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Obama Anoints Perry and Romney as Credible Candidates

Obama, his arrogance and narcissism will not allow him to even think that ALL of the American people are not just head over heels smitten with his hijinks as our acting president

Obama Anoints Perry and Romney as Credible Candidates

Jerry McConnell  Sunday, September 18, 2011
On September 12, 2011, there was a debate scheduled for the Republican presidential primary candidates, sponsored by CNN and the Tea Party Express (two polar opposites.)  It’s a pity that they may have wasted their time that evening going through the motions of trying to hear the views and positions on the issues of all candidates; for you see, the Usurper in the White House has ‘anointed’ Texas Governor Rick Perry and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney as the ‘credible’ candidates. published a Reuters News Report of that date headlining Obama’s statement in an interview with NBC News that Perry and Romney were the two top Republican presidential hopefuls that were credible to “challenge him for the White House in 2012.”

During the interview which elicited Obama’s views on his own poll numbers and the Tea Party’s involvement, the interviewer “Asked about Perry, who has moved into front-runner status for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination, Obama said: ‘He’s been the governor of a big state. And you know, there’s no doubt he’s a credible candidate, as is Mr. Romney and a whole bunch of other folks.’ ”

That “whole bunch of other folks” didn’t get direct “credible” blessings from the would-be dictator of our country so I guess if they had been smart they wouldn’t have shown up for the debate.  Let’s hope they weren’t, as I would have wanted to hear what those “also-rans” had to say about saving our country from the ruthless and uncaring destruction that this very un-American presidential pretender is engaged in doing.

And speaking of those poll numbers of Obama, his arrogance and narcissism will not allow him to even think that ALL of the American people are not just head over heels smitten with his hijinks as our acting president. 

As Townhall reports, “In excerpts of the interview released by the network, Obama said he was not worried about his low job approval ratings in opinion polls. He also said he thinks that anti-government elements of the conservative Tea Party movement are a permanent part of American politics.

“With unemployment still above 9 percent some 14 months before the 2012 election, Republicans see Obama, a Democrat, as increasingly vulnerable.”

Obama insists on blaming Bush for the problems of the country; well I thought that HE wanted to be elected so that HE could change things to make them better. INSTEAD, HE HAS FAILED MISERABLY.

Obama’s conceit blinds him to his own record.  Sure some of the blame for high unemployment is credited to Bush, but didn’t Obama come on strong back in 2008 saying that he was going to bring “Hope and Change”; change that we “could believe in”, whatever that implied?  Well he has delivered ‘‘change’’ but not the kind of change we had hoped for or the “hope” that he meant for us.  Our economy and financial systems are at the utmost stages of dismal failure and social collapse; I for one didn’t “believe in that change.” 

When he said he wanted (and then got) almost a trillion of our tax dollars to create a “jobs stimulus” the unemployment figures were unacceptably high after being at approximately 7 percent when he took office.  He said his “jobs stimulus” would keep the unemployment figures below 8 percent.  And how about that less-than-sterling clinker of a program, “Cash for Clunkers”? Talk about failures and falsehoods.  As a noted Congressman said during one of Obama’s speeches, “You lie”, well, he has lied a lot.

After losing more jobs instead of creating them with a trillion of our tax dollars that he doled out to special interests and corrupt labor unions as “payback” for their help getting him elected to the presidency, the unemployment figures soared to around 10 percent.  TEN PERCENT!  I repeated that for special emphasis, as HE, Mr. Obama stated that the money was to create jobs, but more jobs were lost than created and OUR tax dollar money was handed out to crooked and corrupt labor union leaders, posing as “friends” of the workers.

This man is not to be trusted with our tax dollars.  He has no American loyalty, instead preferring the “peaceful” Muslims that gave us “9/11” and more grief in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Mr. Obama, YOU LIE!

Obama says, “The truth of the matter is, the American people have gone through the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.  They are understandably impatient, and I can say to them, ‘Look, all the actions we’ve taken have been the right actions. If we hadn’t taken those actions, things would be much worse.’ But the bottom line is, unemployment is still at 9 percent.”

Did you get that part where he said, “If we hadn’t taken those actions, things would be much worse.’?  Can you believe that lying. He is saying that he made things better by stealing almost a trillion tax payer dollars and giving it to corrupt union bosses which did not create even ONE job for that “jobs stimulus” package.  You lie, Obama!  He’s saying that those billions he paid out for “Cash for Clunkers” sold millions of new cars.  You lie, Obama.  He even admitted that “unemployment is still at 9 percent.”  There you didn’t lie, Obama you told the truth about your failed stimulus objectives.


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Comment by Sandra on September 18, 2011 at 2:07pm
Either this is a trick or we have to look at someone else for possible election? 489 days left and O is a goner!






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