NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

Odds and Ends - A Good Read on Many Topics

WEDNESDAY -  January 26,  2011
Last Friday, the world's most articulate and intelligent human announced that he was appointing General Electric Company CEO Jeffrey Immelt as the head of a Council on Jobs and Competitiveness.  BOY!  What a relief.  For a moment there I was under the impression that we were not going to have any new Councils;  Committees;  Blue Ribbon Panels;  or some other useless group by some other name.  Are we not fortunate that the world's most intelligent and articulate human is around to appoint this type of quality individual to head another group.
If you wanted to find a bigger turd to appoint to a position, I challenge you to find a bigger one than Jeffrey Immelt.  Am I wrong, or is this the same Jeffery Immelt who was the CEO of General Electric several years ago when it was learned that General Electric was doing some back door business with Iran?
I guess that must have been another Jeffery Immelt and another General Electric operating behind the scenes.
The bottom line is that Jeffery Immelt fits right in with the other people that the world's most intelligent and articulate human has chosen to associate with over the years.  And the following is an Obama quote from the Associated Press article:
"Our job is to do everything we can to ensure that businesses can take root, and FOLKS can find good jobs.   We're going to BUILD  STUFF and INVENT STUFF".
WOW!  I really love it when the world's most articulate and intelligent human really gets down to the explanation of another of his brilliant ideas.  I wish he wouldn't be so technical though.  Wonder if that last couple of statements made a chill run up the leg of Permanent Varmint, Chris Matthews?
Anyway this is just another useless move appointing a useless turd to a useless position on a useless panel created by the most useless President this country has seen.   Sorry Jimmy Carter, your title has been taken away............... but just barely.
I read, heard, and received photographs of a rather disturbing occurrence which took place at a celebration of Martin Luther King Day in Columbia, South Carolina.   According to the articles and I am looking at a photograph of the event as I am writing this piece:
"The annual MLK observance at the state house in Columbia SC had an interesting twist this year.  The event is held on the north side steps of the statehouse.  Prominent at that location is a large bronze statue of George Washington.  This year, the NAACP constructed a BOX to conceal the Father of His Country from view so that participants would not be offended by his presence."
Well, to the NAACP and to those who would be offended at viewing a statue of our Nation's FIRST  PRESIDENT and who is one of those directly responsible for the formation of The United States of America and is a true American Hero, I feel that I must point out that the NAACP is becoming almost as irrelevant as the United Nations and to those NAACP Members or to anyone else who might be offended at a statue of the Father Of Our Country TOO BAD.  Or as Major Frank Burns on the TV series M.A.S.H might have said,  "HARD  CHEESE".  Or perhaps I should say what I really feel,  TOUGH SHIT!
Or perhaps the NAACP and their obviously incompetent leadership might be better served if they pursued the answer to these two questions:
1)  Why can Goofy talk and Pluto cannot?
2)  Why Popeye and Bluto always fought over the ugliest woman ever?
What a bunch of buffoons.
Yesterday evening I was torn between watching the entire State of the Union speech or going out and eating pizza.  We chose the latter and were not sorry for the choice we made.   We took six young Korean students out for pizza and after eating we treated them to a game room where they rode motorcycles; jet skis;  race cars; and shot pistols (electronic of course).   They had a ball and so did we.   Anyway I knew that arriving at our house about 8:30 P.M. we would still be subjected to a good part of the State of the Union Address given by the world's most articulate and intelligent human.
You see in today's world of communications we are subjected to a number of reports early in the day in which so called reporters, who have received copies of the speech, tell us what the President is going to say.   Then if you watch the speech you can hear direct from his mouth what he is saying.  Then after the speech you can be bombarded with varying reports of what you just heard.  All in all it is a slight case of overkill and in reality it is much ado about nothing.
First of all during the parts of the speech that I heard, I was fairly well convinced that the world's most articulate and intelligent human was lying.  Then I felt as if he were speaking in such general terms that there were no specifics.  And I don't know about the rest of you but I am a hell of a lot more interested in SPENDING  CUTS than I am in a BUDGET  FREEZE.
When you really dissect what these politicians are saying, a Budget Freeze means that the amount of monies spent/wasted will remain.  Spending Cuts indicates that there will be a reduction in spending.   Just like when the Democrats/Liberals/Progressive/Socialists talk about Tax Cuts For The Rich, they are actually describing  tax rates remaining the same.  If something remains the same it is not a CUT.
