NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.
Monday, 28 Jan 2013 03:01 PM
By Todd Beamon
© 2013 Newsmax. All rights reserved.
For 103 years, the mission of the Boy Scouts has been "to prepare young people to make ethical choices." Unfortunately, the organization's leadership seems less inclined to make those same choices themselves, as rumors swirl that the Board is on the verge of reversing its longtime policy on homosexuality. To most parents, the news that the Scouts were even considering a change is a shock. After all, it was just seven months ago that the same spokesman told reporters that, after a two-year review, a special committee had unanimously recommended keeping the ban. "The vast majority of parents," Deron Smith had explained, "value their right to address issues of same-sex orientation within their family... at the appropriate time and right setting."
Now, suddenly, after decades of withstanding pressure, lost sponsors, and evictions, the Boy Scouts are a Board meeting away from destroying a century-old legacy of courage in exchange for weak-kneed compromise that pleases no one. According to the press release yesterday, the BSA would peel away the national prohibition on open homosexuality and pass the political hot potato of "sexual inclusion" to individual troops--most of whom won't have the financial means or the will to beat back the coming onslaught. A new policy would only shift the attention to local councils, who would be under unfathomable stress to fall in line with BSA headquarters. And as homosexual activists well know, it will be a lot easier to pick off one council at a time than to take down the entire Boy Scouts of America.
"The Boy Scouts would not, under any circumstances, dictate a position to units, members, or parents," the latest statement reads. "Under this proposed policy, the BSA would not require any chartered organization to act in ways inconsistent with that organization's mission, principles, or religious beliefs." The idea that the Scouts can co-exist under a "morally optional" policy is ridiculous. It's an unworkable solution. Once there's a crack in the moral dam, it's only a matter of time before the entire Scouts crumble under the weight. Sixty-nine percent of Boy Scout troops are chartered by faith-based organizations. Is the BSA willing to turn itself against their will to "satisfy" a small and insatiable fringe?
Meanwhile, Americans (only 42% of whom support this change) want to know: Will a new policy help produce young men with greater moral clarity or responsibility? Will it help make the transition from boy to man easier? These are the questions our nation should be asking the leadership of the Boy Scouts of America. No one can blame the BSA for wanting to put the exhausting conflict of the last 30 years behind them. But throwing up your hands on 103 years of tradition doesn't end the controversy--it begins another. If the Scouts are willing to strip foundational values from their code, can spirituality be far behind? "If they are considering lifting the ban on gays, that's a good thing, that's progress," said the head of American Atheists. "If they lift that bigotry from their requirements, I would hope they remove the rest of the bigotry and admit atheists as well." Once the Scouts have conceded on principle, other attacks are sure to follow.
So what exactly is the incentive? Is it cultural acceptance? Because the Scouts are about to learn that no such thing exists. For every supporter they gain through surrender, they stand to lose hundreds more in active members. Is it money? Because there's no guarantee that the corporate floodgates will open with a localized policy like this one. In fact, it's more likely that UPS, Intel, and other former sponsors will hang on to their checkbooks until there is "full inclusion" at every level. Is it safety? Because unless something changed in the last seven months, the Scouts are still dealing with the fallout of more than 2,000 cases of child molestation with the current policy in place! Can they honestly tell parents that entrusting little boys to men with same-sex attractions is somehow going to reduce the incidence of child sexual abuse? Or is the motivation closure? Because anyone who's been a target of homosexual activists understands: there is no appeasing them. This struggle won't end until there is a national policy eliminating any and all standards of morality. If the Scouts go down this path, before the ink is even dry on this decision, there will be demands to represent and celebrate homosexuality in the Scouts' curriculum, hiring policy, camping arrangements, merit badges, jamboree programming, and a host of other traditions. All these bullies need to topple a 2.9 million-member organization is a foothold. And a naive BSA headquarters is dangerously close to giving them one.
Friends, this is a time of winnowing. And not just for the Boy Scouts. The war of moral evolution is coming to your doorstep, if it hasn't already arrived.
You may be 38 years old, as I happen to be. And one day, some great opportunity stands before you and calls you to stand up for some great principle, some great issue, some great cause. And you refuse to do it because you are afraid... You refuse to do it because you want to live longer... You're afraid that you will lose your job, or you are afraid that you will be criticized or that you will lose your popularity, or you're afraid that somebody will stab you, or shoot at you or bomb your house; so you refuse to take the stand. Well, you may go on and live until you are 90, but you're just as dead at 38 as you would be at 90. And the cessation of breathing in your life is but the belated announcement of an earlier death of the spirit. -Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Now is the time to engage. Before the Boy Scouts make their final decision, it is absolutely vital that they hear from you. Contact Wayne Brock, Chief Boy Scouts Executive, at 972-580-2004, 972-580-2000, or by email at Tell him that you would rather see his organization die standing on character than risk the safety of millions of boys to appease radicals and score political points.
