News Letter
Year in Review
November 22, 2010
I will be using a different format for this newsletter. In this edition, there are sections on National Level News, State Level News and County Level News, as well as RINO Hunt News. It will be a long newsletter but I think the information contained will be of value to our readers. Where applicable, I will have links that will validate my statements. This will also be the first newsletter that has an attachment. The reason will be made clear as you read the information below.
National Level News
Jim DeMint -
Jim DeMint made headlines by endorsing and campaigning for conservative candidates during the 2010 election cycle. Many, if not most of his choices were successful in their elections. Senator DeMint has continued voicing his desire to change Washington by garnering the necessary votes to ban earmarks in the coming year. At first, many longtime Republicans warned that it was not a good idea to ban earmarks and that it would hurt Republicans in their home districts when it came time for them to be reelected. But the tide is changing. Senator Mitch McConnell, now serving his fourth term, and widely known as the Senate’s staunchest fan of earmark spending has changed course and is now supporting DeMint’s earmark ban. McConnell stated on the Senate floor, "Old habits aren't easy to break, but sometimes they must be broken". A new day at Capitol
What are Earmarks -?
Earmarks are a way for legislators to funnel our tax money into special “pet” projects that benefit the people of their home district. Most legislators vote in favor of earmarks to ensure that their requested earmarks also get approved.
Why do legislators desire earmarks -?
By gaining earmarks for their districts, a legislator ingratiates himself to the voters of his district. This can be done by “creating” jobs or assisting a non-governmental organization (NGO) in their mission. Where in the Constitution does it state that it is the responsibility of government to create jobs or help an organization reach their goals? The use of earmarks makes it even more difficult to replace a legislator because of the ties that have been made with special interest groups that will continue to their support as long as the legislator delivers the money.
Bob Inglis -
Bob Inglis was one of only two Republican Congressmen that lost their seats in the 2010 primary elections. In September of 2009 Congressman Inglis held a town hall meeting at a Fuddruckers restaurant in Greenville, SC. During the meeting many of his constituents made their concerns with his representation know to him. While he explained his record of representation, several frustrated constituents from RINO Hunt demonstrated outside the restaurant. When asked by a NPR news reporter about the demonstration outside, Bob stated that he was not concerned and that by the primary elections cooler heads would prevail. NPR Story September 2009
Inglis; Chairman of “The Loser’s Club”
After reading the most recent NPR story and listening to the audio of the interview I don’t think Congressman Inglis understands what really happened or why he lost. In the interview, Inglis mentions several things that make it clear that the people in his district made the right choice to bring him back home to work in the private sector. Inglis defends his record and rejected the notion that he was not sufficiently conservative. He also defends his belief in the “science of climate change”. He makes his opinion quite clear that we don’t have a “God given right to drive SUVs” and that when the oil supply runs out we will send other people’s children to die in the Middle East for their oil. He states that Teddy Roosevelt was a real conservative and indicates that he is similar to Roosevelt. He defends his unwillingness to label Obama as a socialist because he doesn’t believe it is true. He continues to ridicule anyone who questions Obama’s citizenship and connection to the Muslim faith. Inglis believes that we are just angry and worried about paying our mortgage, our children’s tuition and jobs. He thinks we need to work through these issues without looking for scapegoats. When asked about his “political home” Inglis stated that eventually Republicans will come back to conservatism and away from populism. He believes that the new Revolution will eventually burn out and that “ignorance is now seen as strength”. Congressman Inglis stated that he feels like a moron because of losing his reelection and that he has become the Chairman of the Loser’s Club. The interviewer also mentions Inglis’ Lifetime Voting Record with the American Conservative Union. NPR Story November 2010