Then of course we were subjected to all this Kumbayah and and reaching across the aisle and bi-partisan rhetoric.   Please spare me.  Then we are subjected to so called Republican Senator John McCain tell us how smart Barack Obama is and what good ideas he has and that all in all he is doing a good job.
In this morning's edition of the (sub) Standard Times there was a section called West Texas Reaction.   In this section there were  statements by both Texas Senators and three West Texas Congressmen.  The report did not surprise me at all.  Senator John Cornyn said that he wanted to see action rather than just talk.  But he was against new government spending and called for a balanced budget amendment................. Representative Mike Conaway said that his number one priority was cutting spending and that holding spending at its current rate wasn't good enough.................. Representative Mac Thornberry also called for change in government spending and reviewing every government program for efficiency and effectiveness................. Representative Randy Neugebauer said, "On November 2, the voters of this country sent the federal government a memo.  The memo was very clear.  Americans want Washington out of their way, and want tax hikes and rising deficits to end.  Unfortunately many of the statements made by the president tonight appear to signal that he still has not read this memo and doesn't understand that larger government means a weaker and less innovative  economy."....................... And last but not least was Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison who said, "Tonight we saw a change in the President's message, and that is a good sign....... I look forward to working in the Senate, with my colleagues in the House, and with the President to create jobs in the private sector, and to bring down spending."
In my estimation, Kay Bailey Hutchison is a RINO and has also announced that she will not be seeking another term in the U.S. Senate.  That suits me fine as I do not believe that she reflects anything resembling conservative views and has waffled on many occasions in the past.  Several years ago I received a reply from her office which indicated to me that she had no real interest in the views of her constituents and she sounded an awful lot like John McCain and Lindsey Graham regarding immigration.
Anyway, I was not the least bit surprised at this speech and I was a bit surprised that most of the FOX News folks thought this speech was pretty useless and presented no answers to the problems faced by our nation.  Of course the exceptions were Juan Williams and Kirsten Powers which came as no surprise.  But Brit Hume and Charles Krauthammer were pretty critical.
 Tony Aguilar, Mary Vigil -NM;    Ella Dunlop, Bill Wigginton,  Kaleigh Paige Hudgens,   Cliff Peiser,  Bob Wallman,  Maria Tupaz  - TX;   Sr. Delphine Grigas (94) - IL;   Paul & Debby Gula,  Mike Burkebak, Lanelle Kittlestad,  Alan Miller,  Joe P. Hunt,  Debbie McKeown, Violet  Fermin, Harold Smith, Carlos Fernandez  - FL;   Irma & L.T. Drennan - OK;   Therese Skaggs - NE;    Gladys Beasley, Barbara Urban - MD;   Sharon Fields - AZ;   Susan O'Brien, Kate Powell,  Annise Kennedy -  CA;    Meryl Coleman - OR;   John Bowcutt - WA;   GySgt. Daniel West, Rudy Bates, MSgt. Randy Morrow, Cpl. Brandon Robinson, 2nd Lt. Michael Rice,  GySgt. James Walker, 2nd Lt. George Zeigler,  SSgt. Matt Ross, Alex Boyd, Capt. Bjorn Thoreen, RCT Graydon J. Phillips - USMC;    Kenneth Thomas -USCG;   SSgt. Eric Grudziecke, A1 Elizabeth & Cody Barber, Col. Phil Samples, TSgt. Aaron Brown - USAF;   Capt. Brian Kriss - TxANG;   Lt. William Jourdan,  CDR Robert McLay,  Ensign Tommy Brown, Lt. Michael Brown,   LCDR Jeff Palmer - US NAVY;   Levi English, Ethan English, Russell Brown - US NAVAL ACADEMY;   SSgt. Mike Campagna - SPECIAL FORCES;   SSgt.Michael Strawn, Sgt. Logan McKinzie,  PFC Richard Lee Bishop, Capt. (Fr) Kevin Peek, Maj. Fred W. Tanner, Lt. Col. Robbie Ball,  Joel Reynolds, SSgt. Travis McGowan,   Michael B. Hudgens - US ARMY;  Eric Aubin -CANADIAN ARMY;     John Mallory - DEA;   Fr. Joseph M. Peek;  Gary and Cindy Hogman;   Ashtyn Wages and John Paul Tupaz and their families.   All of the men and women currently serving in the United States Military;  "DARKHORSE"  3RD BATTALION 5TH MARINES and their families. 
