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RINOs in Senate Call for Tax Hikes to Lower the Budget Deficit

Bi-Partisan to a liberal Democrat means "Together, we'll do it my way."

RINOs in Senate Call for Tax Hikes to Lower the Budget Deficit

 By Jerry McConnell  Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Dick Morris and Eileen McGann are true watch dogs committed to the same goals and ideals as most conservatives and they are in a better position to keep a closer watch on any shenanigans that don’t match their ideals.

Just like on February 18, 2011 when they combined on a report to America on that tipped us off about a so-called ‘bi-partisan’ Senate working group that included Republican Senators Tom Coburn (OK), Mike Crapo (ID), and Saxby Chambliss (GA).  Remember now, - Bi-Partisan to a liberal Democrat means “Together, we’ll do it my way.”  So anytime you hear of a congressional bi-partisan committee, consider the Republican members already defeated and appeasing the Dems.

The Morris and McGann team reveals that the Wall Street Journal reports that the plan which is under consideration would provide for “tax reform” that would generate $180 billion over ten years.  Dick and Eileen are already hip with the liberal Democrat congressional dictionary that states that “tax reform” is the new way of saying, “tax hikes”, just as the word “ investment” is lib-Dem talk for “more spending” all said with a straight face. Lib-Dems have to disguise their words for obfuscation purposes as they can no longer tell the truth without grinning and looking guilty as sin.

They also report that If the work of the Bowles-Simpson deficit reduction commission (another bi-partisan group on which Coburn and Crapo sat) is any guide, the loopholes would include reducing or eliminating the mortgage interest, charitable contribution, and state and local tax deductions. 

But see how these lib-Dems and their bi-partisan RINO buddies can avoid saying ‘tax hike’?  All they need to do is ‘reform’ things that we hold so near and dear.  No slight of hand, just a slight re-wording, don’t you see, and BAM!, you’ve been had.

‘Immaculate Conception’ or taxation without representation

And as if any more proof was needed that the lib-Dems and their weasel accomplices (RINO partners) are quite adept at pulling wool over the taxpayers’ eyes, this new proposal has a built-in gimmick.  If Congress doesn’t raise taxes by the required amount, the law would automatically trigger a cut in all tax deductions equal to the outstanding revenue shortfall.

The automatic built in trigger for the tax hike can’t be blamed on the liberal Democrats as they didn’t order one; it just happened automatically; and as Morris-McGann properly call it, ‘Immaculate Conception’ or taxation without representation.  Now you know how those slippery lib-Dems get so many lousy-for-the-taxpayer deals done.

As we started off talking about a special bi-partisan working group I should have mentioned that it is headed by Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad (D-ND).  Dick and Eileen tell us that Conrad, realizing his big taxing and big spending ways would lead to defeat in the 2012 election, decided to retire, but not before he sticks it to us one more time with tax increases. 

Now here’s where the lib-Dem chicanery and deceitfulness comes into play. As Morris informs, the bait for the tax hikes are a variety of spending cuts included in the plan, but the Republican Senators’ participation in these talks and their possible support for the tax increases that will eventuate, will just serve to legitimize a tax increase.

So you see, getting the dull-witted and slow to notice any wrongdoing taking place RINO Republicans in bed with them, in a “bi-partisan” way of course, will make the lib-Dems look no worse than the hood-winked RINO Republicans who will absorb the bulk of the blame as they’re supposed to be anti-tax as
opposed to the lib-Dems’ pro tax reputation.

The liberal Democrats will in no way suffer any negativity when the tax increases are announced; not when they can point their fingers at the unsuspecting dupes of RINO Republicans who walked in to their tax trap with minds believing that the Democrats would for once be honest with them.  They will be like chickens going to bed with the foxes.

RINO Republicans never learn; the lib-Dems have them pegged as big time suckers

But RINO Republicans never learn; the lib-Dems have them pegged as big time suckers that can be conned into any sleazy deal made to look legitimate. 

As the ever alert Dick Morris explains, “I asked Mike Crapo during a recent visit to Idaho.  He swears that he will oppose any tax increase, but his participation in these talks leads one to suspect that he might not do so. The concept of splitting the difference in a grand deal of tax increases in return for spending cuts would lock into place much of the enormous increase in government spending that has taken place under Obama [] .”

It was never said for jest, “When you go to sleep with dogs, you will wake up with fleas.”


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