Let’s take a look at some of Congressman Inglis’ statements. Inglis touts his voting record as recorded by the American Conservative Union. Many politicians enjoy the scorecards given by organizations such as the American Conservative Union, NRA, and Right to Life and yes, even the South Carolina Policy Council. Most, but not all, of these organizations keep track of a politician’s votes on the single-issue that they follow. As long as a politician votes in favor of gun rights the NRA will score them as conservative on gun rights issues. As long as they vote against abortion issues the National Right to Life will score them as conservative on abortion issues. I personally do not put a lot of weight on a politician’s endorsement by any of these organizations because the politicians have learned how to work the system to gain the endorsements they desire without actually bringing about the change in policy that the organization advocates. Here is a quick example; how many of the politicians that have an “A” record on abortion rights have introduced a Bill that would ban abortions? Is that crickets that I hear? It is awfully quiet when it comes to legislation to make real change in the areas that single-issue organizations advocate. However, it does sound good for radio and television advertisements. I wish we had an organization that tracked voting records compared to our Constitution. In fact, Congressman Inglis didn’t even know about a Bill that has been introduced in Congress for many years that would require every Bill to show where it has constitutional authority before it can be voted on. YouTube Video Congressman Inglis continues in his belief of manmade climate change even after thousands of pages of damaging data was released showing the collected data was manipulated to show the desired results of the organizations; organizations that are pushing “Climate Change” legislation such as a Carbon Tax. Since Inglis doesn’t think we have a God given right to drive a Sport Utility Vehicle, I wonder who he thinks gave us that right? Maybe he thinks that right came from government and government can take it away when it sees fit to do so. I wonder what other rights Inglis thinks come from government. Inglis believes Teddy Roosevelt was a conservative when actually he was a leader of the Progressive Movement. Roosevelt worked hard to bring new regulation on businesses just like our government is doing today. Maybe Inglis is like Roosevelt after all. Starting in 1907 eugenicists in many States started the forced sterilization of the sick, unemployed, poor, criminals, prostitutes, and the disabled. Roosevelt said in 1914: "I wish very much that the wrong people could be prevented entirely from breeding; and when the evil nature of these people is sufficiently flagrant, this should be done. Criminals should be sterilized and feeble-minded persons forbidden to leave offspring behind them." Roosevelt Info Does this sound like a conservative to you? Maybe Hitler was also a conservative in the mind of Inglis. Concerning Inglis’ views on foreign oil, maybe he should have advocated for the drilling of oil on our own soil and off our coasts instead of giving allegiance to the environmentalists that hate our way of life and the freedom we have. Since Inglis refuses to label Obama as a socialist and doesn’t believe he is one, I wonder what he would call someone he witnessed stealing. Inglis obviously missed the point of the new revolution by thinking we are simply angry and worried about paying our mortgage, children’s tuition and jobs. Actually, we are angry and worried that if left unchecked, the government will have all of us living in government subsidized housing, receiving government controlled healthcare, government funded higher education, and everyone working for the government. Mr. Inglis; that is called Socialism! Inglis doesn’t think we should look at who caused these problems or even the source of them. “We shouldn’t look for scapegoats”. We should just accept the fact that we have these issues and look for consensus in solving them. I believe we must first identify who created the problems and then remove those people from public office and prevent them from serving in other places of public trust. Then, we need to return to the principles outlined in our Constitution to maintain those liberties. Based on his remarks that ignorance is now seen as strength and hoping that the Revolution will soon burn out; Inglis is counting on the Tea Party Revolution to go away. By the actions of some in the Republican Party; I think they feel the same way Inglis does. There were two things that I can agree with Congressman Clueless about, he is a moron and he will make a great Chairman of the Loser’s Club. Welcome home Bob. We wish you the best of luck in the private sector.
State Level News
Here in South Carolina all eyes are on the budget shortfall expected in 2011. With only a few new faces in our State Capitol I don’t feel too confident. Just last week, Speaker of the House, Bobby Harrell was reelected to serve as Speaker and Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, Danny Cooper was reelected as Chairman. There are no substantial changes in sight in the SC Senate either. Despite claims that our legislature lowered taxes and spending over the last years, total revenue brought into the Capitol was still increasing and no financial surpluses are to be found. Is this what President Bush meant when he talked about fuzzy math?
