NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

Plain talk from Member Emery McClendon



Member Emery McClendon’s





What’s brewing in America? A Tea Party Revolt!


Since his election, Barack Obama and his supporters have sought to move our nation leftward at breakneck speed. In the process, they’ve exhibited a blatant disregard for our Constitution, traditions, military and the general rule of law.

Americans accepted it at first, but now their patience is wearing thin.

Young people are being indoctrinated in left-wing politics, personified by figures such as Mao and Bill Ayers - enemies of our nation’s founding principles nonetheless admired by members of the Obama Administration.

Those same people also appear bent on taking us further away from our traditional Judeo-Christian morals and values.

It’s shocking that a nation with more freedoms and liberties than most others could fall for such garbage. What happened to the hearts and minds of so many Americans? It’s clear there’s a battle for the soul of America being waged.

White House ranks are flush with people of an anti-American mindset. Some of these are "czars" with powerful portfolios that are virtually exempt from legislative branch oversight.

But the radical tendencies aren’t reserved for staff. Obama calls a known terrorist - the aforementioned Ayers - a friend. Obama is an adherent of Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals and studied Fareed Zakaria’s Post-American World. He has bowed to foreign leaders, apologized for our nation’s strong leadership and is spending America into staggering debt.

Obama, it also cannot be forgotten, was groomed for this day. He was helped by many who would love to see our nation lose its superpower status. It contradicts his campaign rhetoric.
A childhood mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, was a known communist organizer. Yet communism has never worked in practice and never will. It is the free market system and limited government that our nation’s founders wanted and has served us well.

Similarly, how could people believe equitable hope and change could come from someone who worshiped for two decades under the Reverend Jeremiah Wright and the hateful "black liberation theology" he preaches? Despite his claims to want a post-racial America, his actions speak louder than words.

The contradictions and radicalism have reached the tipping point.

Witness the growth of the Patriot Tea Party movement. People are waking up and saying enough is enough. They want America returned to its founding principles.

Even those who voted for him are now finding themselves opposed to Obama’s "change." They are saying no to government-run health care, cap-and-trade energy taxes, "card check" unionization schemes, wasteful spending, bailouts, back room deals, illegal immigrant amnesty and other proposals contrary to our Constitution.

We of the tea parties are fighting back.

Beginning with rallies and town hall meetings, we are asking our elected officials: "Can you hear us now?" Elections in Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts found actions were even louder than words.

We know limited government and a free market economy makes America work. We see Obama’s policies as an impediment to America’s future success. Every day, more people are waking up to this truth. We cannot and will not allow our children to be denied the American Dream while simultaneously being burdened with staggering debt.

America is our land, given to us by those who fought and died to create the greatest nation on earth. We cannot allow a few to destroy it.

The Tea Party movement in America has developed as a way for the general public to express their discontent with the direction the administration is taking the country. It is a movement that has drawn thousands nationwide since it's inception.

Rick Santilli, of CNBC is credited with having started the movement as he stood on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange on February 19, 2009, and yelled out a rant against the Obama administration's proposal to help homeowners facing foreclosure refinance their mortgages. He continued by declaring that he wanted to organize a Chicago Tea Party. The purpose of the event would be to dump some derivative securities into Lake Michigan. A video of his rant became a hit on YouTube, and others around the country followed by organizing these Tea Parties nation wide. They were a clear reference to what The Colonists did in the Boston Harbor to protest taxes imposed by King George. The name became an acronym for "Taxed Enough Already."
I became involved in the Tea Party during Santilli's event by co-hosting a Blog Talk Radio show that broadcasted live interviews from cities around the country, which held events to coincide with the Chicago Tea Party of Santilli's

Later I organized the Tea Party, which took place in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The event featured Dr. Alan Keys as the keynote speaker, and drew a very large crowd.

As Congress and The Obama Administration continued to move forward with unpopular left-winged socialist legislation, more and more of these Tea Parties began to pop up around the country. The largest of these events took place in September of 2009 in Washington D.C.

