NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

2012 is going to be the most important election since the Civil War. Register to vote, then vote! May God bless us with true servant-leaders!

Looterville, D. C.!

 - A.J. Cameron  Monday, July 25, 2011

As Michelle Malkin is wont to say, ‘gird your loins.’  Being an interested citizen and observer of the greed and lust for power by most within national, elective-office stage, I have learned that while we, as citizens, must be concerned with what is ‘negotiated’ through the media, we need to be ever vigilant about what is negotiated out of sight of the media and us.  Our nation’s capital has truly become ‘Looterville, D. C.’

A friend and fellow patriot forwarded a column to me from a site I have never visited.  According to a column by Ryan Grim of ‘The Huffington Post,’ the leaders within both parties are conniving to create a special panel comprised of six Republicans and six Democrats, to which they will shift their responsibility.  A simple majority of the twelve will be sufficient to fast track legislation through both Houses of Congress, where it CANNOT be amended, and effectively politically neutering ‘regular’ lawmakers.  ‘Regular’ lawmakers would be limited to an ‘up or down’ vote.  Are we that void of genuine leadership that our elected leaders would stoop to this type of action under the radar?  Is there no character or transparency in D. C.?  Because the GOP leadership has been resistant to the TEA Party contingent, it is unlikely members of the TEA Party have been privy to this potential development.  The irony is that the GOP leadership would not have its position if it weren’t for the TEA Party.  If there is any truth to this development, we need to storm our respective Representatives and Senators to demand a cease and desist of this new panel.    

Regarding the actual budget-ceiling impasse, as we have seen, the longer it stretches out, the more the Present-dent reveals his lack of a plan and his pigheadedness in arriving at a solution to a problem he has aggravated since coming into office.  He and the media have short memories.  How bi-partisan was the savage ramming of ObamaCare through by the Obama/Pelosi/Reid Axis?  Aside from unions and special interest groups crucial to Obama’s re-election, who has benefited from the stimulus?  How are businesses supposed to grow and hire employees while ObamaCare and Dodd-Frank attack them?  More than any other administration, this Present-dent and his allies in Congress have turned D. C. into Looterville, whittling away at our Constitutional rights akin to Jed Clampett of the Beverly Hillbillies, whittling away on a piece of wood.  ‘Well doggies!’   

Ratings agencies have indicated that spending reductions are as important as arriving at an agreement in order to maintain our ratings, yet the Present-dent demands more taxes to fund more spending.  The media are eager to follow the Present-dent’s lead in accusing the GOP of being stubborn throughout the negotiations, but why won’t they hold the Agitator-in-Chief to the same standard?  Hasn’t he been equally stubborn?  In fact, hasn’t he followed form, negotiating to an agreement, only to become greedy and demand more to appease those who will support his re-election?  The Present-dent’s track record contradicts his supporters’ insistence that he has negotiated in good faith.  His definition of compromise is ‘Give me what I want, or I’ll …,’ which usually includes some form of political blackmail. 

I reckon the Present-dent must be nervous because he had tax-cheat, Timothy Geithner, doing his bidding on Fox News Sunday, ratcheting up the fear factor with several inflammatory comments.  Considering his fear and hate of Fox News, this speaks volumes about his concerns about his obvious lack of leadership.  Could this be due to the fact that, to date, the Present-dent has been unable to intimidate his ‘enemies’ into waving the white flag for the first time in his political life? The Bilderberger ‘Milburn Drysdales’ must be pressuring the Present-dent to deliver.  Wouldn’t you like to eavesdrop to hear the fear, hate and accusations being spewed by the spoiled pawn behind closed doors? 

The American taxpayer, the under and unemployed, the small businessperson, future generations, and American patriots are eagerly looking for a conservative leader to stand up for us, especially against this regime that is slapping us around with increasing regularity.  Its actions are comparable to parental abuse!  Will the GOP deliver for America, or shrink from its responsibility, even resorting to a creating a panel that is outside of our Constitution? 

Actions have consequences, and the debt-ceiling impasse can be traced to the Stimulus, a/k/a the Obama re-election slush fund, the Democrats’ undemocratic forcing through of ObamaCare, and Dodd-Frank, all of which are ravaging our economy.  We need to make sure that a special panel is not part of any budget-ceiling agreement.  Anyone involved in this usurpation of the full body of both Houses of Congress must be held to account in 2012! 

Thank God for the TEA Party!  Its members are almost certainly the sole reason the GOP and the Democrats haven’t abused us through another ‘routine’ increase in the debt ceiling.  2010 was the staging point for the next three elections.  As a registered Independent, I realize the need for a united GOP in 2012.  We need to elect principled individuals who will embrace our Constitution and eliminate the ‘Looterville, D. C.’ mentality, subjecting themselves to the legislation they pass upon us, even sacrificing as they ask us to sacrifice.  2012 is going to be the most important election since the Civil War.  Register to vote, then vote!  May God bless us with true servant-leaders!


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