NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

MY COUNT OF 19 YEARS TODAY, ON THE REPUBLIC OF USA!!! Oct 17.1990-Oct 17.2009 By Antoniette.

When I was a kid, I remember reading books that was not allow for me to read, so I did hiding and any place I know I will not be discover by the nuns, as them censorship was very high in the Country I born. Spain. Many of those books were about the American history, with action because the war on those times was the Vietnam War. I believe that because the main characters of the stories was American soldiers, I grow up with the desire to be a military my self and be in the USA, didn’t know at that time if that will be possible, as for once in Spain women can’t be in the service and USA seems way to far for me to be there. I grow up also as to be a dreamer and considered that nothing is impossible in life when one pursue those dreams. Strange though as I were in dictatorship or Fascism Country. Life do give a sense of reality even for a dreamer like my self, as to have a way of surviving a ruling against the people and one still go thru and have years with the memories to recount those times.
For me back them, life was normal as I didn’t know better and was the only think I knew, but those books and others open my mind and a very early age, allowing me to ask questions, most time I have no answer, life it’s self will give them to me, while I was passing through.
In October 17 of 1990 my life, already change by many circumstances, will make a drastic change of my ideologies, believes and stand for what I considered right or wrong. I will not be honest if I try to portrait my beginning in the USA as been easy and comfortable, none of the two, I did found people with very little understanding of those like me who came from different background, some people was rude and uneducated, and some ask me to go back to my Country. Life was hard as a single mother, because that title I carry here for my first 7 years, (Long story. That’s best to stay where belong, in the past) My bag was full of dreams, will, courage, desire, passion, youth, adventure and for most the Spirit that God give me so many years go of a fighter… so even if was not easy, I can’t say that in the process I didn’t have rewards, I have the best friends anyone can ask for.
As a natural way of been, I start analyzing what was going on in this Country, and when I was able to ask question, because my knowledge of the language was progressive, I ask things that many times I saw happen and make no sense to me. People in majority will tell me that “This is America, take it or leave it “I did not one or the other.
Very open mind person and straight forward with my thoughts, questions, opinions, I encounter many times problems, because “I was a foreigner, and my business was not to do with the USA issues or policies” This comments became a challenge for me, was normal for that the fact of getting very involve with politics. I want to know, comment make by me, many times as be very hungry for knowledge became my every day bread, so I notice things that people in general don’t notice.

In Clinton era, he decides to close many bases, the argument was that sense USA is very strong, and those bases cost too much money, they need to be close, I wonder why? Why they close bases in the USA having so many people with out jobs, eliminating the way of life of so many American People? Why don’t close bases in foreigner Countries that I’m sure don’t need so much, where the American people already paid to much money for those Countries to have bases, and bring the work to the people, so wonder why this move was make concern me for while. Provably some other people were wonder too.
Today, it’s not discarding the possibility that this bases will have ulterior intentions and use, as maybe camps, that so many people is talking about, one need to ask, for who or what? As it’s been say to hold on the illegal’s, but knowing that they try to make them legal, seems out of the equation, most lately for those like my self who’s against the present administration for what they stand and what they doing to this Nation.
Be involve with the events was nothing but the natural thing to do, as leaving life with control, censorship, limited freedoms, etc, was not something I was willing to live and give to a family as heritage. A became to me my duty and responsibility thru time to aware people of those things I was observing, no one really bother to listen, after all, “Nothing can happen in the USA”
Ah my friends, I wish people hear me them, as I wish many times people hear me today, what I was talking about, the worry that my heart hold became reality on the 9.11.2001 “We were under attack!!!” Even if I saw the out coming of events, to become reality by the extension and the damage, the place and how many people, became for many of us, unreal, something from a science fiction. One may think that a was in event isolated, but after 8 years of corruption, deceive and treason against this Country, the WE THE PEOPLE and the Constitution, it’s possible to imagine that what we saw as a terrorist attack by foreign forces, that hates anything western, that those that seems to talk about “Conspiracy theory “are not to far from the truth. We know today, that these events create some kind of new law, sale to the people as something we must need, to open up a bigger Pandora box, where no one, but those that lay the next move against this Country knows. As for that the worse one has been “The Patriot Act” giving to the President unconstitutional powers that no one knew at the time, as for that the power to control the way of life of people, how they communicate and how the behave in a crisis, to the extend of Martial Law, ordained by one person ability to decide in his own, the life and well being of 300+ million people.
Today 19 years later of my arrival in this Country to stay, I have to say that I don’t endurance more pain, worries, concerns in my life that those I have at the present time.
I wonder how long will take a massive wake up call for Americans, as the very core of what The Republic of USA is, right now stand in the cliff, ready to fall very deep under the hands of Communist and Marxist. If people know how close and present this danger is.!! People once more has been deceive, has been sold for 30 pieces of coins, that this Country is being destroy by the very own people elected to protect the borders and the lives of this many millions, with the assurance under the Oath take, that they will do just that under the guidance of the Constitution.
Yes, people recognize, maybe to late, that they have been put a tag for sale, people recognize that they make a mistake by allow someone with no credentials to seat in the White House, someone who his entire life have nothing by thugs, haters, communist, extreme liberals, around, someone who never did anything in his own, but take everyone’s work for him self, someone who did accomplish nothing in his life, but a pure mockery of the human race, but by some powers out side of the regular American people understanding, has being push and place in a position to get where he’s today. Doing exactly what he was hide for, not by those that pay his salary, but those that sole intent is put AMERICA in her knees by the complacency of the rest of the world…

