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Outrages to Remember Before Voting on November 2/Abandoning American Citizens in Favor of Foreign Invaders, Obamacare

Abandoning American Citizens in Favor of Foreign Invaders, Obamacare

Outrages to Remember Before Voting on November 2

By John Lillpop Sunday, October 17, 2010

Before voting for any Democrat on November 2, voters who really care
about the future of America need to reflect on the old adage which holds
that, “Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely.”

That truth has never been more in evidence than over the past two years,
during which time America has been in the hands of an ultra-liberal
Democrat in the White House and equally far-left Democrats presiding over
majorities in both chambers of Congress.

The results of the Obama, Reid, and Pelosi deadly stranglehold on our
precious nation are ugly, indeed.

The Ugliest of the ugly include:

( ) Refusal to protect all U.S. citizens, regardless of race.

( ) Out of control federal spending, soaring deficits, record
unemployment, and an economy that has grown steadily worse since
Democrats took charge in 2009;

( ) Lack of commitment to winning the war in Afghanistan, even while
American soldiers continue to die there;

( ) Legal actions taken against the sovereign state of Arizona for
protecting its citizens from foreign criminals; siding with Mexico in its
rhetoric against the rule of law in Arizona;

( ) Refusal to accept the fact that Islam is the major source of
terrorism in the world and that America is indeed at war with

All of the calamities identified could have been averted, or their impact
at least minimized, had the U.S. Congress fulfilled it constitutional
obligation to provide oversight of the Executive Branch.

Under the partisan leadership of Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority
Leader Harry Reid, oversight was a forgotten (ignored!) virtue.

As a result, Executive incompetence, overreaching, and blatantly
anti-American misbehavior were never challenged, except when Pelosi or
Reid sought even greater liberal excesses.

Again, “Power Corrupts, and Absolute Power Corrupts

Although the list of atrocities committed by the unholy trifecta of
Obama, Reid, and Pelosi is nearly endless, there are a few that are
particularly outrageous and should serve as a wake-up call to anyone
considering a vote for any Democrat.

The list of particularly grievous atrocities follows:

Refusal to Provide Equal Protection for All

This outrage is so unbelievable that it continues to stun and amaze.

On November 4, 2008, voters in Philadelphia were intimidated by members
of the New Black Panther Party while attempting to cast ballots.

Before President Bush left office in January of 2009, his Department of
Justice (DOJ) filed a lawsuit under the Voting Rights Act against the New
Black Panthers Party.

However, once Obama appointees to the DOJ took over, charges against the
New Black Panther members were dropped.

On September 24, 2010, former Justice Department prosecutor Christopher
Coates, in testimony at a U.S. Civil Rights Commission Hearing, shocked
the nation when he revealed that the voter intimidation case was dropped
because the suspects were black and their alleged victims were

“They have not pursued the goal of equal protection of the law for all
people,” Coates reportedly said.

Repeat: According to a former Justice Department prosecutor, our
federal government refused to prosecute claims when the plaintiffs were

People of color: Take no solace in this injustice. In this case, the
victims of government bias are white people.

But what about next time? Will it be YOUR race or nationality or cause
that the Obama administration arbitrarily refuses to protect?

Abandoning American Citizens in Favor of Foreign Invaders

The Democrat party has been the “illegal alien” party for a number of years. This is so because liberals can no
longer rely on reasonable Americans for votes and power.

Thus, the need for advocating on behalf of millions of uneducated, poor
illegal invaders who are easily persuaded provided the free benefits
(health care, education, welfare, etc.) are doled out in sufficient

True to their sinister disregards for the rule of law, American
sovereignty, and preservation of American culture and language, Democrats
consider invading criminals to be “Newly Arrived Refugees,” and, more
importantly, future Democrats.

This betrayal of America and American citizens reached a new low in 2010
as President Obama ordered his administration to file suit against
Arizona because of SB 1070, the state’s attempt to protect citizens from
the ravages of foreign invaders.

Unbelievable! The United States government suing an American state for
resisting invasions from foreign criminals!

Even more outrageous was the betrayal of America by Congressional
Democrats on May 19, 2010, when all Democrats in the House and Senate
gave Mexican President Felipe Calderon a standing ovation for his
condemnation of Arizona and law SB 1070!

Remember: On May 19, all Democrats in the U.S. Congress stood to cheer a
foreign leader who had just condemned Arizona law makers for protecting
American citizens.

How can any reasonably-patriotic American vote for any Democrat after
such vile and treasonous behavior?

Playing Politics with American Lives in Afghanistan

In his book titled, “Obama’s Wars” journalist Bob Woodward exposes the fact that winning the war in
Afghanistan has never been much of a priority to Obama or the

Which is why Obama insisted on a time table for withdrawal, a carefully
crafted commitment that would bring the troops home in time for the 2012
presidential election.

How can any thinking American vote for any Democrat when the Democrat
Commander-in-chief uses American troops as pawns in a deadly game of
political chess?

Use of Bribery & Political Sleight of Hand to Pass ObamaCare

The notion that the United States Congress provides “Honest, Open Government” to legislate and govern was blown all
to hell by the political chicanery, cheating, and behind the scenes
bribery used by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, with considerable help from
Obama, to pass a Marxist form of health care called ObamaCare.

ObamaCare was, and is, opposed by most Americans, and for good

To begin with, ObamaCare mandates that American citizens purchase health
care or face the travails of dealing with the IRS for

In addition, the assumptions and projections behind ObamaCare have
already proven to be faulty at best, criminal at worst.

How can any thinking American vote for any Democrat knowing that this
party has taken away freedom of choice from Americans when it comes to
health care, and has used bribery and sleight-of-hand to pass legislation
that America does not need or want?

These four outrages are the most irritating and anger-provoking to
me. There are hundreds more.

The bottom line is that the Democrat Party no longer operates with the
best interests of the American people in mind. A lust for power and an
obsession with socialism makes Democrats completely out of mainstream

Please carefully consider these outrages before voting for any

Again, “Power Corrupts, and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely.”

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Comment by Sandra on October 17, 2010 at 8:33pm






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