Now that the house is on fire and the fire truck is broken down, our State Legislature wants reform. How timely! Just last year many Senate staffers received very large pay increases and we had plenty of money to “create” jobs by giving millions to the Bowing Industry to locate in South Carolina. In fact, we even thought we had enough money to fund the building of a new retail mall in South Carolina. Heck, our residential building contractors were so busy with new construction last year; State Senator David Thomas thought it was a good time to introduce a Bill requiring all new residential construction to install fire sprinklers, even though his Bill would have added tens of thousands of dollars to the cost of home construction. Two years ago when the citizens of South Carolina told their Representatives and Senators that they should not accept the Federal Stimulus money, or, at least use it to pay down our State’s debt, we were told they knew what was best for us. Trust us; we know what we are doing!
How can a bunch of long-term, well entrenched politicians who are tightly joined at the hip with special interest groups and lobbyist reform anything? They are the very people that put us in the mess that we are in. That’s right; they know what they’re doing. I keep forgetting about their collective wisdom. These are the same politicians that explained to us that they had to use the stimulus money the way Obama told them to at the same time they were so carefully wording our State Sovereignty Resolution that was supposed to tell the Federal Government that it was violating States Rights. I guess they didn’t want to hurt Obama’s feelings. I just can’t understand why I am so cynical of these great leaders.
If you really want to understand why South Carolina is in such dire trouble, look at the legislative tyranny that is held by our State Legislature; you know, those good ole boys that now want reform. Of course the legislators are elected to their positions by the people in their district. That’s the way it should be. However, these legislators then appoint the majority of the Executive branch of our State government. They also appoint the judges in our State Judiciary. Are you beginning to see the tyranny? The State legislature runs the whole kit and caboodle. A system like this is the perfect recipe for disaster. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Our founding fathers warned us about concentrated power and what happens when it occurs.
At least the citizens are represented; right? Well, it depends on how you describe being represented. If you think being represented means that you voice your desires to your representative or Senator and he or she then votes on issues the way you requested, you may be greatly disappointed. How would you know if they voted the way they tell you they did? Less than twenty five percent of the votes are recorded. That’s right; you have no way of knowing how you are being represented most of the time. When your taxes increase, I’m sure it was not your Representative or Senator that voted to do it. It must have been those other Senators. When they choose to give special tax breaks to a particular business and it causes your employers taxes to increase to make up the difference and thereby eliminates pay raises or expansion of your company; it must have been someone else’s Representative that voted for it. Your Representative and Senator would never pick and choose who the winners are in our free enterprise system of capitalism; would they?
Do you like the idea of a National Healthcare system, how about more regulation of gun rights and restrictions on free speech? I’m sure your Representative and Senator don’t like it either. But hey, what can they do about it? They are required to implement what the Federal Government tells them to do; right? Please study our Constitution so we can have that discussion intelligently. When the original States came together to form the United States of America, they limited the power of the Federal Government. This is outlined in Article One Section Eight of the U.S. Constitution. The ninth and tenth amendments to the Constitution clarified that all other power is reserved to the individual States and the people of those States. Therefore, if the Federal Government oversteps their authority it becomes the duty of the States to stand between the people of that State and the power of the Federal Government. This is the heart and soul of the States Rights argument. Last year, our State Legislature passed a Sovereignty Resolution acknowledging that they understand States Rights. This year, let’s see if they intend to use those rights to protect the people of South Carolina from an out of control Federal Government. My guess is not. After all, these are the same guys that have been standing by watching us being assaulted by an unconstitutionally overreaching Federal Government.
