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Obama and Bloomberg cannot put 9/11 in a box

From Bush to Obama: “I can hear you”; “the rest of the world has heard you” “and the people who knocked this building down will hear all of us soon”, to one who never hears and who only talks down to people through a TelePrompter.

Obama and Bloomberg cannot put 9/11 in a box

 Judi McLeod  Saturday, September 10, 2011

A watching world will see on full display the utter failure of President Barack Obama and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg during tomorrow’s 10th anniversary of September 11, 2001. 

In trying to rewrite history, Obama and Bloomberg, in effect, try to steal from the people the true meaning of why citizens the world over will never forget what happened on that fateful day.

Revisionists of 9/11 history fail and fail miserably for the truth is it is impossible to micro manage human emotion.

Mayors and presidents can issue officialdom’s never-ending proclamations and decrees.  They can ban clerics and first responders from the 10th anniversary of the worst terrorist attack on American soil.

They can send out “speaking points” to which all politicians will dutifully follow;  they can even ban the words “al Qaeda” and “jihad” from being spoken.

While politicians of the day try to ban God from the public square, the words “God protect America” will be the most overriding ones tomorrow as they are murmured by untold millions, not just at Ground Zero but worldwide on September 11, 2011.

The 10th anniversary of 9/11 cannot be put into a box by politicians who use the occasion for photo-ops and re-election plugs.  The 10th anniversary of 9/11 belongs to decent people everywhere, who will remember it in their own way.

Politicians like Obama and Bloomberg will don their most mournful expressions to greet television cameras.  But millions will be looking past them to undying memories of the horror of people jumping to their deaths from the World Trade Center.  People will be remembering the heartbreaking television images of the loved ones of the innocents desperately showing their pictures at Ground Zero, and even 10 years later will still be praying for them.

Even the most gullible among us know that politicians will promise anything, say anything, all to cling to power, but that their words are empty and their message self-serving.

First responders have been disinvited by the politicians for only one reason:  The politicians were far removed from that day ensconced in safety, while the first responders were there, risking their lives to save others.  Listening masses tomorrow would hang on their every word, but ignore the shallow bleatings of soapbox politicians.

No, try as you might you cannot possibly put 9/11 in a box and instruct people how to remember it.  Memories of America’s worst terrorist attack never faded and are as much alive today in the watch of lonely goatherds in far-flung lands and remembered in the tiniest of fishing villages in faraway places.

A lot of things changed since that fateful day on September 11, but God isn’t one of them.

In one decade we went from a president who, despite his often cited failings, spoke directly to his people from Ground Zero, calling out,  “I can hear you”; “the rest of the world has heard you” “and the people who knocked this building down will hear all of us soon”, to one who never hears and who only talks down to people through a TelePrompter.

No matter how hard politicians work word to misrepresent it, appeasing terrorists is never the right thing to do.

And no matter how they strive for eloquence of speech, outstanding American courage on September 11, 2001 came through in words that speak to the human soul 10 years later.  These are words that could never be trumped.  For they are the words of Todd Beamer, who will forever hold us in deepest admiration for the greatest country on earth.  Those words volley down loudly through a decade of time. “Are you guys ready?” “Let’s roll!”


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Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on September 11, 2011 at 6:14am

AFDI/SIOA 9/11 Freedom Rally Welcomes Clergy, First Responders, 9/11 Family Members Banned From Official Ceremonies


AFDI/SIOA 9/11 Freedom Rally Welcomes Clergy, First Responders, 9/1... Reuters:

NEW YORK, Sept. 6, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The human rights organization American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) will be hosting its second annual 9/11 Freedom Rally on September 11 at 3pm at Park Place and West Broadway.

While clergy, 9/11 first responders, and 9/11 family members are barred and/or not invited to the official ceremonies, all are welcome at the 9/11 Freedom Rally. And while White House guidelines forbid official 9/11 ceremonies from mentioning who attacked the U.S. on that day or why, the 9/11 Freedom Rally features more honest speakers.

Free citizens are coming from all over the U.S. to attend the rally. "Honor our war dead and stand for freedom and against the deception and lies being used to subdue us," said AFDI Executive Director Pamela Geller. "We must show the jihadists we are unbowed in the defense of freedom."

The confirmed list of speakers includes 9/11 family members, including Rosaleen Tallon, sister of hero firefighter and reservist in the United States Marine Corps, Sean Tallon, who was killed in the 9/11 attacks; Nelly Braginskaya, who lost her son Alex; Sally Regenhard,
mother of hero firefighter Christian Regenhard, killed in the 9/11 attacks (Regenhard is an American activist who has become one of the leading voices for the families of the victims of September 11); Maureen and Al Santora, Maureen Santora, who lost their hero fightfighter son 9/11 and Alan DeVona, 911 first responder.

Also speaking will be U. S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton (via video); German MP Rene Stadtkewitz, leader of Germany's Freedom Party; Dr. Arieh Eldad, former candidate for Prime Minister of Israel, Member of the Knesset; Ezra Levant, TV anchor, newspaper columnist, author, founding publisher of the Western Standard magazine, the only Canadian media outlet to publish the Danish cartoons of Muhammad (livestreaming on SUN TV), George Demos, NY Congressional candidate, Anders Gravers of Stop Islamisation of Europe (SIOE); Sudanese ex-slave and freedom fighter Simon Deng; war hero and North Carolina Congressional candidate Ilario Pantano; popular radio host Joyce Kaufman; Helen Freedman, Americans for a Safe Israel; Darla Dawald, National Director of the Patriot Action Network; James Lafferty of the Virginia Anti-Sharia Taskforce (VAST); Coptic Christian activist Joseph Nassralla; Iraqi ex-Muslim Michael Paul; and others.

Members of the clergy (banned from the official ceremonies) will be there for the invocation. And first responders, who were not invited to the official ceremonies, will speak and are welcome at 9/11 Freedom Rally.

Clergy include William J. Murray, Chairman, Religious Freedom Coalition; Rabbi Allen Schwartz, chief rabbi of Congregation Ohab Zedek, NYC; Dr. MG Prasad, director in the board of directors of Hindu University of America, Orlando, Florida, and his associates, Mr. Nanda Gorur and Mr. Vivek Vasanth; Bhupinder Singh Bhurji, Chairman and CEO of Namdhari Sikh Foundation and a Sikh Priest.

Pamela Hall will be singing the Star Spangled banner and Shelli Manuel will be play the the harp.

Hosting the rally are Pamela Geller, publisher of the acclaimed blog, executive director of AFDI and SIOA, and au






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