By: Preston Miller
What Al Qaeda is seeing right now is exactly what any child may see when he has a wimpy parent or other adult guardian who constantly threatens disciplinary action but none ever happens. I'm sure we have all been on a flight or in a grocery store when that type of parent and child combination is present. The child soon realizes when he is repeatedly warned that is all just empty threats and he is never even bothered by what he hears. — This American President is just like that wimpy parent, all bark and no bite. Without his teleprompter helping him along, he is nothing. Whenever he speaks, people who are our enemies are laughing in his face. Our enemies know it is all just talk and empty threats. They do not tremble in fear but tremble from laughter.
The CIA agents who work in the shadows and the troops out in the field speak about Barack Obama in private moments with derision and ridicule. Having been around military personnel it is easy to overhear and see it in their faces and behind their eyes. He is a big joke to them. The president himself who is supposed to be the commander in chief, actually holds our troops in very low esteem. It is quite obvious, he really would rather not have to deal with anything having to do with the military. Having never served in the military himself, he just doesn't get what it means for our troops to be so far away from home and their families trying to fight a war that has no support from their commander in chief. That is why we, as American citizens, must fill in the gaps and do whatever we can to support our troops and let them know we appreciate their great sacrifice to serve this nation.
Al Qaeda isn’t dumb either. The vast network of terrorists can perceive this weakness and hear the limp wristed responses coming from an academic elitist who grew up with Al Qaeda’s ideology and thinks because he has that common tie he somehow knows them. They laugh at his arrogance when he thinks he can befriend them by smiling a lot and extending a hand of friendship. Add to this, the arrogance of the ivory tower academics that prevents Obama from putting anyone in charge who he perceives as smarter than himself, the fence sitting and failure to probe deeply into Al Qaeda’s affairs, will continue. The lack of strong leadership will not go away.
As I'm sure we have all asked before, let me ask it yet another time:
How many more Americans will die because of Barack Obama’s weak leadership?
It matters not whether it is on the battlefield in some distant land or perhaps right here on American soil. Something wicked this way comes and I have no faith that these amateurs and dolts in office will be prepared for it or ever be able to turn it back when it arrives. A weak president is one who only responds after something has happened. He pretends to be on top of things when really he is at the end of the whip line at the skating rink, and just barely hanging on.
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