In response to a San Francisco Chronicle article about thousands of affordable housing units built by redevelopment programs;
"The idea of 'affordable housing' in San Francisco is a joke --- a very bad joke.  This same newspaper, just a few years ago, mentioned a graduate student looking for a place to rent in San Francisco, who was visiting one exorbitantly priced hovel after another."........  THOMAS  SOWELL
"To 'redevelopment' agency bureaucrats costs are just things to conceal with lofty rhetoric and creative book-keeping.   After all, it is only the taxpayers' money.".............................  THOMAS  SOWELL
"Few men have virtue to withstand the highest bidder." ................  GEORGE  WASHINGTON
"Only those are fit to live who do not fear to die;  and none are fit to die who have shrunk from the joy of life and the duty of life.  Both life and death are parts of the same Great Adventure."..................  THEODORE  ROOSEVELT 
"Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of the chains of slavery?  Forbid it, Almighty God.  I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death."..... PATRICK  HENRY
President Barack Hussein Obama;  Nancy Pelosi;  Harry Reid;  Diane Feinstein;  Barbara Boxer;  Maxine Waters;   Barney Frank;   Eddie Bernice Johnson;  Chris Dodd;   Arlen Specter;   AG Eric Holder;  Olympia Snowe - R;   Henry Waxman;   Vice  President Joseph Biden;   Sheila Jackson Lee;   Jimmy Carter;   George Soros;   Keith Olberman (MSNBC);   Rachel Maddow (MSNBC);   Homeland Security Director  Janet Napolitano;  Former White House Chief of Staff and Potential Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel;  Ezekiel Emanuel;   Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius;  Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner;  Mayor Gavin Newsome;  Mayor Anthony Villaraigosa;   Governor Jerry Brown;   Governor Bill Richardson;   Chuck Schumer;   Ray Nagin;   Richard Durbin;   John Kerry; Hillary Clinton;  Bill Clinton;    Robert Gibbs;   Patrick Leahy;   Bobby Rush;   Colin Powell (RINO);   PRETEND  REVERENDS Jesse Jackson and  Al Sharpton;   Richard Lugar -R;   Lindsey Graham - R;   Jay Rockefeller;   Max Baucus;   Susan Estrich;  Al Gore;   Charles Rangel;   John Conyers;   Steny Hoyer;   Al Franken;   Susan Collins -R:   Edward Markey;   Dennis Kucinich;   Alcee Hastings;    Bart Stupak;   David Axelrod;  Hank Johnson;   Cokie Roberts;   Katy Couric;   Markos Zuniga (Dailey KOS);   Whoopi Goldberg (The View);   Joy Behar (The  View);   Bill Maher (HBO);   Michelle Obama;   Governor David Paterson;   Michael Moore;   Danny  Glover;   Sean Penn;   Geraldo Rivera (FOX News);      Mara Liasson (NPR);    Larry King (CNN);   Ted Turner;   Oprah  Winfrey;   John Edwards;   Tom Hanks;   Harry Belafonte;  Willie Nelson;  Charlie Crist;  John McCain - R;   ACLU;   United Nations;   ACORN;   CODE  PINK;   LULAC;   LA RAZA;  AARP;   NY TIMES;   LA TIMES;    CHICAGO TRIBUNE;   SEIU;  Southern Poverty Law Center;   MOVEON.ORG;   AMNESTY  INTERNATIONAL;    CAIR;  NOW;   John Testor;   Mayor Michael Bloomberg;   Michael Blumenthal;   Newt Gingrich -R;   Shepard Smith (FOX News);  EPA;   Center For Biological Diversity;   PETA;  Bill O'Reilly (FOX News);   Jane Fonda;   Kanye  West;  Alan Simpson;  Cindy Williams (CB0)-[Thinks our military is OVERPAID];   Charles Barkley;   Pima County Sheriff Clarence W. Dupnik;   James Clyburn(D-SC);  Ronnie Reagan;  NAACP;  Jeffery Immelt;   Christiane Amanpour
From an article in the (Sub) Standard Times:  Former Dictator's Return A Mystery
This article by a somewhat puzzled reporter from one of the news agencies is inquiring into the reason for the return to Haiti by Jean-Claude "Baby Doc" Duvalier.   Let's look back into the history of Haiti for a moment.   Jean-Claude's father "Papa Doc" Duvalier was a ruthless dictator of this island country populated by some of the most uneducated;  ass-backward people on the planet.   After "Papa Doc's" death the reins were handed over to "Baby Doc" who was a carbon copy of his father which meant that torture, murder, rape, and every other violent crime was the rule rather than the exception in this island paradise.