Today 19 years later, I encounter my self on a marching road I was not thinking I will be any time in my life, to remember times of isolation, distress, pain, misery, times when we don’t know who will be next, or if we will have the luxury to see one more day. I found my self talking about those times that I work so hard to forget for over 25 years, those times that I promise my self, my daughter and grand kids will never have to suffer, for those that think that memories like that are ok to talk about, they may need to remember that’s their freedoms, liberties and the rights of pursuing happiness what many Europeans seek when the came to this Nation, ( I was not one of those, but I know about their suffering and conquer they have in their hearts for something better, not just for them by entire family, escaping persecution, abuse and many times their killing) and we all wanted to forget those times, so we can give to our children’s more bright future.
We understand that WE HAVE TO TALK about it, no matter our personal feelings, because it’s our information the one that ultimately will safe this Nation if people decide to listen and act in consequences to defend them self and their families, protecting those rights they have.
I said it one to many times, and I will keep say until everyone listen, you must act now, you must stop the talking, you must be inform and inform others, you must be ready and prepare for whatever is coming in your future, you must fight against evil, because evil is here in many fronts, YOU MUST my friend, fight against all of this as if you life depend on it… Oh well, a does depend on it!
After thousands, provably millions of letters, phone calls, fax, tea party’s, town hall meetings, protest etc, one must ask them self.. Why after all of this, after we telling them we will fire them, after send pink slips, why they don’t hear WE THE PEOPLE? Why they call as racist, terrorist, extremist, Hitler followers etc, why? Do they know something we don’t know? Do they ready to do something so damaging that the Country will be at the mercy of foreigner power? What will be with the people, what kind of life people will have? Do they intent to destroy the Constitution completely, with a treaty with other powers, so they can not only “eliminate” The Republic of United States, but make of this Nation a different Nation under different Flag with the unification of Mexico and Canada? We must ask these questions, as the intent to make of this Nation a NAU (North America Union) will be as another Europe. Do they try to bring with this treaty military from other Countries to “Control” the power and the will of the people? How about the guns? Where is the military in all of this? Why they don’t came forward and ask questions as well? Where the Oath Keepers to question all this unconstitutional laws?
What happen to the American pioneer heart? What happen to the Courage and Valor?

For those who do not know it's important to remember that as States rights, as the people's rights

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it's the Right of the People to alter or to Abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying it's foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Government long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferer, than to right themselves by Abolishing the forms Accustomed To which they are. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, Pursuing invariably the same Object evince a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it's their right, it is their duty, To throw off such Government, and To provide new Guards for their future security."

