NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

First up, I missed one yesterday. Please add Ann Coulter to my list of shame…

Ever wonder where America is really going? There are basically two schools of thought. The first puts us on a Schnellzug to Hell courtesy of the New World Order crowd- and the second is a slow and agonizing return to an America envisioned by our founding fathers. Which camp will win? I suppose that depends on you, my conservative friends.

In any case, we cannot underestimate the importance of the impending November elections. They can buy us time. They can neutralize the opposition by shifting the Congressional balance of power slightly in our favor. They can put many new patriots in the Congressional mix, some of whom eventually becoming conservative superstars. Most of all, the coming election will be a thundering national referendum on the debased and demonic policies of Barack Hussein Obama. As Napoleon met his Waterloo, Zero will likely meet his own Ground Zero. I’ll even crawl out on a slender limb and say that this brazen braying jackass may well be removed from office by late next summer.

Now is the time for action. This isn’t like being a kid at Christmas when you could rely on folks to buy you a big pile of presents. And you can bet the minions of America’s political underworld are hard at work- likely funded by the same mammoth illegal international donations that helped sweep Zero to victory in the first place.

We are all busy. Our complicated lives don’t hibernate- especially this time of year. Family responsibilities can’t be put on hold during the fight to take our country back. There are livings to earn, dinners to cook, bathrooms to clean- and all the rest…

And yes, money is in short supply these days- and I know for a fact that there are those of you who have sacrificed significant portions of your family food money to restore our liberties and fight the onslaught of tyranny.

So what do we do? The very same things that have already made us Taxed Enough Already folks a hot commodity- and a sore vexation to the enemy!

Words may be cheap, but they can be extremely effective. Educate yourselves on the issues and get up on your individual soapboxes. Email is the modern megaphone. Use it! Communicate your concerns, anger and frustrations to the fullest. Take part in peaceful demonstrations like our march on Washington last fall- though the messages on those placards were anything but peaceful.

Most of all, remember that the November elections will be an exercise in futility for us- if we don’t get out the conservative vote. Start organizing transportation for seniors and any other productive means to increase voter turnout now- not the last week in October.

We need to put a personal face on this election. Folks are influenced more by the testimony of their faithful friends than phony glitz on television. America is hurting- and that includes you. Don’t be reluctant to voice your opinions- or embarrassed to reveal how Zero has downsized your own American Dreams. Take a lesson from Ronald Wilson Reagan. Communicate!

It is time to raise the decibel level to an earsplitting tumult that will reverberate all across this land- giving new life to that familiar question often directed to Washington: “DO YOU HEAR US NOW?”

Zero has endeavored to divide America by religion, race, economic class and every other means at his disposal. We must defy his miserable intentions and presently join together as a unified band of patriots who will not tolerate the decimation of the precious hopes and dreams of our posterity.

This is America, not China- not yet anyway. We can do this- and telling your personal American story in your own words is the key. Our resources of time and money are limited- but it doesn’t take much effort these days to get angry and let your feelings and opinions be known to others.

It’s all about getting out the vote, my friends- and our words by tongue and pen can be more effective than all that big money from abroad.

Finally, ask yourselves if you are ready to relinquish your liberties without a fight to the death. Are you content to dwell in perpetual servitude under a federal government run amuck? Will you stand by and let your children inherit a future of poverty and serfdom? Nay, nay, nay!

The battle is raging just outside your cottage door- quiet as the summer day may seem. Let us make our voices heard as best we are able- while our breath is yet in us and free speech still empowers us. Then, my fellow Americans, late on the night of 2 November our tears will roll forth in stark realization that we have pulled our beloved country back from the brink of destruction!

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Comment by Wolfy Ghalkhani on August 21, 2010 at 12:19am
I haven't had a decent night's rest since this creeper toook office. I never prayed before but now I do. Every night, I ask God to please give us -the USA- another chance. I hope my prayers are answered. Its not for us but our children.
Comment by Edie Boudreau on August 20, 2010 at 3:22pm
This is a great message, Richard. I haven't blogged in a long time because I have been busy helping with Danny Tarkanian's campaign for U.S. Senate to get rid of Harry Reid in NV. Danny lost because he wouldn't fight dirty like the two women, who then got all the publicity. Plus, Angle kept saying she was supported by the Tea Party when the only supporter was the Tea Party Express, a PAC who is in it for the money. We all know the Tea Partiers across the country made a pact not to promote one conservative over another. But now I'm active again collecting signatures for the NV Open Initative to stop politicians from having closed-door meetings to make the rules and laws that take our freedoms away. Plus, I'm packing to drive to Las Vegas on Sunday so I can fly to Washington, D.C. and attend Glenn Beck's Honor Rally, even though I'm going alone and am 75 and 4'8". We all have to do anything we can make a difference before our country is destroyed.






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