issues while Governor of Massachusetts. They are selling out their principles and ignoring grassroots

Mitt Romney insults talk-show host Gregg Jackson when grilled on same-sex marriage - Romney insults him, changes the subject, and refuses to give a straight answer.

Other recent postings

Report on the true pro-life views of Gov. Romney - Written this past spring in reaction the controversy over Romney's various pro-life stands.

Romney's universal health care includes taxpayer-funded abortions - Legislation also names Planned Parenthood on advisory board.

Romney's Department of Social Services (DSS) honored two "married" men as their "Adoptive Parents of the Year".  Agency aggressively placed children with homosexuals.

While he was Governor, Romney donated $10,000 to radical homosexual "health" group. - A very destructive group, publisher of notorious "Little Black Book - Queer in the 21st Century." Did Mitt Romney donate $10,000 to an organization without knowing what it does? This was four times the amount he gave to an organization promoting abstinence among teen girls, "Best Friends Foundation," in 2003.

Romney and "gay" marriage

How Mitt Romney brought "gay marriage" to Massachusetts - Complete report with comprehensive legal analysis. The Supreme Judicial Court made a ruling and ordered the Legislature to act. The Legislature did nothing, so Romney stepped in and ordered same-sex "marriages" to begin -- essentially violating his oath of office.

Mitt Romney's Massachusetts marriage license - "Party A" and "Party B" replaces Husband and Wife

Letter from 44 conservative leaders across the country to Gov. Mitt Romney - Hand-delivered in December 2006; urged Romney to act to undo his mistakes on "gay" marriage before leaving office. Letter was ignored.  Reported nationally in WorldNetDaily article.

 Romney timeline on "gay" marriage  - Here's what happened and when.

Just Say "No" -- Calling Governor Romney and the elected representatives of Massachusetts. by Hugh Hewitt -- Written right after the infamous "Goodridge" same-sex "marriage" Mass. court decision. Columnist Hugh Hewitt calls on Romney to ignore the judges and stand up for constitutional govermnent. Romney ignored Hewitt and the others who made similar pleas. But now, Hewitt's making money on his book "A Mormon in the White House" and has sold out completely to the Romney candidacy. Also see MassResistance blog posting.


Mitt Romney's letter to Massachusetts Log Cabin Republicans - While running for US Senate against Ted Kennedy Mitt made big promises to the homosexual lobby.

The Mitt Romney 20-question flip-flop quiz - How much do YOU know? Test yourself on Gov. Romney's principled stands and positions.

Romney popular with know-nothing conservatives - From MassResistance Blog.

Example of Governor's Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth activities - Your tax dollars at work, under Romney's control.

Mass. pro-life movement sells its soul - Mass. Citizens for Life gives Gov. Romney "political leadership award" after receiving $15,000 donation from him.

Romney campaign sends out press release personally attacking Brian Camenker of MassResistance - Hard to believe they would actually do this. Undignified & unpresidential reaction to MassResistance report on Romney's record.


VIDEO of Romney debating Ted Kennedy in 1994 - Romney arguing that he's more liberal than Ted Kennedy!

VIDEO of Romney passionately defending his pro-choice position - during 2002 campaign for Governor.

VIDEO of Romney disavowing any connection to pro-life movement - dursing 2002 campaign for Governor.

VIDEO of Romney with wife Ann assuring voters he'll be solidly pro-... - during 2002 campaign for Governor.

Romney and the (true) conservative media

Mitt Romney insults talk-show host Gregg Jackson when grilled on same-sex marriage  - On Howie Carr show in Boston, WRKO Talk Host Gregg Jackson asks a tough question and Gov. Romney insults him and refuses to give a straight answer.

Mitt Romney loses temper at campaign stop in Chicago when questioned about his role in same-sex "marriage" in Mass. - Talk show host at meeting asked embarrassing question -- why did he order the Mass. marriage certificates to be changed from "Husband and Wife" to "Parther A and Partner B", as reported in the Associated Press and elsewhere?



"Mitt Happens" - by Don Feder 2/21/2007

On Romney's "buying off" conservative politicians & organizations:

"Straw poll and the straw man" - by Janet Folger 3/14/2007. How the pro-life movement in Massachusetts sold out to Romney.

"In Romney’s Bid, His Wallet Opens to the Right" - New York Times, 3/11/2007. Front page Sunday NY Times article exposes Mass. "pro-family" groups taking $$$ from Romney, then endorsing him. MassResistance quoted in article.

"Romney Wallet Opens to Buy Prolifers" - Carol McKinley blog 3/11//07. Refers to New York Times article, also brings up other sources.

Gov. Romney and MassResistance president Brian
Camenker in happier times.