** In two days, the U.S. Senate will consider the nomination of Sen. Chuck Hagel for the position of Secretary of Defense. With a muddy history on foreign policy, FRC tries to shine a light on Leon Panetta's potential successor in our new backgrounder, which explains where Hagel also stands on important issues like Israel, life, marriage, and domestic partner benefits. Click here to learn what Americans can expect from the President's nominee.
*** Join us in the 5:00 p.m. (ET) hour as we discuss this watershed moment for the Boy Scouts on "Washington Watch with Tony Perkins." John Stemberger and Congressman Jim Bridenstine (R-Okla.) will talk about the possibility of the BSA changing their longstanding policy. FRC's own Tom McClusky will help kick off the show with a Hill update on everything from the Hagel nomination to religious freedom in the military. Don't miss it! Click over to to listen and watch live.
**** FRC's General Jerry Boykin is continuing his whirlwind media tour on the proposed change to military policy. Check out his latest piece in the Washington Times, "Common Sense, Emotion, and Women in Combat." Also, check out the work of FRC's two Kens--Blackwell and Klukowski--in this feature from Breitbart, "Former Mayor Blackwell: Four Year Fight for Second Amendment."
Charlie Butts,Jody Brown (
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Leaders of traditional values groups believe if the Boy Scouts changes its policy regarding homosexuals as members and leaders, that organization could be deeply hurt.
The proposal under consideration by the Boy Scouts of America, announced Monday, would remove sexual orientation from the national membership restri... and permit regional counsels to make their own decisions about membership.
"Currently, the BSA is discussing potentially removing the national membership restriction regarding sexual orientation," read a statement released yesterday by the Scouts' leadership. "This would mean there would no longer be any national policy regarding sexual orientation, but that the chartered organizations that oversee and deliver Scouting would accept membership and select leaders consistent with their organization's mission, principles or religious beliefs. BSA members and parents would be able to choose a local unit which best meets the needs of their families.
"The policy change under discussion would allow the religious, civic or educational organizations that oversee and deliver Scouting to determine how to address this issue. The Boy Scouts would not, under any circumstances, dictate a position to units, members or parents. Under this proposed policy, the BSA would not require any chartered organization to act in ways inconsistent with that organization's mission, principles or religious beliefs."
The Scouts' announcement comes after years of controversy surrounding the current policy, including a high-profile Supreme Court case in June 2000, and -- more recently -- corporate campaigns to suspend donations to the Boy Scouts.
Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, offers his take on the announcement.
"This is what's happening," he said on American Family Radio Monday afternoon. "The homosexual activists -- you know they succeeded in taking down the military with Barack Obama's help -- now they've been targeting the Boy Scouts using their allies in corporate America, where they get into the HR departments and they've been pressuring them like UPS [and Merck Foundation], even though a Gallup poll just out shows that a majority of Americans agree with the Boy Scouts' position."
Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality reminds OneNewsNow that the Scouts went to the highest court in the nation to win the right to ban homosexuals in leadership positions -- but homosexual activists began pounding them, then some businesses stopped financial support.
"If you take all that and you still come out strong, that's a victory," he says. "But if you allow all of that pressure to then change your values -- which is what they're doing here -- to accommodate homosexuality, then you've given in. You've let the bad buys win."
"It's very sad to see the Scouts cave on this," he continues. "If you capitulate to the homosexual lobby, you're capitulating to immorality; and you're not being 'morally straight,' as the Boy Scout creed says."
Randy Sharp, director of special projects for the American Family Association, also alludes to the Scouts' oath. "The BSA, for years, has had character and integrity and has stood firm on moral values," he remarks. "If they reverse this policy, then what they're saying now is that to remain 'morally straight' isn't as important as they've been saying for the past 100 years."
Sharp predicts that, should a policy change come to pass, fewer parents will allow their children to be members. And he points out that the BSA depends on adult volunteers to run the program.
"You're signing a death warrant when you say you're going to allow open homosexuals to participate in a program with young boys," adds the former Scoutmaster.
