NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.


Many have been writing me and asking, "OK, so what do we do?"

Like most of us, I am new at this political activist game. I have sat on the bleachers and watched others play ball. Well, all the good players are down and it is time for us to step into the game.

Some of you watched the Constitutional Congress of 2009. (if you missed it, here are the archives, you better go watch it CLICK HERE) This was very enlightening and provided me with hour upon hour of thought provoking discussion. When it was over, I blogged about it and told you there would be more to come.

Well, here it is. THE ARTICLES OF FREEDOM.

Simply put, the Articles of freedom are the next logical step.

Let me quote the pledge and the call to action.

My Pledge
In full view of The Creator as my witness, I hereby pledge my signature, and vow to join with a goodly number of millions of Americans to hold our elected and appointed officials accountable for all of their violations, with a firm reminder that each one has sworn an Oath (or Affirmation), to Preserve, Protect and Defend the Constitution for the United States of America. In seeking to hold them accountable, I shall hold myself accountable to do the same.

We, the undersigned, renounce and condemn any and all INITIATION of violent force and will pursue all lawful and Constitutional means to fulfill our duty.

I place my name here and shall participate as an Eternal Record of the Will of the People to be Free.

Please consider going to the web site and signing the pledge.

Nationwide Civic Action
Delegates to Continental Congress 2009 and others from Each of the several States, shall serve this document titled, “Articles of Freedom,” with its Remedial Instructions, on each United States Senator and Representative in their offices located in their respective States, placing them on notice that We, the Free People of America, believe them to be in violation of their Oath of Office and the Constitution for the United States of America.

When a goodly number of millions of American people agree, we will withdraw our financial support from the federal government, in a lawful and constitutional manner, and implement other responsible civic actions, until all violations of the Constitution for the United States of America CEASE.

If you would like to download the Articles, CLICK HERE.

Very soon many of us will present these ARTICLES OF FREEDOM to every member of the Congress and the Federal Judiciary. It will also be presented to the Executive Branch.

This will only work when MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS come into the streets and force the criminal government to return the United States of America to the PEOPLE.

So, you have asked me, "What do we do now?" I suggest this is the thing to do. The day has come for you to take your country back. Do this for your children, grand children and the future of the nation. You now have the plan of action, act upon it.

Rick Johnson

So, how's that whole "hopey changey" thing workin' out for ya?

Thanks to RJ, founder of Paul Rever's Rider for sharing the above post content.

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Comment by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on January 4, 2010 at 12:50am
Michael Norbury,
"BRING HOME THE POLITICIANS" is an excellent idea and one that should be proposed and implemented as soon as possible along with term limits for congress and hopefully a fully operational 3rd party for breaking ties and mass misappropriation and application of the rule of law of our constitution when both parties seemingly act in defiance of their electors.
Even the projects own PREAMBLE quotes ARTICLE 1, SECTION 5, CLAUSE 4, and states that it, "allows for a change in the place of meeting".
1) This change would have to brought about by the congress itself not by any organization or group or even the states themselves. This process and change will surely become a lengthy debate by the entrenched politicians of both parties even IF it is ever to be considered.
2) Moving politicians back home does NOT automatically reduce corruption.
3) It does affect national security by spreading the target area but increases dependency on electronic communication systems which then become an additional terrorist target.
4) ANY change that reduces access to congress by lobbyists will be hugely resisted by the lobbyists.
There is much that can be done by bringing the politicians home, it will take time, it will take perseverance.
Comment by Kathryn Ball on January 4, 2010 at 12:18am
I have read "The Articles of Freedom" via the link provided.
Is there any way that this document is binding?
I was under the impression that a Constitutional Congress could meet and prepare a proposal to be taken back to the states to be voted on by the residents of each state.
The document is well written and thought out but if this is the consensus of 96 citizens it is as toothless as a 180 yr old man.
I love and admire the hearts and souls of all of the members of this site but if we are going to actually make a difference in policy, we had best make sure that our efforts have validity as well as legal 'legs' to stand on.
Believe me, I am committed to preserving the rights of 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness' but it needs to be LEGITIMATE. A Pitt Bull with no teeth is not a threat.
Please enlighten me on the direction this document is heading.
Comment by PHILIP SCHNEIDER on January 3, 2010 at 9:07pm
Let me ask all of you Patriots whether you will "purchase the government health care plan" or go to jail and pay a fine??
These laws being passed by the democrats are going to "Make us break the law" we have no options! The democrats leave us no other choice except to disobey the law.
We won't have to commit a violent act to go directly to jail, all we have to do is make a wrong choice about our own health care.
. . . . so why not make the pledge, what have we got LEFT to lose?
Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on January 3, 2010 at 7:41pm
I'm pretty sure that they simply put in there as a C.Y.A. disclaimer, as to not seem to promote a revolutionary overthrow of the federal government. In my opinion, you exhaust the constitutionally legal means first, then do what you have to. The demoncrats are dooming themselves by their wicked and corrupt actions. As a Christian American patriot, I'll do everything I possibly can do - with God's help -in a just and righteous manner.
Comment by terry german on January 3, 2010 at 5:20pm
I am sorry but the { My Pledge } part gave me a chuckle. I am not of violent nature nor do I promote violence.The part about WE THE UNDERSIGNED RENOUNCE AND CONDEMN ANY AND ALL INITIATION OF VIOLENT FORCE AND WILL PURSUE ALL LAWFUL AND CONSITUTIONAL MEANS TO FULFILL OUR DUTY. Now just how do you fight someone legally when this person/people have no respect for the laws let alone the very Constitution they took a oath to uphold. Seems the courts have been leaning to the side of our Government in recent cases. Is it not clear they will do what they want and will keep doing so. Do I need to spark some memories.Remember Hillary C saying the the American dont really know what they want? That means they will decide for you. ALERT They have so far has anyone noticed this. Nancy Pelosi said you dont need GOD you have the dumocrats or was it demorats? Suck it up and enjoy........This is your future - your Childrens your Grandchildrens future. Now again can someone explain to me how this is going to be fixed. Should I make another sign and stand on the street corner go to a townhall meeting to be marked as a Nazi.






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