NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.
Hi Emery,
Aren't you the lucky one? You get to play mental gymnastics with a person who runs a "Community Pharmacy", he is listed as a "Contact Person" if you Google Eugene Butler's name. There was not much information available other than that,
Then we have "Win Moses" [by the way did he? 'win' that is in Nov.?] Rep. Moses is another gleeming example of a sleezy liberal democrat who had to resign as as mayor of Ft Wayne in 1985 for misappropriating campaign funds prompting bumper stickers refrencing Mr Moses' 'conviction'. He was then REELECTED and served until 1987.......................................R E A L L Y ?????
Behind door number three we find Herbert Hernandez.................the little bit I did read failed to mention his being the CEO of anytthing but it did discuss his position as President of the Ft Wayne Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. He was commenting most enthusiastically about the new program being offerred for the Hispanic community to 'help' them get out of debt and to be able to afford their homes.
This actually gave me one of those "WTF" moments [sorry, on Christmas Eve too!] these idiots are going to continue to provide mortgages for people who no more qualify for them then I qualify to fly a Stealth Bomber but let's not let little details like paying debts get in the way of making lib-tards FEEL GOOD ABOUT THEMSELVES!!!!!!!!!
Emery, I will search and find as many facts as possible to support our side. I suggest that you also read Glenn Beck's "Arguing With Idiots" as I think you will find some good and much needed advice as you are sure to need it against your 'fellow panel members'. I do think that you will make better points when you deliver your presentation but remember you are dealing with people whose ability to 'think' has been long repressed.....they only FEEL!
Emery, you made valid points in your comments and I do agree with you but before we pass any of this happy nonsense we MUST ,FIRST and FORMOST CLOSE our borders! We really have no clue who is coming in nor from where. It has been known for several years that "O.T. M."s [Other than Mexicans] have been crossing into this country with the Mexicans.
I will tell you and any and all who may read this that I know young men who entered this country illegally at the tender ages of 11,12,13. They have lived in incredible crowded conditions and worked their behinds off in horse barns-cleaning stalls, grooming horses and taking all kinds of 'crap' from some owners [who probably need to be medicated in the first place] and they do it pleasantly.....they NEVER argue [even when said owner is certifiable], and literally work their tails off...................all for the REMARKABLE wage of $8--9 per hour! Trust me, I wouldn't take the abuse they swallow for ten times that ammount! They then send as much of that money as they possibly can back to families in Mexico whom they have not seen in more years then they have been away from them.
Then, when times are bad and their hours are cut, they go out and find other jobs they can do AFTER their 'primary' job.
These are the ones I have a problem with and am very conflicted about.............on the one hand, they broke our laws by coming into this country under the secrecy of night and thusly have broken our laws. They all have false social security numbers..............however, because the HAVE numbers are paying into Social Security.
They also pay withholding far I'm not having a problem much as I have thought about it........these are GOOD, honest, human beings................they love their country of origin but because there are no opportunities there and there is also so much corruption there, they follow the dream that so many before them have followed to that 'Shining City on the Hill", The U.S.A.
There has to be an equatable way to permit those who want to enter this country to honestly WORK to do just that. Some sort of guest worker program [Good Lord I HATE the word "PROGRAM" but.......] that will permit them to enter this country, work, pay taxes and do it legally.
What the dems are trying to do is to suck up to the Hispanic 'community' to offer a cheap, easy way in followed by a short cut to citizenship.....................WHY? ANOTHER BIG, RELIABLE, DEPENDENT, VOTING BLOCK! It has worked for years with the African-American Community.....starting with the "Great Society" with LBJohnson in the 1960's. Since then the Black family has all but been destroyed, the number one killer of young black men is young black men and the illegitimate birth rate in the black community is somewhere over 70%. The high school graduation rate is appaullingly low but these people still are reliable votes for the party who has been devoted to keeping them uneducated and on the welfare plantation.
It is MOST important that we THE PEOPLE stop those among us who would divide us into small, insecure groups just to keep us beholdin' to the ones who hand out the crumbs.
They too remember the words of Abraham Lincoln..............."A house divided against itself cannot stand...", it is imperitive that we also take those words to heart and remember the strength we have when we stand shoulder to shoulder, united as one people, one nation, under one God!
We are AMERICA! We are unique, we are blessed by God, we WILL succeed!
God Bless!
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