Keep your ear open this year as our legislators proclaim they must “create” jobs and “stimulate” our State’s economy. Tell them it is not their responsibility to create jobs or stimulate anything other than our freedom to get a job and spend our money on the goods and services that we choose. When we allow them to create jobs, the jobs will be created by giving special tax incentives to handpicked companies and those companies and their employees will contribute to their reelection. When we allow them to stimulate the economy they will do it with our money. Our message needs to be the same; get out of the way and let us do it! Let us speak with a loud and clear voice; we want constitutionally limited government, plain and simple. If they want to stimulate the economy, they can start by reducing State spending by twenty five percent including their own salaries and the size of our State Government and then lowering or eliminate taxes and fees. This will create an economy that will allow job creation in the private sector and create self sufficiency instead of Government dependency. The next thing we need to tell our legislators is that we demand to know how they are voting on issues. By doing this, it will reduce or eliminate wasteful spending and also hold them accountable for the budgets they approve and regulations they impose on the citizens. The last thing will be the most difficult to accomplish. We must disperse the power that the Legislative branch has over the other two branches. The Governor, regardless of political Party, should make appointments to the Executive branch with the advice and consent of the Senate. He should also make judicial appointments in the same manor. Because they will have no desire to relinquish this power, it may take several election cycles of replacing tyrannical legislators to break the tyranny, but it must be done if South Carolina desires to grow and prosper as a State of free men and women.
County Level News
As property taxes continue to rise in Greenville County, salt has been rubbed into our wounds of financial hardship. Our County Government was successfully sued by a citizen for violating State law. Each Council member had been allotted an “expense fund” to be used in their district. The amount of the funds was $25,000.00 per Council member. The Council person could use the funds however they saw fit to use them. The lawsuit was successful because all County expenses must be approved by a vote of the Council. Our County Council has decided to appeal the ruling made by a Circuit Court Judge so they can continue this practice of spending. This only cost the taxpayers $60,000.00 in a judgment by the court. That does not include the cost the County had to spend defending their actions.
In the meantime, the Council has implemented a new tactic to avoid being held in direct contempt of a Judge’s order. They now package all of their expense funds into a bundle called a “consent agenda” and vote on it as package of expenses. Don’t be fooled, it is the same expenses as before, but now they can say they voted on the expenditures.
You may be asking what types of expenditures are being paid with taxpayer funds. I’m glad you asked. Attached to this newsletter you will find a document listing each member’s expenses. Some of the items you will find are things like; payments to individual incorporated cities, payments to individual fire departments, payments to the South Carolina Association of Counties, Payments to the Greenville County School District, payments to the Greenville County Recreation Department, payments to the Greenville County Sheriff’s Department, payments to private organizations and charities such as the Phillis Wheatley Association, the YMCA, the Children’s Museum, United Way of Greenville, Greenville branch of NAACP, the Urban League of the South, United Negro College Fund and other private or charitable organizations such as local Chambers of Commerce.
You may choose to disregard some of these expenses because they are official County responsibilities such as Fire Departments, Sheriff’s Department and the Recreation Department. Don’t be too fast to dismiss these expenditures. These departments may be necessary, but they are already funded out of the general budget. Check your property tax bill and you will find how much of your property tax is funding them. So why would they receive additional funding?
Start thinking of these expense funds as County Earmarks and the answer will come into focus. If the legitimate agencies and departments of Greenville County need additional funding to serve the citizens, why doesn’t the County Council simply increase the budget for the agencies? By personally handing out the goodies, they become the person responsible for the needs of the agency, thereby ingratiating themselves to the entire agency. When election time rolls around maybe the new Council member will not be as charitable. How nice! This makes it very difficult to replace a Councilman.
What about taxpayer money being used to fund private organizations and charities. Is this even legal? If past experience repeats itself by citizen’s lawsuits, we may find out in the near future. The bad news is, even if the citizens win through a Judge’s ruling, they still lose because they will ultimately pay both ends of the lawsuit as they did earlier this year. The question that needs to be answered is not whether the private organizations and charities are worthy of assistance, but is it constitutional to use tax money collected to assist them.
Please check the attached document to view your Council member’s expenses and then ask them to explain their decisions to you. Collectively they are spending $300,000.00 of our taxes on County Earmarks. I for one do not approve. When you talk with your Council member remind them that no one is forcing them to participate in this scam. They do not have to spend their, excuse me, our money this way. Consider showing up at the Council meetings and become a witness to the questionably legal, but unquestionably unethical spending habits of our local government. Wasteful spending is not limited to Washington and Columbia; it is rampant right here in your back yard.