One may think that just refer to change with votes those that run business in DC, but this was created in the event that something similar happen in future generations that create the necessity for people to stand up and fight to regain their freedoms and rights as FREE PEOPLE. This events take place with similar situations we live today, and the result of those time's bring to us a Revolution, Because the government was so corrupted at that time, the people that change will not make to much different. I do not call for a revolution, of arms, but one of words, one of action ... it's the right of the people to UNITE in their own States and start making strong hold, some people in Texas or Vermont are asking for Secession, this aptitude is growing everyday Because people can not see other way out, but it's my take in this situation, that the Nation can and should DIVORCE of DC, NOT the UNION, that it's self is a revolution. How you do that ...? We need allot courage for once, the people UNITE, the States getting organize, and talk to everyone, from everywhere, so the States will make the move together. Many friends I have they are veterans, I love this guys and gals, Because they pay the ultimate sacrifice, FOR US… they fight for the Flag that represent THE UNION, represent other generations back, where many die for FREEDOM, starting with the 56 that men sign the Declaration of Independence, this Nation is full of inspirational story's of many people with Valor, Courage and Brave heart, to remember and honor them, people should change the way things are going, do not break that history that so many hold so dear, UNITE AS ONE NATION, and change the Government, keep the Constitution and provably change some things, like how long the House or Senate can serve, so they do not get to comfortable there and start making laws, that will screw the people even more. Find your self regular people, who work hard to make it, who have history of been honest among neighbors, make sure that not all of them are involved in law, so those that are not, will make a balance, ask questions, while you know what's going on. Select you own people and create term limit. Congressman/women, Senators, after been remove will have no special privileges, when they leave their position most of them open a law business and getting speeches all over the Country, they don’t need money that will be better use on Americans that need to make a living. They have to pay the same insurance as we’re, or be in the same system is the military is, no more or less. Voting can only be by paper and with ID. Current ID, not expire, you will make people responsible. In school on high school is mandatory to learn the Constitution and the TRUE AMERICAN history, can not graduate if they do, make them knowledgeable of their history. The language should be ONLY English on your forms, those that came to this Country to have citizenship or permanent resident must learn the language customs and so on.
No one should be called African American, Chinese American, Italian-American, all are American if they do not willing to blend they will not be part of the Country. Tough love, need tough lesson. Welfare as part of step stone, a pregnant woman can get help for two years; she became pregnant while in the program she is out of luck, people should not pay for her irresponsible behavior, the family she can call out for help. We must make people responsible, should have a limit, the government will pay for their life two years, while they need to either go to school, or training for a job, if they do not do one or the other, out.
Inmates should be treating as that, civil rights, or human rights? Well they should though about it before they commit a crime, they take the rights of someone else when they kill, or do some illegal. Many times this people damage the life of a child forever, or the whole entire family when they kill, should be no rights for them. Everyone who grows to be someone useful to society should know that if you're out the law, you're out of those rights that you enjoy was before that.

It’s time for people to get serious about this Nation, I’m celebrating my arrival to this Country because I love her so much, I fighting for this Country for the same reason, it’s no time to loose as I don’t want to see you my friends live a life that I know is not good and everything against the rights of the people.
To make things right, we must start fixing what is wrong, starting on us.
I’m honor to be part of what this Country represent after all this years, honor to walk this path next to you, even if we’re going to some deep trouble, I will not change where I’m for more security for me, so I stand with you because you’re my friend. If the time came, I will be there, where God’s knows where I should be. Stand my friends and start doing what is right for YOUR COUNTRY, after all I can tell you, YOUR COUNTRY… IS YOU!!!

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Comment by Freedom Is Not Free on January 11, 2010 at 8:38pm
thank you my friend for your kind words, I have always a great admiration and respect for you, as you stand with honor and truth with the present situations that we live today. I'm honor and bless to have such good friend. I just do what I feel is justice to the people to do. Just one of many.

May God be with you with his Grace, Wisdom and Blessings.
Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on January 11, 2010 at 8:08pm
I know how much you love this country, my American fellow-patriot and sister in Christ Jesus. I've thanked Almighty God for you, and I will continue to pray for you. I honor you for your righteous stand and profound faith.






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