In his YouTube video, General Amos warns about a “different landscape” and encourages people to think smarter. The General also encourages Marines to, “Save every round, every gallon of gas.”

This comes during a time when the DHS has stockpiled over 2 billion rounds of ammunition, purchased nearly 3000 tanks and refuses to answer questions about why they are doing it.

This comes on the heels after Captain Terry M. Hostile United States Army, Retired, urged citizens to write to Senators demanding action against the DHS.

In a recent interview with Rep. Huelskamp at CPAC, he had expressed concerns to DHS over the purchase but received no response.

“They have no answer for that question. They refuse to answer to answer that,” Huelskamp said on the video of the purchases. His office told Whispers that he had sent a letter to DHS with his concerns but had not heard back.

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