In 1986, "Baby Doc" fled the island in exile and went to France who evidently welcomed this mutt with open arms.  Of course he had looted the treasury and fled with a great deal of wealth.
He returned last week to Haiti which the article described as a country dealing with the aftermath of an earthquake,  a cholera outbreak  and a disputed presidential election.  Hey!   You don't suppose that ol' "Baby Doc" might just be trying to resume his power over this backward country, do you?  Evidently the reporter who wrote this article has the intellectual depth of a crushed beer can.
OK.  I am pretty sure the rest of you have pretty much the same opinion but I just want to make it perfectly clear what my views are on our newly elected Republican  Congressmen and Senators.
First, I did not vote or support Republican candidates so that they could go to Washington, D.C. just to "play nice" with the Democrat/Liberal/Progressive/Socialist politicians.   If one of those folks "on the other side of the aisle" has a good idea or a piece of legislation which does not sell out conservative principles then they should by all means listen.   BUT, SELLING  OUT  IS  NOT  AN  OPTION.
I heard one politician on one of the radio programs this morning say that the November elections were not about electing Republicans just to oppose President Obama's ideas, but rather to work with the Democrats and compromise.
Well let me tell you right now that is not why I wanted the Republicans to get back in control of the House or Senate or White House.  I definitely want my Senators and Representative to OPPOSE the Obama Agenda.  As of this time I have not seen or heard of one single thing supported by this Mob Controlled President with which I am in agreement.  Anyone who subscribes to the beliefs of Saul Alinsky is not now or ever will be on the path that I have chosen to take.
We need to keep on these elected officials.  It did not take long for several of them to forgot who put them in these positions.  Senator Brown from Massachusetts is beginning to sound more like a Democrat/Progressive than I would have thought.  I also heard a statement made by the new Senator from  Florida, Marco Rubio, in which he spoke negatively about the Tea Party movement.  HEY  MARCO!   The Tea Party People in Florida are the very people who got you elected.
The point being is that these politicians have a very short memory and must be reminded REGULARLY why they were elected and it wasn't to support Barack Hussein Obama's agenda....nor to reach across the aisle and play nice with the Democrats/Progressives/Socialists.
Keep in mind, we don't owe them a damn thing.  They owe us loyalty, leadership and strength.
Hey!  Who is the biggest doof around?  My personal vote goes to Motorcycle Expert Jesse James.  I read the other day where he is going to wed Tattoo Artist Kat vonDrachenberg (or Kat vonD to the purists).   Now let me paint you a picture of this rocket scientist:
1) He was married to Sondra Bullock.
2) Sondra Bullock had just won the Academy Award for Best Actress in the movie Blind Side
3) Either the same day or the day after the news broke that Jesse was having an affair with Kat vonDrachenberg.
4) Jesse and Sondra get a divorce
5) Now Jesse is going to wed Kat vonDrachenberg
All of this indicates to me that Jesse James has either been stricken with a severe attack of lunacy or he possesses the I.Q.  of an un-soaked pinto bean.
All right, I admit it.  I did not  watch the Golden Globe Awards.
But I will make up for it by not watching the Academy Awards.
Last week I place Ronald Reagan's son, Ronnie Reagan on the Varmint's list.   This week I was really happy that this worthless little turd had taken a place with the rest of the vermin.  I saw a film clip of him bad mouthing former Vice President Dick Cheney for approving of the practice of water boarding terrorists.   As I gathered, Ronnie was way more concerned with the rights of terrorists than he was the safety of his country.
Also you will notice that Christiane Amanpour is also an addition on the Varmint's List.   After that pathetic pack of lies told by Barack Hussein Obama at his so called State of the Union address,  Christiane Amanpour (sorry but I don't know which idiotic network she works for) stated that Obama's speech was Reaganesque  which made me want to throw up.  Then I thought that she might be right.  He and Ronnie Reagan seem to have been feeding at the same trough.

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