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‘President Hopeless’ to pitch up in Buckingham Palace tonight

Obama's European roadtrip

‘President Hopeless’ to pitch up in Buckingham Palace tonight

 - Judi McLeod  Tuesday, May 24, 2011

image With a visit to his ‘ancestral home’ in Ireland behind him, ‘President Hopeless’ will sleep in Buckingham Palace tonight.

Canada Free Press (CFP) now calls him ‘President Hopeless’ because that’s what he’s working so hard for you to be.

There’ll likely be no palace nightmares for the man who threw out world statesman and unequalled World War II Symbol of Hope, Winston Churchill, whose bust posted back to England was the first sign the coddled 44th president of the USA had “issues” upon arrival in the Oval Office.

One can understand the driving emotional need for Barry Soetoro to go all the way back to great-great-great grandfather days since most of civilization now knows that Barack Obama Sr. turned out to be not only an irresponsible deadbeat father, but someone less than kind to the women in his life.  Difficult for Mr. Soetoro to cook up another Daddy on short notice after publishing Dreams From My Father.

It took a more in-yer-face kind of understanding how this globetrotting president could tell a Dublin crowd yesterday “Your best days are still ahead” at a moment in time when searchers were digging through the Joplin rubble to find survivors of a twister that took 117 lives and three-quarters of the town,  or when hard working,  honest farmers whose crops go a long way in feeding America are still struggling to survive Mississippi waters.

Weeks after being openly snubbed by the wedding guest list of Prince William and Kate Middleton, Queen Elizabeth II will throw the prodigal son of Moneygall an official state dinner.

While we can’t blame Her Majesty for spreading the red carpet for a president who pencilled her in his schedule, we can learn from this latest trip the increasingly wayward ways of the world.  Not the least of the ways is how the monarchies and self-professed leaders climbed high up in their ivory towers to finish in peace, the blueprints for One World Order.

For those not too busy digging out, looking for rain or trying to hang on in the current economy, big wigs like Obama are huddling together over the world economy, international bailouts forced back on their taxpaying ‘subjects’ and so-called “Arab spring” uprisings.

Dawdling over coffee poured out by servants, they will drift into parlay about Iraq and Afghanistan and further romanticize about the “I-shot-the-sheriff” style of the take down of Osama bin Laden.

Europe has become Obama’s big 2012 re-election campaign photo-op.  Strangely not a peep from Britain’s labor unions and a peaceful environment provided by the Muslim Brotherhood.

How the Obamas must have giggled when “long lost cousins” showed up at O’Neill’s Pub,  where what has to be the strangest celebration on earth followed his pronouncement: “My name is Barack Obama, of the Moneygall Obamas.”

Those still on the hunt for Obama’s DNA must have choked on their own beers when Obama told a man in the pub “You look a little like my grandfather.” (The closest they’ve ever come to the Birth Certificate).

Learning about the way of the world is to contemplate how leaders, gorging themselves on delicacies washed down with champagne, haughtily treat the masses, continuing to spin fairytales of who they are on expensive trips paid for by other people’s money.

Obama, for one, who wrote himself into the narrative as Patron Saint of the Poor and Oppressed as long as they vote Democrat, now spends most of his time hobnobbing with royalty, the rich and the famous.

Not only has Obama run off to the other side, he’s become one of their most outstanding toffs.

Long lost cousins and mothers proffering babies for an Obama kiss in gullible Moneygall will be left to the same fate as those living in the hopes that Obama will save their mortgages and fill their gas tanks.

Women who hugged and kissed Obama under the watchful eye of his security detail went to bed the night after The King of the World departed to nagging worries about coming up with the rent money and how to keep their children from going hungry in coming days.

Sadly in Moneygall and other financially challenged villages, towns and cities the world over, the party was over before it even began.  They will soon know that you can only capitalize on Obama fridge magnets and Obama plastic lighters for so long.

Nevertheless, the true end of the Fairytale being written by high-handed and lofty world leaders, including President Hopeless, will boomerang back to something much better than anything ever spun by the Brothers Grimm.  It’s being written every day by the indomitable human spirit, a strain of human characteristics, that unlike politics, never changes.

“President Hopeless”  wants so badly for Americans to be absolutely hopeless.  But farmers, truckers, clerks, taxi drivers, single mothers et al are all far better equipped to deal with reality than self-professed world leaders and blue-bloods who need the trappings of the rich to see them through their days.

While Obama had the pretend shamrock on his ever-bending fanny kissed by Europeans, real people with real tragedies were digging out from under the rubble in Joplin and Minneapolis,  surviving raging fires brought on by drought in Texas and just getting on with life.

And they were doing it with real courage, goaded on by love of God, country and family with trust in people who really matter, few of them politicians posing as world leaders.


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Comment by Sandra on May 24, 2011 at 8:01pm
I certainly hope the Irish in this country are not as dumb as zero thinks He is playing them with this Irish BS.. He must really need votes badly.






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