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Obama’s Petulant, Passive Aggressive Leadership Reveals a Fixed Adolescent Mindset

Every Flaw of Barack's Tenure is Easily Explained by His Immature Worldview

Obama’s Petulant, Passive Aggressive Leadership Reveals a Fixed Adolescent Mindset

 - Kelly O'Connell  Sunday, July 10, 2011

image Is there any mindset which defines Obama’s default attitude better than to say it is simply “adolescent?” No, for the following reasons. Barack’s interactions with the real world evokes from him responses which can be described as: angry; superior, haughty, dismissive, dishonest, petulant, cocky, petty, vengeful, mocking, holier-than-thou, and full of faux-insights and dishonesty. In other words, Barack acts like a big kid pretending to be someone he’s not, everyday on the job. This is not only aggravating to observe, and depressing to consider, but worse­extraordinarily dangerous for a leader.

This article examines this disturbing pattern.

I. Passive-Aggressive & Delayed Adolescence
A passive aggressive person pretends to do good while sabotaging everything. It has often been remarked that Obama seems to be doing this very thing with his endless screwups and leftist beliefs. The psychological phrase “Passive-Aggressive” is defined by the New York Times as,

Passive-aggressive personality disorder is a long-term (chronic) condition in which a person seems to actively comply with the desires and needs of others, but actually passively resists them. In the process, the person becomes increasingly hostile and angry.

Miriam-Webster‘s defines Adolescence:

Adolescence:1. the state or process of growing up; 2. the period of life from puberty to maturity terminating legally at the age of majority; 3. a stage of development (as of a language or culture) prior to maturity.

Adolescence is actually rampant today amongst adults. It is especially common amongst those who grew up without a stable home, and therefore missed out on a normal childhood.  One writer explains our commonplace adolescent culture in the West today: Adolescent Culture - The Marks of Adolescent Culture

What are the marks of a culture with a dominant adolescent mindset?
Demand for immediate gratification. We want what we want now, and we will not wait or work for it.
Absence of long-term thinking about life and the world. Demand for immediate gratification is a distraction from real issues. Our culture is largely ignorant of economic theory, political distinctions, or the rules of logic.
Motivated by feeling rather than truth. This is a key indicator of a volatile person, and an even more significant indicator of a failing culture.
Wanting grown-up things without growing up. Ironically, despite our addiction to all things adolescent, we still expect to be treated like adults.
Expecting bailouts rather than accepting consequences. Not thinking before acting is a trait of adolescence as is making excuses.
Focusing on appearance rather than depth. Cultures that choose style over substance quickly become silly cultures. Neil Postman discusses this in Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business. Silly cultures are easily deceived and destined for tyranny. History proves this.

II. Passive-Aggressive Traits

Dr Scott Wezler explains this behavior in his book Living with the Passive-Aggressive Man: Coping with Hidden Aggression - From the Bedroom to the Boardroom. Wezler explains the following traits are associated with the “Passive-Aggressive” (P/A) male:

Fear of Competition: Feeling deep inadequacy, P/A males refuse to compete with others whenever possible. He takes the roles of self-sabotaging wimp with a pattern of failure, or tyrant, claiming to be unassailable and perfect, to eliminate any threats.

Obstructionist: A P/A man will agree to work with you, but won’t say when he will do a job, then deliberately foot-drag to frustrate others. He blocks any real progress to finishing.

Fostering Chaos: The P/A man prefers leaving puzzles incomplete and jobs undone.

Playing the Victim: The P/A man complains about others instead of owning up to his own misdeeds. He remains above reproach by insisting he is the innocent victim of unwarranted criticism.

Excuses & Lies: The P/A fabricate excuses for not fulfilling promises.

Procrastination: The P/A man believes deadlines don’t exist for him.

Chronic Lateness/ Forgetfulness: An infuriating & inconsiderate of all P/A men is an inability to arrive on time. Selective forgetting is used when he wants to avoid an obligation.

Ambiguity: Master of mixed messages & fence sitting, you’re never sure where he stands.

Sulking: Feeling put upon when unable to perform, the P/A man retreats from pressures by sulking, pouting and withdrawing.

III. Barack’s Top Ten Passive-Aggressive Acts & Tendencies

A. Blaming Others

Barack might have a JD in law, but he’s also earned an honorary PhD in Blame-ology. As a certifiable adolescent could be expected to do, he has never seemed to take any responsibility for the long list of things which did not work out as he advertised beforehand, such as the Stimulus spending.

