NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

Obama got spanked by congress over the Sequestration issue. He didn't get what he wanted.

So in the most adult presidential fit of childish anger, he angrily kicks at you and I, We the People . . . .

I'll show them, I'll lock them out of their White House!


The Washington Times Inside Politics Blog

More sequester pain: White House cancels tours

The White House announced Tuesday that it was canceling all public tours of the president’s home because of the sequester spending cuts.

“Due to staffing reductions resulting from sequestration, we regret to inform you that White House Tours will be canceled effective Saturday, March 9, 2013 until further notice. Unfortunately, we will not be able to reschedule affected tours,” the White House said in an email.

SEE RELATED: Email tells feds to make sequester as painful as promised

The notice comes as both the White House and Congress try to find cuts to their own budgets as part of $85 billion in cuts to the entire government.

As President Obama was returning from visiting wounded veterans at Walter Reed Medical Center, a reporter shouted a question about the decision to cancel the tours as Mr. Obama was walking from Marine One to the Oval Office.

He simply smiled and waved.

At the Capitol, staffers who use the building’s West Front entrance that looks out on the National Mall were told Tuesday that door would be closed as of next week in order to save money.

Susan Crabtree contributed to this report.

This is our elected government operating within the structure of the United States Constitution.

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Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 7, 2013 at 8:31pm

Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 6, 2013 at 6:18am

Obama’s Machiavellian Sequestration Pain Game: Putting Politics Over Public Safety

LaborUnionReport (Diary)  | 

“The ends justify the means.”
Niccolo Machiavelli

Obama Face

I’m going to just state what is on a lot of people’s minds (and lips) these days regarding the Obama Administration’s handling of the sequestration cuts:

If I didn’t know any better–I don’t, by the way–I would wager a bet that the current occupants of the West Wing and their DNC accomplices are hoping that, as a result of certain sequestration cuts made, someone somewhere will die.

This way, they can blame, as they always do, the tragedy on their opponents vis à visNever let a good crisis go to waste.”

  • Relatedly, Bill Clinton’s former Labor Secretary Robert Reich would have people to believe: Sequestration is a secret plot hatched by the Tea Party. [No, really.]

Since sequestration officially went into effect on March 1st, the Administration is doing all it can to scare the public.

Moreover, it has become abundantly clear that Obama & Co. are using targeted cuts that, as opposed to cutting countless and needless bureaucrats, are using targeted cuts that may endanger public safety in order to make the American public bleed–then turn get angry at Washington.

Should a tragedy occur, Obama & Co.—always the consummate campaigners—will have a cause célèbre to predictably shift the blame on those “Eeevil” Republicans.

If you think about it, it is truly a brilliant diabolical strategy.

To begin with, Obama started a fear campaign nearly a month ago, making dire predictions of what would happen if sequestration occurred.

His threats encompassed nearly every pressure point he and his team could muster.

via a Feb. 8th White House press release:

  • Threats to cut education (√)
  • Threats to cut food inspection (√)
  • Threats to reduce law enforcement (√) and first responders (√)
  • Threats to cut workplace safety inspections (√)
  • Threats to cut senior citizens’ meals (√)
  • Threats to cut the amount given to the long-term unemployed (√)
  • Threats to cut nutrition assistance for 600,000 women, infants and children (√)
  • Threats to put 100,000 formerly homeless people out on the streets (√)
  • …and more.

Although the President was caught in an outright lie, Obama’s team has gone on a messaging campaign to ensure the cuts would “maximize the pain of the Sequester cuts for political gain,” according to Rep Tim Griffin.

Though it was later rewritten, on Tuesday, Politico’s Jennifer Epstein [initially] reported:

As the Obama administration tries to make sure its agencies stays on-message about the damaging effects of sequestration, the Agriculture Department’s budget office offered guidance Monday instructing an official to frame cuts in particularly onerous terms.

Unless it is “updated” again, Politico’s current re-written version states:

The Agriculture Department said Tuesday that an email interpreted as instructions to stay consistent in messaging on sequestration was just a restatement of already-established facts.

The Obama Administration’s message is clear: Unless sequestration is repealed and funding restored, we will make this as painful as possible for the American public.

In one egregious example of the Administration moving beyond scare tactics and actually putting the American public’s safety at risk, Janet Napolitano’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has developed plans to release roughly 5,000 “low risk” illegal immigrant detainees.

