I say, adhering to the Constitution could set a dangerous precedent. I, for one, welcome the concept of ignoring our nation’s laws, especially those related to the Internal Revenue Service
Obama’s eligibility: whistling past the graveyard
- Lawrence Sellin Friday, March 25, 2011
I fully endorse President Obama’s efforts to find a humorous angle to potentially the most serious Constitutional crisis facing the United States since the Civil War.
I intend to remain cheerful and ignore, downplay or ridicule any assertions that Barack Obama may not be eligible to be President. I will pretend that all “birthers” are crazy or racists and hope for a good outcome.
It is difficult for me to believe that there is a conspiracy so broad that it includes much of our senior political leadership and the main stream media. I find it incredulous that people who claim to love their country would perpetrate or acquiesce to such an outrageous fraud on the American people. No one could possibly crave power and privilege that much.
As of this writing, there appears to be no credible evidence that Barack Obama was actually born anywhere, but his existence makes me suspicious of that claim.
I do not think that Obama should release the birth certificate on file at the Department of Health in Hawaii. It is liable to raise more questions than it answers. We have more important issues facing the country than if the President might have lied and violated the Constitution.
Critics argue that the fraud extends well beyond the alleged absence of a birth certificate. For example, they say that Obama has been using a Social Security Number issued in Connecticut, a state in which he never lived or even had a mailing address. I say, so what? Who would want to live in Connecticut if they don’t have to? The taxes are atrocious there.
Many Americans question why Obama has spent millions of dollars in legal fees to prevent the release of a massive list of documents about his background including: elementary school records, university and law school records, scholarly articles, his passport, medical, baptism, adoption records, etc.
In this regard, I have only praise for the President. He has provided needed jobs for the legal profession as a means to boost American productivity and stimulate the economy.
There are those who say that the eligibility issue drives a stake into the heart of our legal system, the Constitution, rendering the rule of law meaningless.
The questionable Western Center for Journalism, an organization which may have links to the Koch Brothers (one of whom donates to public television), makes the shocking claim that:
- “The irresponsible confirmation in the Senate of the irresponsible tallying of votes in the Electoral College does not supersede the clear meaning of Article II, Section 1. If it is allowed to stand, disregard of the Constitution by all branches of the government would be openly established…
- The power of the Executive branch has been compromised. Its right to collect taxes and sign Congressional enactments into law, in fact all of its powers, have become problematic. Since their validity under Section I is now doubtful, they depend on the illegal exercise of force. Since officers of the American military take their oath on commissioning to the Constitution and not the President, their obedience to the Commander-in-Chief has lapsed and, if they challenge or resist his authority, any courts-martial will also be an illegal exercise of force.”
I say, adhering to the Constitution could set a dangerous precedent.
I, for one, welcome the concept of ignoring our nation’s laws, especially those related to the Internal Revenue Service.
President Obama should use any means necessary to stop and silence “Tea Birthers” or any other ordinary Americans trying to exercise their Constitutional rights of free speech and petitioning their government for the redress of grievances.
Drastic measures may be required, like unleashing the full force of Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews, the Itchy and Scratchy of the main stream media, or possibly, Representative Anthony Weiner of New York, the designated auditory toothache of the Democratic Party.
Unlike the right-wing haters, I am convinced that Barack Obama has an extensive and illustrious history. We just don’t know what it is, like Obamacare.
I firmly believe that our candidates are fully vetted by our scrupulous political leadership and our vigilant and unbiased press corps. After all, it is not like someone could become President after falling off the back of a turnip truck.
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