Prior to departing Fort Wayne on Friday, I was asked by The Executive Director, Erik Telford, by phone, to lead the opening ceremony, for The formal Dinner; by speaking briefly about our Troops, and Veterans, and leading the conference in the Pledge Of Allegiance.
I arrived at the Las Vegas Airport at 12:00 P.M. Pacific time. The opening session was to begin at 1:00 P.M. I made it to the Venetion Hotel, the site of the conference at 1:20 P.M.
I proceed up to the conference, after checking in and dropping my luggage at my room. The Confrence was already in session.
I was greeted by Rightonlie staff, and escorted to the backstage area to confirm to Erick Telford that I had arrived. Congressman Mike Pence was up speaking. Erick then told me that Mr. Pence had about 6 minutes remaining, and that I would be the next speaker. I almost fainted!
Another staff member approahed and asked if I could speak after the last scheduled speaker so that I could give the crowd a sendoff. We all agreed.
After the speaker finished music started, and my pictre came up on the two large jumbotrons on stage, and the anouncer started reading my biography. I ran out to the potium and began speaking my shocking surprise speach. I received several standing ovations.
Here are excerpts from Thurber's Thought's" - a blog site.
Emery McClendon - blogger and Tea Party Organizer:
* Yes, I am a tea party organizer. I am a tea party speaker. I am a true red, white and blue American.
* I was told I couldn't do a tea party because the tea party is racist.
* I told people on election night that they had the right time, but the wrong black man.
(McClendon is a black man.)
* Founding fathers built this nation on limited government and capitalism.
* If you're not angry about what's going on, get angry. If you're already angry, stay angry.
* We can restore America: Hear us Congress. Hear us Harry Reid. Hear us Nancy Pelosi. You will hear us in November.
* People want to diminish American but we will not let that happen.
* We are going to rise up and take our nation back.
(He gave an extremely energetic and powerful speech!)
After the speech many from the audience ran up to the stage to shake my hand and comment on the speech. I was then told to return to the same place at 6:45 P.M for te formal dinner, with Keynote speaker Congresswoman Michele Bachmann.
I led the opening ceremony which included a short apprection speech for our Troops, and Veterans, and The Pledge Of Allegiance to our Flag. After this task I was led to a table on the floor and served dinner. Shortly, afterbeing seated someone came and told me that I would return to the stage for a third visit, to be presented with a Rightonline 2010 award.
I had been chosen to receive the coveted "Activist Of The Year" Award from Rightonline. Given in recognition of leadership in advancing economic freedom and liberty through modern media.
I was speechless, because all of the events of the day were a surprise to me. It was an honor, and I am proud to be a member of Ameicans For Prosperity. All of this came about because of my hard work in organizing the Fort Wayne Tea Party one year ago, an event that brought Dr. Alan Keyes to Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Since that time I have been invited to speak at Tea Parties all over Indiana. The largest of which was The Indianapolis Tea Party on April 15, 2010. The Indianapolis Tea Party also featured me as one of their models on their "Hoosier Hunks On The Right 2010 Calendar. I am featured as Mr. July.
Other events that I participated in during the past year are: many area meetings, Acting as Moderator for The Huntington County U.S. Senate Debate, sitting on a panel to Ask Marlin Stutzman, 3RD District candidate for Congess questions, and an Americans For Prosperity State Convention in Michigan in which I had the pleasue of meeting former Alaska Sarah Palin. Planning Military Appreciation Events, Blogging; and meeting with The Liberty Coalition, a local Tea Party Group in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
I am also theFounder of Amateur Radio Military Appreciation Day.
FREEDOM and LIBERTY (Use Them Or Lose Them)

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