Is Mitt Romney one of those high profile, well funded candidates who will change his politics to take advantage of current national issues? Or is he a man of conviction and principal willing to put his nation's constitution before politics?

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Comment by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on June 17, 2011 at 1:02am

We need this kind of pre-op vetting. I'd like to know the candidates before they actually say, "I will" and begin the electioneering process.

Thanks gmiller for your thoughts on this.

Comment by gmiller on June 17, 2011 at 12:35am

We should apply something like the iCaucus vetting process to these clowns, as we did for the lower offices. I started collecting info. So far, only a few look good, such as Michele Bachmann.   Of the ones in the limelight, Bachmann seems as close to the real deal as we're probably going to get, but even her votes have a few problems, such as yes on the blatantly unconstitutional Patriot Act.  I suppose all pols must make some compromises to get and stay in office, or may not even fully appreciate the Constitutional issues.


Perry has unsavory connections to the Bilderberg/CFR, is a TTC/NAU fan, hates SB 1070,  forces unproven vaccines on young girls. All my RINO friends tell me that only RomBot and Perry can win and that they're "Good Conservatives."   For anybody who believes that, I have a bridge I wanna sell them in my hometown of Brooklyn, NY. 

They say his state  doing well and that he gets credit for that. He served as Lt. Governor for a man who people said the same thing about-- GW Bush. We all know how well that worked out.


Quite afew of my friends have turned to Ron Paul. While I must admit that he has indeed helped to introduce improvements in political thought in this country, I don't think he is Presidential material. I'll bet he'd make a hell of a Secretary of the Treasury, though, certainly light years ahead of TurboTax Timmy Geithner.  I think Ron's son has great potential, though,


Clinton went to the annual Bilderberg meeting in 1991. In 1992, he was elected President. Obama went to the annual Bilderberg meeting in 2007. in 2008, he was elected President. Perry went to Bilderberg in 2007. "Conspiracy theory?"  Coincidence?  they say that there are no coincidences in politics. Whatever. Is it also just a coincidence that we started getting inundated with Perry propganda the wek on the Switzerland Bilderberg meeting thsi month?  Even My Christian Right friends were calling me up, telling me about their Conversations with perry;s guys, how he was leafding people in prayer, whatva righteous Christian Conservative he is, etc.  There was Even a Wall St. Journal Op-Ed article today, crowing about Perry being ready for "Prime Time."  Even MSM has been talking about him, all the while maintaining their withering barrage of criticism of Sarah, Michele and Rick, without even missing a beat. What does that tell you, folks?  Remember how they boosted the "Maverick" during the primary, then turned their guns on him for teh general election?


Most of the people the Tea Party helped put in the House of Reps last year have been a disappointment, although we raised the average level of Constitutional Conservatism. We obviously have a long way to go.


Just in case you sart getting starry-eyed and nostaligic for Newt, here's some raw meat for you:


DeMint, West and Ryan are possibilities also, but far from perfect and do not appear to be running at this time. Santiorum has been talking pretty Conservative, but hasn't always acted like it. His support of Spector was a bit jarring, too, huh?


And then, of course, there is Sarah.  I much prefer Bachmann, although Sarah is in a class by herself when  it comes to showmanship and arousing the full range of emotional responses.


Would appreciate any good info/insights that you might have on the candidates. We're trying to build a database.

Comment by Linda Maddox on June 17, 2011 at 12:09am
I don't like him, he is a GOP RINO! The media is promoting him to destroy our country and continue Obamas agenda.
Comment by Darlene Littlejohn on June 16, 2011 at 10:40pm
Thank you!  I like Bachmann a lot.  I don't know enough (yet) about Perry.
Comment by Teresa Smith on June 16, 2011 at 1:43pm
People better do their homework and just because the Tea Party endorses someone does not mean they make a good candidate. There is now a "fake tea party" so be careful and research things and go with your gut.I do not personally want Mitt Romney. He is a Rhino and just proved it by doing what he did with health care in Mass. Its broke now and people can not get any good care there.
Comment by gmiller on June 16, 2011 at 12:42pm
Interesting that Romney is also leading polls of professed Tea Party people, too. Clearly, we have our education task cut out for us. Even among those who know Romney is a RINO, exists the false belief that only the RomBot or Perry can beat Obama.
Comment by gmiller on June 16, 2011 at 12:40pm

Very interesting, thank you.


The most recent survey shows that only the Marxist Usurper Obama is ahead of Willard "Mitt" Romney in the polls, with an actual Conservative, Michele Bachmann, in third place.


More Romney info:

Phony Rightwing ....

Comment by Your Uncle Sam on June 16, 2011 at 12:33pm
Bachmann, Bachmann and/or Bachmann...






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