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Obama’s Job Stimulus or Jobs Act are Bamboozlements and Tax Rip-offs

The only thing stimulated was the graft and corruption of liberal politicians dipping their greedy fingers into that huge pot of ridiculously called "jobs stimulus" funds

Obama’s Job Stimulus or Jobs Act are Bamboozlements and Tax Rip-offs

 Jerry McConnell  Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Why should we believe Obama and his Democrat allies that they will create jobs with his new ‘Jobs Act’ which the Washington Examiner in a 09-12-11 editorial says is another way of saying stimulus’? 

Obama says, “The only thing stopping it is politics.”  He just may be correct in that assessment because he tried it before in 2009 with a then called $800 billion “jobs stimulus.” What stopped it then was politics; cronyism politics played by Obama and his crooked accomplices in the, at that time, Democrat controlled Congress and the corrupt big labor union bosses.

A net loss of jobs was the result of that FAILED effort.  The only thing stimulated was the graft and corruption of liberal politicians dipping their greedy fingers into that huge pot of ridiculously called “jobs stimulus” funds. 

Having failed the first time due to HIS politics, Obama now wants to blame the Republicans for the projected failure of his current bamboozle even before its enacted, this time only costing a HALF TRILLION tax dollars.  I’m betting that the net jobs creation on this new scheme will be roughly the same as his last amusingly called “jobs stimulus”. 

If he, (Obama) would stop trying to fatten up all the corrupt labor union bosses with both “payback” funds for his 2008 election and “pay-ahead” funds for the upcoming 2012 reelection then maybe, but just maybe, we could get some real jobs created for our fourteen or so million American citizens who are now unemployed.  How can those good people find work when he puts money for that purpose into political payoffs to his corrupt friends in labor unions?

Obama can’t blame the Republicans for the sorry and deceitful expenditures of almost ONE TRILLION tax dollars; it was all due to his obligations to pay a debt he had to the crooked labor union bosses and other special interests for getting elected. 

This time around however, Republicans have control of the House of Representatives, not Democrats, and they are eyeing this new “Jobs Act” raid on our taxpayers’ dollars as pretty much ‘more of the same’ chicanery and bluster as that failed first stimulus which satisfied only labor union bosses, not labor union workers or the new workers for the jobs that never materialized due to Obama “paybacks”.

The Washington Examiner editorial cited above states that Obama is prepared to make at least five speeches in support over a period of seven days from his address to a joint session of Congress on September 09, 2011 that according to White House Budget Director Jack Lew indicating It’s all about tax hikes, which as the editorial suggested, should not be a surprise to us, especially if any of you saw Vision to America’s compilation of the TWENTY ONE taxes, new or increased since Obama took office in less than three years in office. For full details on each tax, check out Americans for Tax Reform

Candy man he is not; tax man he most definitely is.

The taxes for this new bamboozlement, as the Examiner states, are the exact same list of tax hikes that Obama pushed Congress to include in its debt limit deal this summer. Now he’s using these same provisions to pay for even higher deficit spending.  And as if to confirm the suspicions of most Americans that Obama is in over his head when it comes to finances, his own Budget Director Jack Lew admitted that even Obama can’t count the same tax increases for two separate purposes.

Instead, Lew said that Obama would be introducing a whole new slate of tax hikes next week, when he plans to give yet another deficit reduction speech.

So you can see why I call Obama’s plans, and I mean almost every last one of them, a bamboozlement; the man just doesn’t know what in the world he is doing; and that is why we must get him out of our most sacred public office, the Presidency, and get someone who can think and act as well as Obama can speak in circles and riddles.

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