The movement is an outreach of American citizens from all walks of life and diverse cultures that are unhappy with the direction that our elected leaders are taking this country. They come from all political backgrounds and they encourage all Americans that wish to preserve our nation as it was founded to join together to restore America to its founding principles as set forth in the Constitution. These unhappy citizens are those that believe in the fundamental principles of The Constitution Of The United States, and the Rule Of Law. They also believe that America is straying away from its Constitutional role of limited government, low taxes, and wasteful spending; and is spending itself into massive debt.
They also dislike the government takeover of private enterprise, and our health-care system.

Tea Parties are one of many ways that Americans are coming together to restore our nation’s founding principles. Numerous other groups are forming and working together as a coalition to achieve this purpose. They are training our citizens in matters of importance that relate to our political system. They have formed book clubs that study our founding principles, they are holding candidate forums, registering people to vote, and educating people in the political system so that they can make good choices at the polls. Many of the Tea Party groups are working together to form coalitions to help send solutions to our elected officials.

These people are not making an attempt to destroy our current political system, or to begin a new third party system. They just want to hold our elected officials to the highest of standards, and make sure that we continue to elect people to office that respect our Constitution, and will defend it with laws that do not violate its principles.

I have been involved in the Tea Party rallies, and other patriotic events since its inception. I am an African American, and I have been invited to participate with open arms. I have been invited to speak at these events, and to sit on panels that make suggestions as to where these groups want to take the movement in the future

It is my experience with these rallies and events that has lead me to see that the people involved have a deep love and respect for his nation, and our Constitution, and they are willing to stand up to save this nation for our posterity. They also would like to see people from all walks of life, and diverse cultures participate.
We must - and we will - save our country, as we stand up for our founding principles and work together to keep America strong. God Bless America!

Emery McClendon is an Air Force veteran and native of Fort Wayne, Indiana where he organized their first Tea Party. He is a speaker at, and an organizer of, Tea Party events across the nation.


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Comment by Kathryn Ball on April 6, 2010 at 11:58pm
Emery, you served our country in the Air Force and continue to do so in the current fight to retain
us, America, The United States.
What we are facing today is in many ways is a more formidable foe than the King George our Founders had to deal with. We have better tools, especially as far as communications are concerned but the 'enemy' is more difficult than the one faced by our Founders.
Until the Johnson administration in the 1960's, this country had never fostered a 'dependent underclass'. Johnson's 'War on Poverty' created just such a group.....people who were offered support have, generations later, become like a demanding, spoiled child who thinks that its existence must be subsidized by the tax payers or 'providers'.
During the Cold War, the Soviets knew that they had no hope of destroying the United States militarily but believed [and rightly so] that if they could infiltrate this country, and with care and subtleity work their idealogy into our schools, changing actual history into a laundered version, selectively removing the principles upon which this great land was founded....they would defeat the greatest nation in the history of the world.
It would appear that their dream is coming true. Our children have been 'dumbed down'. Our history has been bastardized, our 'heros' villified and our national pride has been apologized for and redefined as 'arrogance'.
In 2008 we were given two choices for president, a war veteran, long time Senator, milquetoast, appeaser candidate and a young, attractive, well spoken [who knew it was all the teleprompter?!?] African-American peddling HOPE & CHANGE, a 'post-racial America', a consolodation of Republicans and Democrats, no more 'PARTISANSHIP' [AKA DEMOCRACY].....a candidate who sent "Chills up" the legs of most of the media...........a modern day Messiah........!
For those of us who actually LOOK at the candidates, their history, their associations and their past statements there was alot of troubling information out there.
However........NO MATTER!!! Youth, Charm and a really HEALTHY load of consentrated horse manure won. [Am I the only one to notice that Mrs Obama's election night dress made her look like a Black Widow Spider?!? OK, I know that was a bit 'catty' but did anyone notice????]
To date, this administration is a disaster. The above mentioned actions not, the President of the United States of America [formerly the 'land of the free'] announced to the world, friends and enemies alike, that we [that would be US] will NEVER use nuclear weapons, even if we are first attacked by biological agents or anything else.
The definition of treason is 'to give aid and comfort to the enemies of this country'.......would anyone like to guess how today's announcement has made the pres. of Iran feel?
Comment by david k on April 6, 2010 at 9:49pm
Thank you Sir for your service to the nation. This is not a sprint, but a marathon. They have fired their shot at us and it is the same ammunition that they have been using for decades. That tells me that they are running low on innovation and are ideologically bankrupt.






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