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Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – Citizen’s Arrest of Congress

Misprision of felony

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – Citizen’s Arrest of Congress

 - Lawrence Sellin  Thursday, July 14, 2011

image I would think, by now, it should be clear to the entire planet that the Certificate of Live Birth presented by Barack Obama as his own at a press conference on April 27, 2011, is a forgery.

The evidence of forgery in that Certificate of Live Birth has been documented in detail by Doug Vogt and has been submitted to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

There is, therefore, evidence of an ongoing felony.

There is also little doubt in my mind that members of Congress are fully aware of it.

“Misprision of felony” is still an offense under United States federal law 18 U.S.C. § 4:

“Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.”

The documentation provided by Doug Vogt should be sent to all members of Congress such that they are duly informed of the alleged ongoing felony by Obama. Do all of the following:
  • Send the documentation to your members of Congress by email,
  • Send the documentation to your members of Congress by registered, return-receipt mail,
  • Deliver the documentation in person, together with a witness, to your members of Congress’ local offices.

Having been fully informed of a potential ongoing felony, the member of Congress may then be complicit in active concealment and may be subject to a citizen’s arrest for “Misprision of felony”  in the absence of action by law enforcement officials.

A citizen’s arrest is one performed by a civilian who lacks official government authority to make an arrest, as defined by Black’s Law Dictionary, “The apprehending or detaining of a person in order to be forthcoming to answer an alleged or suspected crime.” Ex parte Sherwood, (29 Tex. App. 334, 15 S.W. 812).

The laws regarding citizen’s arrest vary from state to state. It is very important that you act according to your state laws because misapplication of the citizen arrest laws can lead to civil or criminal penalties. Seek legal advice in your state before organizing citizen’s arrest teams.

For example, California Penal Code mandates:

A private person may arrest another:
  1. For a public offense committed or attempted in his presence.
  2. When the person arrested has committed a felony, although not in his presence.
  3. When a felony has been in fact committed, and he has reasonable cause for believing the person arrested to have committed it. (C.P.C. 837).

In some states, however, the citizen making the arrest must have actually witnessed the felonious act.

That is, California law allows a citizen’s arrest when a citizen has reasonable cause for believing the person arrested to have committed a felony, whereas New York law applies only to situations in which person has in fact committed a felony.

Acceptable guidelines for carrying out a citizen’s arrest also vary by state. In general, the arresting party must notify the suspect as to why he or she is being arrested, and may enter the building or private residence where the suspect is residing, using a reasonable amount of force to apprehend the suspect. In California, for example, to make an arrest, a private person, if the offense is a felony may break open the door or window of the house in which the person to be arrested is, or in which they have reasonable grounds for believing the person to be, after having demanded admittance and explained the purpose for which admittance is desired. (C.P.C., 844).

Once the suspect has been taken into custody by the citizen, it is the citizen’s responsibility to deliver the suspect to the proper authorities in a timely fashion (C.P.C. 847).  A citizen making an arrest is acting in the place of an officer of the law, and as such, is required to uphold the same rights and civil liberties as an officer of the law must uphold.

Rules of engagement for a citizen’s arrest:
  • Inform local law enforcement, at the time when you are ready to conduct the citizen’s arrest,
  • If an identified law officer intervenes during the citizen’s arrest, then stand down,
  • If union thugs or leftist goons become threatening, inform them that a citizen’s arrest is being conducted. If they persist and you feel endangered, be prepared to defend yourselves.

If our government officials refuse to uphold the Constitution and the rule of law, then American citizens will be forced to act to save our republic.


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Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on July 15, 2011 at 7:34am
Excellent detailed post! That's the REAL 'Rule of Law' our present worthless rep's should be following.






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