As the Examiner’s Joel Gerhke notes:

The New York Times profiled a “low risk” detainee released by ICE. The detainee was taken into custody “when it was discovered that he had violated probation for a conviction in 2005 of simple assault, simple battery and child abuse, charges that sprung from a domestic dispute with his wife at the time.” NRO’s Jim Geraghty asked, “If convictions for ‘simple assault, simple battery and child abuse’ make you ‘low-risk,’ what do you have to do for Janet Napolitano to consider you ‘high-risk’?”

Obama’s release of “low risk” detainees does not bode well for the American public, according to a 2011 Examiner article:

Statistical studies regarding illegal aliens and criminal activity are few and far between. But in a 2007 Government Accountability Office study of a sample population of 55,322 illegal aliens, analysts discovered that:

* They were arrested at least a total of 459,614 times, averaging about 8 arrests per illegal alien. Nearly all had more than one arrest. Thirty-eight percent (about 21,000) had between 2 and 5 arrests, 32 percent (about 18,000) had between 6 and 10 arrests, and 26 percent (about 15,000) had 11 or more arrests. Most of the arrests occurred after 1990.

For its part, the White House feigned ignorance of the detainee release.

In another egregious example, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsak re-emphasized that he would be cutting meat inspectors:

The statement comes after some lawmakers and industry groups questioned whether USDA needed to furlough inspectors and argued that the department had a legal obligation to provide meat inspection.

When it comes to meat inspection, “there will be disruption in that process,” said Vilsack, in remarks at the Commodity Classic, a convention of corn, soybean, wheat and sorghum farmers. “Make no mistake about it, there is not enough flexibility in the sequester language for me to move money around to avoid furloughs of food inspectors.”

Right, Tom.

As the sequestration squabble continues to grow, Obama & Co. are playing a familiar card:  “The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.”

Unfortunately, for many Americans, Obama, in his Machiavellian way, is putting politics over public safety.


“Truth isn’t mean. It’s truth.”
Andrew Breitbart (1969-2012)

Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 6, 2013 at 6:15am

Today, House Conservatives Will Prove They Are the Problem

Erick Erickson (Diary)  |   

Yesterday, the White House announced it would stop White House tours in response to sequestration.

Congressman Louie Gohmert of Texas responded by offering an amendment to the pending continuing resolution that would prohibit federal dollars spent to cover the costs of President Obama’s golf games.

Speaker John Boehner and the Republican Leaders ruled that Congressman Gohmert’s amendment was not relevant to the continuing resolution and threw it out.

Today, House conservatives will join with their Republican colleagues to vote on what is called a “closed rule.” This is a vote that will allow Republican leaders to bring to the floor of the House of Representatives the continuing resolution without having to deal with Congressman Gohmert’s amendment.

It will also prevent Republicans from being able to defund Obamacare.

Today, House Republicans will vote on a rule in the House of Representatives that, once approved, will allow the continuing resolution to pass while enabling and funding Obamacare.

House Conservatives will make it happen. In fact, House Conservatives who vote for the rule are voting to fund Obamcare. Passing the rule then conveniently voting against the actual continuing resolution cannot be given a pass.

Today, conservative groups must set a new standard — voting for the rule on the continuing resolution must be scored against.

Scoring on the rule must be the new standard because conservatives in the House of Representatives are all too often voting for rules to pass legislation they ultimately oppose when, had they blocked the rule, the legislation would not pass.

They will enable passage of the continuing resolution while voting against it. They will try to have it both ways.

Today is not the day House Conservatives will kill America, but they will show they are the real problem by enabling and funding what they have campaigned against and claim to oppose. They will have become all that they claimed they were not.

Jeb Hensarling, Tom Price, Jim Jordan, and Steve Scalise are the former and current chairmen of the Republican Study Committee. These men are supposed to be the leaders of conservatives.

Watch them today. See which of these conservative leaders and others fail us and fund Obamacare, while spinning their way through denial. Watch as they vote to fund Obamacare, then go home and tell you how much they oppose it because they ensured the continuing resolution would pass before voting against it.

Oh, but it’ll all be okay. We know they’ll fight on the upcoming debt ceiling. Hahahahahahaha. Sigh.






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