NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.
Holy Eric Holder, Attorney General
A glow around his silhouette? Give Me A Break!
Highest law enforcement officer in land, known for roles in pardons/clemency for terrorists & those connected with them, African-American Eric Holder is Attorney General under African-American President Barack Obama, elected by our country who Holder says is still a "nation of cowards" when it comes to race! Cowards? this from a man who a guy who's supposed to defend the Constitution but wants to limit the first & second amendments, who pardoned FALN terrorists guilty of murder, & helped in pardon for *fugitive* Marc Rich aiding Iran. He is one of many in Obama's Dept. of Justice who either represented or whose firms represented terrorists, particularly Gitmo terrorists. (DOJ Civil Division headed by Tony West -- lawyer for "American Taliban" John Walker Lindh!) We are so screwed with this guy for an Attorney General. Obama's judgment in choosing Holder should loudly tell all of us to expect both corruption & terrorism enabling from this administration.- EncompassedRunner
The O'Reilly Factor, segment with Liz Cheney 3/3/10
Responding to an inquiry from Senator Charles Grassley, Holder admitted that nine DOJ attorneys had previously been involved defending detainees:
“To the best of our knowledge, during their employment prior to joining the government, only five of the lawyers who serve as political appointees in those components represented detainees,” Holder said in a letter dated Feb. 18. “Four others contributed to amicus briefs in detainee-related cases involved in advocacy on behalf of detainees.”
Who are these attorneys? How deeply were they committed to protecting the “rights” of irregular troops bent on destruction of western civilization?
Holder has released the names of exactly two: Neal Katyal, the DOJ’s principal deputy solicitor general:
and Jennifer Daskal:
w ho is part of Obama’s Detention Policy Task Force. Prior to assuming their positions in DOJ, both Katyal and Daskal were involved in defending suspected terrorists. Holder had nothing to lose in releasing those two names, since their histories had already been reported.
What about the remaining seven? Holder isn’t telling, prompting Liz Cheney’s Keep America Safe website to ponder the question: “Who Are the Al Qaeda 7?” Justice Department spokesman Matt Miller responded to that question with a self-congratulatory statement that was nothing more than a classic bureaucratic sidestep:
As we noted in a letter to Senators, the Justice Department’s attorneys are subject to ethics and disclosure rules as required under both Department guidelines and this administration’s own ethics rules, which are the strongest in history. One week after this Department secured a guilty plea from Najibullah Zazi for attempting to attack the New York subway system and indicted two of his co-conspirators for their alleged role in that attack, it should be clear that fighting terrorism and keeping the American people safe is our number one priority.
This “most transparent administration in the history of the republic” is looking more and more opaque every month and this episode is merely the latest example of the trend. The left, naturally, is outraged by the idea that someone might question the motivation of those charged with defending America against terrorists. “This is plainly unacceptable in the United States,” Ken Gude of the Center for American Progress, wrote in an e-mail. “Condemnation is not sufficient. This is pure McCarthyism.”
McCarthyism? Really? Was it “McCarthyism” when leftists gleefully exposed the corporate ties that supposedly twisted the views of members of the Bush administration? I seem to recall that, according to the progressive narrative, Bush’s advisors were pretty much running the country for the exclusive benefit of Haliburton. Government officials who hold key positions of power and influence have always been put under the microscope, as they should be. The proposition that Holder’s attorneys should somehow be exempt from this kind of close examination, particularly when they are engaged in a war on terror that threatens our very way of life, is ludicrous.
But then, the idea that we can prosecute that war effectively while treating terrorists to the legal niceties that one affords the local pickpocket is equally ludicrous. If Obama and Holder are determined to use the justice system to prosecute religious zealots bent on injustice, the least they can do is to ensure that the prosecutors involved in this quixotic effort have their heart in it. By refusing to even name the Al Qaeda 7, much less address their qualifications and motivations, Obama and Holder have demonstrated once again that national security won’t stand in the way of political correctness in this brave new hopey/changey era. It won’t be long, I fear, before we will pay the price their spectacular naiveté.
Posted on Wednesday, February 03, 2010 4:48:36 PM by Sergeant Tim
AG Eric Holder said he knows we are at war during his November 18, 2009 testimony before the Senate Judicary Committee concerning his decision to prosecute Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and the other four 9/11 conspirators in federal court. Unfortunately, Mr. Holder does not walk that talk. (See video of Fox News report here.)
Attorney General Eric Holder says he made the decision to charge the Christmas Day terror suspect in the civilian system with no objection from all the other relevant departments of the government. In a letter to Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, the attorney general says that the FBI told its partners in the intelligence community on Christmas Day and again the next day that Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab would be charged criminally.
Mr. Holder apparently misunderstands his oath of office:
'I (name), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.'
Nowhere within those words or our Constitution are the enemies of the United States afforded the rights of American citizens. It is reckless to unilaterally provide a fair fight to those waging war against our troops abroad and civilians here at home.
Mr. Holder should resign and President Obama should replace him with someone with no interest in defending the enemy's "rights."
Update: Stephens Hayes at The Weekly Standard blog has more on this in his Obama Vs. Holder post:
In an interview with 60 Minutes last spring, President Obama discussed the handling of captured terrorists and challenged those who claimed the "American system of justice was not up to the task of dealing with these terrorists." Obama said: "I fundamentally disagree with that. Now -- do these folks deserve Miranda rights? Do they deserve to be treated like a shoplifter -- down the block? Of course not."
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