LaBarbera agrees. Parents, he says, do not want homosexual Scoutmasters going with their boys on campouts. "And you don't want homosexual Boy Scouts either because you don't want to have one homosexual Scout going around telling everybody about his homosexuality and how he's out and proud and everything. You don't want that influence of deviant sexuality among the boys itself."
"... Parents need to contact the Scouts and say Stick to the original policy ... Keep the Scouts morally straight," urges LaBarbera.
Expect attrition, says the SBC
According to The Associated Press, Southern Baptist leaders -- who consider homosexual acts sinful -- were furious about the possible change and said its approval might encourage their churches to support other boys' organizations instead. Sing Oldham, vice president for communications with the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee, says the possible policy change -- which was conveyed to the SBC last week -- would convince some congregations to do away with their Boy Scout troops.
"They were hoping that there would not be any opposition from the Southern Baptist Convention," he tells AP. "[But] I do believe that there will be attrition over time as churches evaluate their long-term relationship with the Scouts and begin to look at other options in terms of serving the interests and the needs of boys."
He adds: "I just think over time that they're really spelling their own death knell as being the kind of vital organization they have been historically."
A final vote on any policy change could happen as early as next week.
Editor's Note: The American Family Association is the parent organization of the American Family News Network, which operates
Hang in there Deborah Moore. Our Savior Shepherd will lead, guide and direct your path. You are stronger than the adversary because of His indwelling Holy Spirit.
That is frightful. Why didn,t 3 million Americans get off their back sides and vote.
God and Country=God and Country=God and Country.
After going to the grocery store last evening, I can,t compete with the food stamp
Americans. There is a reason for everything. We must be strong. "I" must be strong.
Remember this case?
Progressive agenda appears to be trying America in all "social experiments."
This month in California=they started releasing boy scout molest case documents, by court
order. Do we never learn from history?
Thank you. I will do my home work on this. Great coverage on a once strong culture, that has
lost. The fox news led me to yahoo news, but I appreciate your bold truth. I will share.
,,," a Nation with no conscience is already bankrupt" - RAYA @ REAL CONSERVATIVES
Jasmine Starr, Yahoo! Contributor Network
I was reading a book written by Bill Orielly when I came across the chapter of NAMBLA. I had never before heard of them and am sick to my stomach now that I have. So for you who don't know about NAMBLA let me give you some insight to them. NAMBLA which stands for North American Man/Boy Love Association is a group that believes it is okay for men to have sex with boys. They say their goal is "to end the oppression of men and boys who have freely chosen, mutually consensual relationships".
NAMBLA was formed in 1978. They say they condemn sexual abuse and all forms of coercion. However members of NAMBLA have been charged with murder and rape, just to name a couple. On an episode of America's Most Wanted, John Walsh stated "That he and the FBI has tried for years to stop NAMBLA, and that all members of NAMBLA are sexually abusing young boys."
In February of 2005 seven members of the NAMBLA were arrested in California and charged with allegedly planning to go to Mexico and have sex with boys. Two of the men that were arrested were teachers. They were going to take a boat to Ensenada, where they were told boys would be awaiting them at a Bed & Breakfast. The men requested that the boys be as young as eight years old. Fox News reported this story in February of 2005.
In 1993 a teacher at Bronx High School of Science was fired after his membership with NAMBLA was made public.
In the late part of 1997 a ten year old boy, Jeffery Curly, was murdered by two NAMBLA members. These two guys tortured, murdered, and mutilated this small child. In 2000, the parents of Jeffery Curly, Robert and Barbara Curley, sued NAMBLA. The American Civil Liberties Union stepped in to defend NAMBLA as a free speech matter and won a dismissal based on the fact that NAMBLA is organized as an association, not a corporation. Robert and Barbara Curley continued the suit as a wrongful death action against individual NAMBLA members, some of whom were active in the group's leadership. As of April 2005 the wrongful death cases were still being considered by a Massachusetts federal court, with the American Civil Liberties Union assisting the defendants on the grounds that the suit violated their First Amendment rights to free speech. The two men who killed ten year old Jeffery Curly is now serving a life sentence.
These people must be stopped. You never know where these men will pop up or who they are. Some members of NAMBLA are teachers, lawyers, judges, Veteran Administration clerk, and priest. Parents talk to your children and tell them how important it is to not talk to strangers. This group plans their moves carefully. In an article I read, this man signed up for the membership package to get insight on them in hopes of bringing them down. He stated that in his membership package he received drawings of young nude boys and stories of men abusing boys. They also tell you how to molest a boy and cover your tracks. This is just disgusting and makes me feel sick to my stomach. They also used our tax dollars to support their group.
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