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Obama’s Back-Door Recess Appointment of Craig Becker to NLRB Does No Good for Job Production in U.S.

Barack Obama's desires to make payback concessions to corrupt and evil labor unions

Obama’s Back-Door Recess Appointment of Craig Becker to NLRB Does No Good for Job Production in U.S.

 - Jerry McConnell  Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Like a Kangaroo Court, the NLRB point people and activists, rule for the underhanded and stealthy schemes of Barack Obama’s desires to make payback concessions to corrupt and evil labor unions; those entities that stole membership dues from their forced union members and gave millions upon millions to get the White House usurper elected in 2008.

Obama tried in desperation to get legislation enacted that would help the crooked union leaders in their quests to make organizing, and membership rolls larger with concomitant huge, even monstrous increases in dues monies into their treasuries for their wrongful, if not illegal goals. 

These measures, such as ‘Card Check’ the deceptively named “Employee Free Choice Act” which was the exact opposite of free choice that would take away the employee’s secret ballot free choice and have the strong-armed unionista gestapo’s standing over the employee when the time they called for gaining new member elections were in process, were summarily turned down by the public and Congress followed suit.

Once again, these greedy and strong willed union chiefs turned to Obama and demanded their payback settlements to be recognized and accomplished even if by dictatorial fiat if necessary.  Obama smelled blood and hurriedly worked to get the odds and actions back in his favor and to bypass constitutional and congressional actions.

Obama turned to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), an independent agency of the United States government charged with conducting elections for labor union representation and with investigating and remedying unfair labor practices. Unfair that is, to all labor unions, the public and the employing business or corporation be damned. The NLRB is governed by a five-person board and a General Counsel, all of whom are appointed by the President with the consent of the Senate. 

In the interests of fairness to the public and the employing institutions, there should be a similar Public NLRB appointed by Congress to monitor labor union elections and activities and insuring that the public employees and employers get fair and equitable treatment by the roughshod labor unions whose talk of fairness is absolutely all ONE-SIDED and favoring the union side of the discussion.

Getting back to the matter at hand, in the ensuing actions Obama proved his deceptiveness and complicity with the corrupt and greedy labor unions as well as his utter disregard for fairness to the public and the employees and employers by nominating Craig Becker, a long-time union connected flack who was a high ranking member of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), itself one of the most anti-public and employer labor union operatives, for appointment to head the NLRB.

This nomination would have virtually assured labor unions of this country that the POTUS would hand them the person and the agency that would put union - member elections and other administrative actions safely in the hands of the corrupt unions.  If that self-gratifying and decidedly unfair action is not a contributing addition to impeachment proceedings, it should be. 

But lo and behold our Senate smelled the stench emanating from this nomination and it actually rejected Becker’s appointment.

However, this unworthy and anti-public interests action of the POTUS was not to deter our usurper in the White House and the Senate’s corrective actions on Becker’s nomination were simply by-passed with a presidential recess appointment, a slap in the face to Congress while it was officially in a stand-down or vacation mode.  More fodder for future impeachment proceedings.

As an aside, I discovered in an online search that Craig Becker is a friend of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN, those tricky little devils of corruption at the polls and in advice to budding prostitutes on how to cheat on taxes.  Although Becker rejects charges that he has ever done work for ACORN, he did admit he “worked with and provided advice to” SEIU Local 880 in Chicago. In fact, ACORN co-founder Wade Rathke has praised Becker for his “ contributions.”

All of the above is public information available in news agencies archives or a simple search of the Internet, but the Washington Examiner publication on the Internet on July 17, 2011 furnished an article titled ‘Today’s NLRB hearing shows nominations have consequences’ by Geoffrey Burr, an OpEd Contributor, that it “appears that Becker is making manifest his radical vision in which employers have little ability to discuss core workplace issues, such as unionization and its attendant costs, with employees.”

Burr gives us some background information on Becker with “Before joining NLRB, Becker infamously wrote that it should be possible to ‘eliminate the formal role of employers in union elections,’ and argued that ‘employers should have no right to be heard in either a representation case or an unfair labor practice case, even though Board rulings might indirectly affect their duty to bargain.’

“Becker’s plan is clear: Remove, as much as possible, the ability of employers to talk to employees and operate their business.”

Burr provides one more telling quote directly from a writing of Craig Becker which tells more about the anarchistic nature of the man to wit, and read this very carefully: “Employers should have no right to raise questions concerning voter eligibility or campaign conduct,” he wrote.

It is almost as if he said, and maybe it is what he meant, “Employers should have no right(s).”

How any one could sit back and allow such flagrant anti public interest actions to be enacted against the workers and employers of this country is a question bordering on implausibility. Have we sunk so low in our public interest that we allow a highly suspected illegal president to appoint an avowed labor union flack to run roughshod over the public workers and employers using tactics that will only exacerbate the unemployment situation further in this country? 

With this man acting as President the people are losing control of the country.


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Comment by Sandra on July 20, 2011 at 7:15pm
GE doesn't pay a lot of taxes and they are also exempt from the commie HC crap like many others are. Unions do not pay any taxes, they are under 501-C exempt...






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