by Gary DeMar, Dec 28, 2009 Article From Patriot Depot
How many of you have heard about the November 17, 2009 AirTran Flight 297 from Atlanta to Houston? While there is some confusion about what really happened, there is no doubt some passengers were alarmed enough to leave the plane when it returned to the gate. They believed a terrorist “dry run” was in progress. AirTran has downplayed the “alleged incident.” Were these men just messing with the passengers? I don’t know, but I’m not taking any chances. Were they scouting the reaction of the passengers for another group that has plans to carry out a future terror mission? It doesn’t matter. I refuse to stand by while a bunch of Islamic terrorists use me and my fellow passengers to make some perverted religio-political statement. I’m not going down in an airplane without a fight. I hate flying, but I hate crashing even more.
I’m sure you’ve heard about the Nigerian Muslim who botched his attempt to blow up a Detroit-bound airliner from Amsterdam. Some of the passengers took action and immobilized him. The guy was on a government list. His father had contacted government officials warning them that his son was dangerous and a possible terrorist candidate. It may be bravado, but “Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, charged with the attempted Christmas Day bombing of Northwest Airlines flight 253, told FBI agents there were more just like him in Yemen who would strike soon.” Homeland Secretary Janet Napolitano initially claimed that “the system worked.” No it didn’t. The people on flight 253 worked.
“We’re the government, and we’re here to save you”
Famous last words. There’s only so much that governments can do to stop terrorists who are committed to blowing up planes, buildings, people, and themselves. If a group of crazed men want to overpower a flight crew, they’ll find a way to do it or die trying and take the plane and its passengers with them. All it takes is a few razor blades, the panic of passengers, and the unwillingness of men to take matters into their own hands because they have been assured that the government is in control and everyone has been properly screened. I’m not buying it, and neither should you.
While I applaud the security precautions taken by the airports, they are not foolproof. Razor blades can easily be concealed. But who even needs razor blades? There are some very hard plastics and composite materials that can be sharpened enough to slit a throat. (Think how easily paper can cut skin.) These types of weapons cannot be picked up by scanners and “magic wands.”
It’s the presence of the security devices that makes us feel safe enough to let down our guard. Terrorists know this, and they will exploit it. While we’re relaxed, they’re plotting and planning. How many times have you heard “experts” tell us that the terrorists will not use planes again? Don’t believe it. They will continue to test the fence looking for blind spots and soft spots. A second wave of planes-as-missiles would bring commerce to a screeching halt and turn America into a virtual police state. That’s the goal. Hit us where it will hurt the most.
So what do we do?
While the government has decided not to scrutinize Mid-Eastern men out of fear of verbal and legal assaults from the ACLU and Muslim advocacy groups like CAIR, there’s nothing stopping us from doing it. This isn’t to say that there may not be home-grown terrorists trying to bring down planes, but odds are that, to use Ann Coulter’s phrase, it’s going to be a group of “swarthy men.” And it will take a group of them to do it. So if you see five or ten Mid-Eastern types, probably traveling without wives and children, be suspicious. If you spot such a group, size them up physically. Could you take most of them—man to man—in a fight?
It’s Up to You, Me, and the Guys Next to Us
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