B. “Bailouts”

The financial bailouts by Barack, aided by George W, are a classic case of adolescent values promoted by needless fearmongering. No one knows whether America was about to collapse economically when Barack took office. But we do know that bailouts always kick the can down the road and make sure someone else must pay for the hard steps needed to deal with bad situations. Capitalism is predicated on efficient businesses surviving while others fail. Obama’s approach means he simply, and childishly, refuses to accept how the world works. So the unhealthy businesses are paid to survive with the healthy ones, meaning the whole herd gets sicker. By refusing to accept reality, it means the final result will be much worse for everyone.

C. Refusal to Lead

Time and again, when a crisis has arisen, Obama has stepped back and let others take the lead. When the Stimulus was called-for, he allowed Nancy Pelosi to craft the almost trillion-dollar bill without his direction. Predictably, it failed to achieve its promise. Again, when the Iranians falsified an election, and the People rose and demanded democracy, Barack wilted like a discarded petunia. And remember when the Gulf Oil Spill occurred and Barack couldn’t wait to go golfing while others did the heavy lifting, while making sure unions did not suffer? Or how about our current budget debates, when the deficit talks were arranged, and Obama lurked in the shadows, finally emerging to make irrelevant and condescending comments to Republicans? Barack is either passive-aggressively avoiding the topic, or just as likely­ducking responsibility in his adolescent fashion. Either way, he’s about as relevant as horns on a poodle in the debate.

D. Deficit “Keynesian” Spending

Regardless the American issue, Barack’s singular answer has invariably been more spending. It matters not that US debt is heading towards $20 trillion as serious persons discuss default as a possible result. Is Obama’s perpetual spending a passive-aggressive maneuver to plunder America into default socialism, an adolescent refusal to give up on the Big Rock Candy Mountain, or all of the above? But how could “spending!” always be the answer when Barack doesn’t even take the time or effort to figure out what the real problem is, half the time?

E. Touting Islam Relentlessly

Obama’s one-track mind seems to only countenance Islam whenever the topic of religion pops up. Why? This makes no sense in the face of his supposed “Christian” identity. Perhaps his default, knee-jerk Muslim promotion is the result of a childhood of a boy who never grew beyond the childish, adolescent fixation with his absent father’s faith?

F. Pretending He Never Fails

One of the chief traits of the adolescent mindset is the fascination with being omnipotent and perfect. This is why adolescents love such comics as Superman, etc. Obama seems to enjoy nothing more than standing to pontificate upon topics he apparently has no depth of knowledge of. Further, he invariably presents his ideas as the only sane or acceptable choice against the Conservative’s monstrous position, an invariable bona fide straw man misrepresentation.

G. Demonizing Enemies

Obama doesn’t have political opponents. Instead he’s menaced by illiterate, fascist nutjobs who are not intelligent enough to find Kenya on a map. Possibly because Barack has no real belief in his own ability to win actual debates, he and his handlers pour much ammo into crippling such mortal foes as Sarah Palin and Michelle Backmann before they ever take the field. Let’s not forget, Barack won both his IL state and US Senate races after his opponents were forced to drop out, one by one.

H. Invading Libya

Obama ran for president on an anti-war platform. Fortunately for him, in a typically adolescent manner, Barack insists his attack on Libya is a non-war that needs no congressional approval. So he is still a pure, anti-war candidate for the next election, in his own mind.

I. Jobs

More than any other problem, America is suffering a crisis of a loss of revenue over jobs that have disappeared because of inept decisions, or purposeful government sabotage of the economy. Yet, Barack refuses to acknowledge, in his typically adolescent manner, that any decision he has ever made could even possibly damage the marketplace. Further, Barack has seemed to put literally zero effort into actually helping create jobs. In this sense, his passive-aggressive hatred of capitalism may be strategically aiding his adolescent sense of irresponsibility in breaking the back of the US economy to usher in a golden-age of American socialism. Is there any other possible explanation that makes a scintilla of sense after 2 years of BO dithering?!!

J. Love of Socialism

It is an adolescent trope that if only the “good” people gained office, all the “right” choices would be made for the poor, weak and disenfranchised. Only under such a delusion does a certifiably whack-job economics system like socialism or Marxism become tenable. Again, the childish desire to be seen as someone who always makes the right decisions while effortlessly doing good is one of the most destructive instincts in the history of democracy.

IV. Conclusion

Is it possible that all of America’s worst problems result from our inability to put adolescence behind us and especially Obama’s passive-aggressive desire to punish us into economic submission? Of course. But the real issue is whether enough principled American adults can stand up to Barack long enough to shut down his parade of nonsense, and put the US back on a track to fiscal, legal, moral, and spiritual health. Stay tuned, sportsfans.

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