Greenville County Council has already spent $400,000.00 on a Comprehensive Land Use Plan that they claimed was required by the State. When 350 citizens showed up at the Council meeting last December to object to the plan, they removed the section that would have implemented the newly completed plan. If the plan was required by the State or was worth the money that had already been spent, why not implement the plan and tell the citizens the same old story. We didn’t have a choice, we had to do it. This type of plan is not required by the State, but is allowed by the State if a County desires to implement it. By the way, the Comprehensive Land Use Plan is mainly supported by Non-Governmental Organizations such as Upstate Forever and Greenville Spinners. upstateforever greenvillespinners The stated goals of these and other organizations like them are to move our county’s populations into densely populated areas and connect these areas with light rail systems and bike paths in order to reduce automobile usage and pollution. They were instrumental in the creation of the Swamp Rabbit Trail. These organizations are also pushing for “Complete Streets” throughout Greenville County. Complete Streets will require bicycle lanes and bus lanes on every County road at a huge cost to the taxpayers. Do you want to ride a bus or a bike to work or to shop for groceries or go see a movie? That is their goal.
Why is Greenville County Council giving County tax money to Incorporated Cities that already have taxing authority? If these cities need additional tax revenue why don’t they raise the taxes of the citizens in their cities? Now that wouldn’t be popular would it? So, people outside of certain cities are sharing the burden for services rendered to city residents. My mother told me it was good to share, but I don’t think this is what she meant.
The memberships and travel expenses to attend the South Carolina Association of Counties is a huge waste of tax money. Ask yourself the question what do they need to communicate so importantly with other County Council members about? Are they discussing how to reduce county spending or lower taxes? By the fact that taxes and spending are increasing, I think the answer is NO! Most likely, they discuss how they successfully passed tax and spending increases and ordinances such as the Land Use Plans and other restrictions on private property rights so other Counties can learn to do the same things. They may have even discussed how to avoid the Judge’s ruling on their slush fund expenditures.
Greenville County Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month. There will only be one meeting in December and it will be held on the first Tuesday. The meetings start at 6:00 p.m. To find your County Council member’s contact info you can go to the County website here and click on your Council member’s picture. As Ricky Ricardo from the TV show “I love Lucy” used to say “they’ve got a lot of “splainin” to do”.
RINO Hunt News
RINO Hunt began teaching Constitution classes in October. We have around 70 people signed up for the classes and are still accepting new folks. How can you be successful in the effort to restore liberty and constitutionally limited government if you don’t understand the principles of liberty contained in the constitution? If you are interested in attending these classes or would like to have them in your area outside of Greenville please let me know. Classes are now forming in the following counties; Spartanburg, Union, Pickens, Oconee, Anderson and possibly Laurens. Learn what they didn’t teach you in school and what they still don’t want you to know.
RINO Hunt is expanding. We recently received a request to start a chapter of RINO Hunt in Huntsville, AL. Isn’t that appropriate, Huntsville. The new chapter will kick off with having their first RINO Hunt meeting and teaching Constitution classes. As soon as a schedule is in place I will be heading there to assist them in organizing their State chapter so they too can hold elected Republicans and the Republican Party to the Republican Party platform.
At our last monthly meeting we had a State Senator in attendance. When I asked him how we could best help restore true conservative and constitutional principles in South Carolina he said “duplicate what you are doing here in the Upstate in other areas of the State”. He went on to say, “Believe me, they know who you are and they are listening to what you are saying, but they are only hearing it from up here”. If we can duplicate our efforts throughout the State we will in due time bring reform to South Carolina and be an example to other States as well.
If you live outside of the Upstate of South Carolina and would like to discuss duplicating our efforts please contact me. We will find mutual ground and work together.
Please visit
www.rinohunt.net and join a truly conservative organization that is working to resist socialism, rebuild conservative government and restore our Constitution. Please send this newsletter to your friends and family to help spread the word. RINO Hunt season 2012 is here. Now let’s get to work.
Harry Kibler
Founder, RINO HUNT
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