NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.



"If Congress won't act, I will!"
And with those imperious words, last week Comrade Obama again circumvented Congress and violated the Constitution. By announcing four "recess appointments" while Congress was in proforma session--NOT in recess--Obama blatantly violated his oath of office and committed an impeachable offense.
To Obama, a hard-boiled, narcissistic Statist, the ends always justify the means, our obsolete Constitution and pesky Rule of Law be damned. The litany of Executive usurpations since he took office in 2009 is, to say the very least, breathtaking, and the relentless advancement of his "fundamental transformation of the United States of America" remains very much on course. Frankly, I shudder in anticipation of what other breaches of trust await us before Inauguration Day 2013.
When I heard about this abuse of power, and after fully reviewing the matter, I immediately telephoned Speaker Boehner's office urging the Speaker to warn the President that he should either immediately withdraw the appointments or face impeachment. While the spokesman acknowledged the receipt of many similar calls on this matter, I sensed a decided lack of urgency on his part. Reminding him that Boehner's oath of office to uphold the Constitution should take priority over party politics,  I courteously and firmly repeated my concern and my request for action. He assured me that a written reply from Speaker Boehner would be forthcoming. At that point, I identified myself as a member of the Monroe County Republican Committee, and indicated to him that the Speaker's reply would be shared with my fellow Committee members.
I also emailed my Democratic representative urging her to either co-sponsor or introduce Articles of Impeachment, and requested a reply as to what, if any, actions she planned to take.
Coupled with a request that my fellow committee members also register their concern with Speaker Boehner, I provided the Committee with a copy of my email communications with both Boehner & Rep. Hochul.
Following these communications, I quickly submitted the following editorial to the local Democrat & Chronicle:
In the sole interest of advancing his political fortunes, last week the President arrogantly circumvented Congress and flouted the Constitution.
To many of us, this latest example of executive usurpation lays bare a particularly troubling pattern of Presidential disdain for the Constitution and the Rule of Law.
Against the advice of his own Justice Department, the President illegally named four “recess appointments”, three to the National Labor Relations Board and one to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, this while Congress was in proforma session—an unprecedented and clearly impeachable abuse of power.
Particularly distressing too was the shameless and reckless chorus of approval for this brazen breach of trust from many of his political allies.
How many more blatant Executive violations of the Constitution and the Rule of Law will be tolerated by Congress and so cavalierly ignored by the media? For better or for worse, that’s the burning question which afflicts an increasingly irritated and distrustful electorate.
On November 6th, let’s pray fidelity to the Constitution and the Rule of Law is restored.
While I hope my actions are productive, I am still awaiting evidence of actions taken by Boehner, my representative and my Committee colleagues. My fear is that if Congress believes no one cares or no one is watching, this insidious mischief will be ignored with impunity.
At the next GOP Committee meeting, I will enquire of the membership as to any actions taken by them. And if no action was taken, I will resign. When my own political associates become part of the problem--become witting or unwitting parties to the Constitution's subversion--then that party can no longer avail itself of my support or service, and I will promptly register as a member of the Conservative Party.
I don't know what else I can do. And while I am hoping for the best, recent experience has taught me to expect the worse.
"A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves." Edward R. Murrow
"An elective despotism was not the government we fought for; but one in which the powers of government should be so divided and balanced among the several bodies of magistracy as that no one could transcend their legal limits without being effectually checked and restrained by the others." James Madison, Federalist No 48.
"Those who refuse to participate in politics shall be governed by their inferiors." PLATO
"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent." Thomas Jefferson
"Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act." Deitrich Bonhoeffer
"If the respresentatives of the people betray their constituents, there is then no recourse left but in the exertion of that original right of self-defense." Alexander Hamilton

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Comment by Leon Ewers on January 8, 2012 at 10:23pm
It's not only Obama that has to go, it's the whole lot of them that has to go. The president, all of congress, all supreme court justices, every governor, all state congresses, all judges - federal, state local, the intire justice department at every level of government, the whole damned lot of them has to go and forbiden to ever participate in government again, and replaced with people that will uphold the Constitution and who know their place as servants, not leaders.
Comment by Edie Boudreau on January 8, 2012 at 7:29pm

I just shared this article with Facebook.  Next I will share it with every conservative--friend or family--that I know.  If you will all do the same, we may finally make a difference and halt Obama in his tracks.  We may also open the eyes of our Congress people to the fact that they work for us.  In addition, your local media needs to get this info via a letter to the editor or to a commentator on TV.  We need to stop talking to ourselves and talk to the world!


Comment by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on January 8, 2012 at 6:21pm

Thanks for being a patriotic participant in these most treacherous times of our nation. Our own president becomes our worst enemy.

The LEAST each of us can do is communicate with our elected representatives about the continual abuses by this administration and demand action be taken against them.

The MOST we can do is plan a sure way through the next election to guarantee Obama is NOT re-elected.

Unfortunately, the electoral process isn't giving me a lot of confidence that THAT will happen.


We gotta get goin people!






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