NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

To call a spade a spade has cost lives and injuries. Will we ever learn that - if it walks like a duck, …?
I am so sick and tired of people pussy-footing around with the truth. At least the NY Post has the 'equipment' to call it what it is. Thanks

Fort Hood's 9/11
By Ralph Peeters, Last Updated: 1:59 PM, November 6, 2009

On Thursday afternoon, a radicalized Muslim US Army officer shouting "Allahu Akbar!" committed the worst act of terror on American soil since 9/11. And no one wants to call it an act of terror or associate it with Islam.
What cowards we are. Political correctness killed those patriotic Americans at Ft. Hood as surely as the Islamist gunman did. And the media treat it like a case of non-denominational shoplifting.
This was a terrorist act. When an extremist plans and executes a murderous plot against our unarmed soldiers to protest our efforts to counter Islamist fanatics, it’s an act of terror. Period.

When the terrorist posts anti-American hate-speech on the Web; apparently praises suicide bombers and uses his own name; loudly criticizes US policies; argues (as a psychiatrist, no less) with his military patients over the worth of their sacrifices; refuses, in the name of Islam, to be photographed with female colleagues; lists his nationality as "Palestinian" in a Muslim spouse-matching program, and parades around central Texas in a fundamentalist playsuit — well, it only seems fair to call this terrorist an "Islamist terrorist."

But the president won’t. Despite his promise to get to all the facts. Because there’s no such thing as "Islamist terrorism" in ObamaWorld.

And the Army won’t. Because its senior leaders are so sick with political correctness that pandering to America-haters is safer than calling terrorism "terrorism."

And the media won’t. Because they have more interest in the shooter than in our troops — despite their crocodile tears.

Maj. Nadal Malik Hasan planned this terrorist attack and executed it in cold blood. The resulting massacre was the first tragedy. The second was that he wasn’t killed on the spot.

Hasan survived. Now the rest of us will have to foot his massive medical bills. Activist lawyers will get involved, claiming "harassment" drove him temporarily insane. There’ll be no end of trial delays. At best, taxpayer dollars will fund his prison lifestyle for decades to come, since our politically correct Army leadership wouldn’t dare pursue or carry out the death penalty.

Maj. Hasan will be a hero to Islamist terrorists abroad and their sympathizers here. While US Muslim organizations decry his acts publicly, Hasan will be praised privately. And he’ll have the last laugh.

But Hasan isn’t the sole guilty party. The US Army’s unforgivable political correctness is also to blame for the casualties at Ft. Hood.

Given the myriad warning signs, it’s appalling that no action was taken against a man apparently known to praise suicide bombers and openly damn US policy. But no officer in his chain of command, either at Walter Reed Army Medical Center or at Ft. Hood, had the guts to take meaningful action against a dysfunctional soldier and an incompetent doctor.

Had Hasan been a Lutheran or a Methodist, he would’ve been gone with the simoon. But officers fear charges of discrimination when faced with misconduct among protected minorities.

Now 12 soldiers and a security guard lie dead. 31 soldiers were wounded, 28 of them seriously. If heads don’t roll in this maggot’s chain of command, the Army will have shamed itself beyond moral redemption.

There’s another important issue, too. How could the Army allow an obviously incompetent and dysfunctional psychiatrist to treat our troubled soldiers returning from war? An Islamist whacko is counseled for arguing with veterans who’ve been assigned to his care? And he’s not removed from duty? What planet does the Army live on?

For the first time since I joined the Army in 1976, I’m ashamed of its dereliction of duty. The chain of command protected a budding terrorist who was waving one red flag after another. Because it was safer for careers than doing something about him.

Get ready for the apologias. We’ve already heard from the terrorist’s family that "he’s a good American." In their world, maybe he is.

But when do we, the American public, knock off the PC nonsense?

A disgruntled Muslim soldier murdered his officers way back in 2003, in Kuwait, on the eve of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Recently? An American mullah shoots it out with the feds in Detroit. A Muslim fanatic attacks an Arkansas recruiting station. A Muslim media owner, after playing the peace card, beheads his wife. A Muslim father runs over his daughter because she’s becoming too Westernized.

Muslim terrorist wannabes are busted again and again. And we’re assured that "Islam’s a religion of peace."

I guarantee you that the Obama administration’s non-response to the Ft. Hood attack will mock the memory of our dead.

Read other great commentaries by Lt. Col. Ralph Peters, in The New York Post-

November 08, 2009
Obama can't be bothered by Islamic terrorism. Move on? Yes he can! By RALPH PETERS.
Last Updated: 6:07 AM, November 8, 2009. Posted: 12:29 AM, November 8, 2009. ...

November 07, 2009
... Ralph Peters. ... Ralph Peters' latest novel is "The War After Armageddon.". Have a comment
on this PostOpinion column? Send it in to LETTERS@NYPOST.COM! Topics. ...

