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Multiculturalism and English First

Should we fully adopt the illegal alien and liberal multiculturalism agenda that is currently destroying Europe?

Multiculturalism and English First

 - Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh  Tuesday, July 26, 2011

image To become part of the fabric of this society and its melting pot, you have to learn English. It is illogical to refuse adopting the language of the majority – there are too many missed opportunities and self-marginalization in a society where the sky is the limit.

If your goal is to reject 235 years of U.S. history and culture by changing it into your vision of Latin hood, then Spanish-only barrios make sense. There is also the option of going back where you came from if this country’s customs, language, religion, and culture offend you.

English is not our official language. Any other country in the world has an official language.  The modern obstacle for passage of English as an official language is Executive Order 13166, signed by former President Bill Clinton.

The United States is “officially multilingual by requiring the government, all businesses that work with the government, and anybody receiving any form of federal benefit, to provide all of their services in the language of choice of any recipient.” 

During President Bush’s administration, E.O 13166 grew, aided by the U.S. Office of Civil Rights. Nobody knows why Bush did not repeal it. We can speculate that he was pandering to the Latino vote.

“Executive Order 13166 was enforced when challenged by radical pro-Hispanic organizations seeking to weaken America’s one-language policies.” This Presidential Order is still the law of the land and, if fully implemented, could cause a catastrophe of massive proportions.

Experts agree that all levels of government, federal, state, local, schools, hospitals, churches, nonprofit organizations, and even your doctor could be obligated to provide any language expertise under this order. The economic cost would be staggering.

We already spend billions translating into Spanish everything from store advertising, voting rolls, textbooks, instructions, government forms, immigration tests and papers, textbooks, DMV documents, driving tests, nationalization papers, citizenship tests, swearing-in ceremonies, hospital procedures, phone robotic messages, press 1 for Spanish. We cheat our own children out of a decent education and people die because of improperly translated medical information. We have to unite behind our one common language, English.

Rep. Peter Kind (R-NY) has introduced H.R.1307, English First, a bill that will nullify E.O.13166 and English will become the official language.  His bill states explicitly “that Executive Order 13166 shall have no force or effect.”  Whether it will pass or not, it depends on the strong anti-American, Latino pro-communist lobby that prefers Spanish as the language of the re-Conquista land.

Maryland is usually the first state in the nation that passes anti-American, pro-Agenda 21, pro-illegal immigration laws in the nation. It is no surprise that it has recently passed the Dream Act, in-state tuition for illegal immigrant college children.

It may seem an insignificant law since only a few hundred illegal aliens will benefit in the beginning. Gustavo Torres, with his Casa de Maryland, wants to take his immigration Dream Act fight nationally. Deporting 400,000 aliens annually is an insufferable number of potential union dues-paying workers and Democrat voters.

Torres is Executive Director for Casa de Maryland, situated in Langley Park, a mansion he purchased from Gregg Clickstein for $1. Casa now has a budget of $6 million, half of which comes from local, state, and federal tax appropriations, helping illegal immigration.

Suddenly, illegal immigrants are now “we the People” in Casa de Maryland

Big Labor bosses, especially SEIU, like-minded politicians, clergy, and cunning progressives promote illegal immigrants rights at the expense of American law and American taxpayers. Eliseo Medina, secretary-treasurer of SEIU said, “The people who started this plantation, if only they had known it would become the People’s home.” Suddenly, illegal immigrants are now “we the People” in Casa de Maryland.

Republican state Delegate Pat McDonough objects to the local, state, and federal money funding the house itself, to the legal and other services provided to 20,000 illegal immigrants annually. “Gustavo has created a sanctuary state.” “The Governor does his bidding. The politicians who control power in the State of Maryland do his bidding…And his success has caused financial and personal heartbreak for the State of Maryland.” “They are a globally significant organization.”

It is in part the success of the heavy lobbying of Gustavo Torres, a Medellin, Colombia, legal immigrant who is compared by adulating Washington Post and liberal media to Che Guevara, the iconic figure of the communist progressive movement in this country who disregards the fact that Che was the butcher of thousands and thousands of innocents who opposed his Marxist doctrine.

Torres and Casa de Maryland rallied “undocumented workers” as the progressives like to call them, to protest apartment living conditions. Illegal aliens felt entitled to housing on par with Americans and demanded same rights as American citizens.

Gregg Clickstein, who sold the mansion for $1 to Torres said, “This nation of immigrants… and this new wave of immigrants, and having the opportunity to assimilate and be great Americans. And it really just touched me.” That sounds idealistic and noble, however most illegal aliens have no intention of assimilating, they want to bring their native countries culture of poverty, corruption and oppression with them under the banner of the Democrat party.

Gustavo Torres talks about “la lista negra” from his native Colombia. “If I did these kinds of things in Colombia, I’d have been killed a long time ago.” He is now cunningly using our tolerant laws and freedoms against legal Americans, trying to transform our country into the Colombia he fled.

Maryland Dream Act

The effort to pass Maryland Dream Act, the in-state tuition bill for illegal immigrant children paid off, it passed 27-19 in Senate and 74-65 in House. 

Montgomery County, Maryland, has a Latino Health Initiative, lobbying for free health care for illegal immigrants. They already have access to free health care in our nation’s emergency rooms. If Americans have an emergency, they must wait eight hours or longer until all illegal immigrants’ sniffles and colds are seen by an emergency room doctor. Should you have a real emergency, you must wait your turn.

Member dues, corporations, and foundations such as Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz, Harry and Jeanette Weinberg, Ford, the Open Society Institute of Baltimore, Bank of America, Wachovia Bank, and CITGO also support Casa de Maryland.  Who knew that Hugo Chavez had his communist tentacles in Maryland?

Torres, who makes $86,000 a year as Executive Director, talks about “positive social change,” euphemism for communism, and his aims for Casa’s influence – White House, Homeland Security, and Congress. It is abundantly clear that his aim is not to adjust and adapt to our capitalist system but change his adopted country into the communist “paradise” many illegal aliens have fled. Casa’s mission statement is to create a more just society, code words for communism.

Casa attracted a “team of true-believing organizers, fundraisers, lawyers and specialists who are the envy of liberal nonprofits in the region.” Cecilia Munoz, White House director of intergovernmental affairs, and Thomas Perez, assistant attorney general for civil rights are alumni of Casa’s board.

Torres’ goal is to “build a powerful movement of immigrants and other minorities including the African American community to fight for justice – and they decide what justice means.” This sounds to me like a call to communist revolution.

According to their union, Casa de Maryland’s workers enjoy fully funded health insurance. Part-time teachers give lessons in English to those who desire to learn the language.

Before the Dream Act passed, Torres consulted the students if they agreed with the “tough” requirement that students or their parents must have filed a Maryland tax return. Torres wanted to know if they accepted the compromise. Asking an illegal teenager for permission to pursue a political course? Asking an illegal alien who broke the law to accept a compromise?

Delegate McDonough was disappointed when the bill passed. His speech was the voice shouting in the desert, “Maryland is becoming Disneyland for illegal aliens… Now there are 300,000 illegals in Maryland. When do you reach sticker shock?.. They are not fighting for civil rights, they are fighting for civil wrongs…”

Should we not have an official language? Should we fully adopt the illegal alien and liberal multiculturalism agenda that is currently destroying Europe? Should we not fight to preserve America as our fore fathers founded it? Should we not preserve the rule of law and our Constitution? Should we give in to illegal immigrants because they feel that we have stolen their land and it is their right to get it back through any means necessary? Are we that busy and lazy that we are not noticing what is happening to our country.

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