The Tucson massacre goes well beyond my ability to adequately describe it, as does the massacre at Fort Hood- and all the other mindless violence recently sparked by incendiary doctrine of both religious and political ideology. Moreover, anyone commenting on this tragedy is simply begging for trouble- both left and right having already abused it to score their political points.
Nevertheless, something really bothers me about this one. I won’t go so far as to call it a false flag, but something doesn’t ring true. And whatever you may think of him, blogger Robert Duncan O’Finioan thinks it may be a covert hit- perhaps US District Judge John Roll being the primary target. Please click the link and read his assessment of 8 January, which in part reads, “In my opinion, based upon my experiences and training, this was a hit. This was not some random (person), pissed off at the world, who decides one day to go out with a double stacked Glock and commit this incredibly heinous act…”
Was the Tucson shooting well planned- and like the JFK assassination, rife with collusion and an intentional lack of security?
Also, consider the books Loughner “liked.” You can still find them on his YouTube page. Yes, Marx’s “Communist Manifesto” and Hitler’s “Mein Kampf,” but there are also some of my own favorites, namely Orwell’s “Animal Farm,” Hemingway’s “Old Man And The Sea” and Huxley’s “Brave New World.” Admittedly Huxley’s book wasn’t meant to give social engineering a bad name, but that has often been the unintended and unmistakable result.
Now go to Congresswoman Giffords’ YouTube page. Will someone please tell me why Gabrielle has subscribed to Loughner’s YouTube page? (The YouTube moniker used by Jared is Classitup10.)
Yes, Jared’s prose is certainly some pretty strange stuff. For example, he states, “Firstly, the current government officials are in power for their currency, but I’m informing you for your new currency! If you’re treasurer of a new money system, then you’re responsible for the distributing of a new currency. We now know- the treasurer for a new money system, is the distributor of the new currency. As a result, the people approve a new money system which is promising new information that’s accurate, and we truly believe in a new currency. Above all, you have your new currency, listener?”
And also, “The majority of the people who reside in District 8 (Giffords’ Congressional District) are illiterate- hilarious. I don’t control your English grammar structure, but you control your English grammar structure…”
However, I submit that Loughner’s rambling may be a bit too strange- perhaps contrived by Jared (or his handler) to paint a self-portrait of a madman that may not be so mad after all- and to cover up something much more sinister. Yes, I am saying there may be more to this horrific tragedy than meets the eye.
And Rivera’s liberal take on all this? He’d probably make political points at the expense of his own mother. Nevertheless, my dear Geraldo, blaming the Taxed-Enough-Already for this one is really a stretch…
But in regard to scoring political points, you can bet the shadowy ranks of Big Brother will not waste this darling crisis- and that they’ll use it to further clamp down on the internet and other avenues of free speech. It is especially offensive that the elitists have undertaken wholesale rape of all we hold dear- yet expect us to respond with calm civil speech to their evil shenanigans.
And with Obama still in charge, don’t look for improved transparency in government anytime soon. Moreover, the globalist shadow government will recoup their recent Congressional losses by striking at our Constitutional liberties in other ways. First and foremost, there will be an unprecedented elitist effort to paint the Taxed-Enough Already as the cause of this terrible tragedy- even declaring that our angry rhetoric continues to be a grave threat to national security. That leftist effort has apparently already begun.
In conclusion, let me reiterate the genuine threats to our national security. Leading the ruthless pack of ravaging wolves is the international banking cartel and its nefarious corporate affiliates- followed by the diehard communists led by the Chinese and Russians. Then come the Islamic jihadists disseminating their bellicose religious views on the demonic wings of merciless terror and murderous mayhem- followed by the world’s petty but powerful criminals best exemplified by the Mexican drug cartels. Finally, scattered throughout our corrupt federal government are despicable parasites either confederate with some of the above, or the unwitting enablers thereof- by way of their own unmitigated greed, selfish ambitions and unbridled lust for political power.
And while I don’t pretend to possess a complete and detailed remedy for this venomous phalanx of tyranny, I can tell you without slightest doubt that in response to globalist intimidation, neither our politically correct silence nor our cowardly acquiescence is an appropriate defense of American liberty.
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