November 06, 2009
... Ralph Peters. As USS New York pre pares to join the fleet, she will enter a world
of crises. ... Ralph Peters' latest novel is "The War After Armageddon.". ...

Ralph Peters’ latest novel is "The War After Armageddon."

"We have always been here. Since the American Revolution. We will always
be here, waiting in the shadows 'til America needs us again. We are your
Veterans and we love you more than our own lives, America."

Thanks to Debbie C., for sharing the above content.

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Comment by Carmen Mesa on November 11, 2009 at 3:34pm
Political correctness is destroying our country.
Comment by Kathryn Ball on November 10, 2009 at 12:00pm
Rush Limbaugh read this piece yesterday on his program. How great is it that at least ONE journalist understands the actions or [better said] LACK thereof of the Army to see the red flags that Hasan waved throughout his time in the army.
His job was to counsel soldiers when they retutned home from Iraq or Afganistan, instead he stressed the error of their ways and told them that any guilt on the part of departing Americans is well deserved.
He was diciplined several times during his residency and fellowship at Walter Reed Hospital for inappropriate comments made to patients.
At 'Grand Rounds' where certain cases & treatments are detailed by the physicians involved in that patient's care. When it was Hasan's turn, he went on a rant about the Quran and his ISLAMIC faith.
In the past month he visited a strip club in Texas THREE TIMES, even paying for a 'LAP DANCE'.
Have we forgotten that Mohammed Atta and the other 9/11 perpetraters did the same thing?
The FACT is that Major Hasan was a radical Islamist, the Army knew it and did nothing for fear that someone might be offended if any kind of disciplinary action was taken. Will these same individuals sit with the families of those who died and at least ATTEMPT to explain the justification for practicing Political Correctness rather than exercising the sort of judgement which would have prevented the slaughter of thirteen innocent human beings. Will they reassure wounded and the families of the wounded that they will, in the future, take appropriate measures to insure this does NOT happen, ever again?
Hasan even attrracted the attention of the FBI and had been investigated by that agency. To what purpose?!?
In 1979, the Islamo Fascists were given a signal from then Pres. Carter that the United States didn't have the resolve to respond in kind to an act of war against US property [the Embassy in Tehran] against US Citizens. The Ayatolah was amazed by the lack of response and this gave birth to the expanding assault on the rest of the world by Fundamentalist Muslims.
The 19 who flew OUR planes into OUR buildings were ALL Muslims, looking at Muslims when protecting the security of the American people would seem the SENSEABLE way to approach the problem. Because of the behavior of the 9/11 hijackers we must look more carefully at Muslims whose behavior is suspicious [as that of Major Hasan].
Had blue eyed, blonde, Norwegians planned and carried out 9/11, THOSE are the people who would deserve increased scrutiny.
Unless we wake up and dispense with Political Correctness we will lose our freedoms.
"Their grievance is our freedom of religion. Their grievance is our democratic process. Islamic religious authorities and terrorist leaders repeatedly state that they will destroy the United States and Western civilization. Unless we take them at their wrod, and defend ourselves, they will succeed.................BECAUSE THEY HATE." Brigitte Gabriel. Ms Gabriel was born in Lebanan and experienced the destruction of Lebanese democracy when the Palestinian refugees were welcomed to that country. Her book "Because they Hate" is an attempt to prevent the same thing from happening in her adopted country, the U.S.A.
My concern is that because Hasan planned and carried out this TERRORIST attack, on our largest, incountry military base, killing people who had pledged their lives to serve and protect the citizens of this country that his actions will serve as the impetus to other radicals living here to commit more attacks within our borders.
We may find ourselves living with violence becoming part of the fabric of our lives. I wonder when and where the first car-bomb will explode on US soil?
Comment by Clyde Sawyer on November 10, 2009 at 10:32am
RALPH I see we think alike its time to run all these PEOPLE and I use the term loosley, back to the scum pond they came from. I am sick to DEATH OF PC how many of our people have to DIE before some one stands up and and calls these mask face, low life scum bags what they are. LETS see them for what they are, you can call me what ever you want to? but I am TIRED of this crap lets get rid of these JOKERS
Comment by Elizabeth Parella on November 10, 2009 at 8:58am
The New York Post is the newspaper of record for all New Yorkers of the conservative persuasion. They call it as they see it and make no bones about the Fort Hood tragedy and call it an act of terrorism which is certainly is. The other papers are chicken-little in their approach as are most of the present government so-called leaders. They couldn't lead their children to the bathroom much less lead this nation back to prosperity and freedom. Control at any cost is what our fearless leader and his hench-people want.... Will those of us who shout from the rafters about this act of terrorism be jailed for speaking our minds??? It could happen...not yet, but perhaps soon...






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