NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.
This is from Gordon...
These are not legal or dictionary definitions, but short explanations used to describe words as they are used within the Agenda 21 context.
Bill of Rights: US Constitutional rights that reflect natural law , deemed unalienable- we are born with these rights, they cannot be taken away. Conversely, Human Rights are granted to people under the Declaration of of Human Rights. Under this system the government can take these rights away to advance a centrally determined "common good".
Biodiversity: The dictionary defines it as a variety of plants and animals in their native environments/ habitats. It is used by globalists to promote fear around extinction of species so that they can activate the Endangered Species Act which has yet to have a single success! It is used as a weapon to abolish private property.
Collectivism: Political philosophy where a small group determines the "greater good" for the masses. While it could take the form of communism, fascism, socialism, etc, the common denominator is control over the population.
Commerce Clause: The Constitution provides that the federal government has power over commerce between states, but this power has been distorted and expanded beyond its original intention. The federal government uses this as an excuse to regulate resources, businesses and everything else.
Consensus: Facilitators will use the consensus process to reach a predetermined outcome. Minority positions are ignored in consensus. This is also used in education as more value is placed on reaching consensus than objective data.
Corridors: Areas targeted for control. This word applies to strips of land that interconnect with Wildlands, where human presence and resource extraction are not allowed. This word is also used in relation to transportation routes and power grids.
Councils: These organizations, comprised of insiders and stakeholders, are being used to usurp the power of local governments.
Democracy: Mob rule, or majority rule. We live in a Republic that is based in protecting individuals' rights. Imagine if a lynch mob (the majority) wanted to hang you (the individual). Democracy contrasts with the American system, intended to operate as a Republic, with limited government powers and with the protection of individuals' Unalienable Rights through a system of due process.
Endangered Species Act: This Act was based on a United Nations model and implemented through international treaties. It is a tool collectivists use to take over land and resources in pursuit of the abolition of private property.
Enumerated Powers: Power given to the congress in Article1, Section 8 of the Constitution, that are further limited by the Bill of Rights.
Equal Justice: Equal Justice is a respect for independence and unalienable rights of the individual and general tolerance for individuality. Equal justice puts a checkmate on mob rule.
Fabianism: Constant, slow change in government. Incrementalism.
Facilitators: Paid workers who use peer pressure and psychological manipulation to obtain consensus.
Forfeiture: VIDEO (3 min) about how government can take your personal property.
Gaia: Pagan religion of nature worship honoring Mother Earth. Today, Gaia represents a philosophy that places nature above humans consistent with the Action Plan of Agenda 21. Agenda 21 is designed and used as a means to an end (depopulation and slavery). the Gaia philosophy is predicated on a "higher purpose" - to save nature at all costs.
Governance: To rule, control and manipulate America was based on the principals of a government of protection. G. Edward Griffin suggests we should not even use the word government, but a Protectorate instead.
Green: While we are all dependent upon and concerned about the environment, the environment has been elevated to a status above humans, under the banner of being "green".
Gerrymander: Division of areas to give special advantages to certain groups; it is a mechanism to adjust Congressional boundaries to meet the ruling political parties' objectives. Illegal immigration is a symptom of this type of social and political engineering.
Human Rights: Those rights granted by men and capable of being withdrawn by men as outlined in the U.N.'s Universal Declaration of Human Rights. (Article 29 "These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations." This means 'Human Rights' can be taken away).
ICLEI: The International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (also called Local Governments for Sustainability) is a U.N. accredited Non Governmental Organization (NGO). It implements the Action Plan of Agenda 21 Sustainable Development. Cities pay dues in order to obtain direction from ICLEI in establishing local policy and law. It is a violation of Article 1, Section 10 of the US Constitution which prohibits States and their subdivisions from entering alliances with foreign operatives.
Insiders: A person in power who has access to confidential information and influences decisions.
Individualism: The philosophy that the interests of the individual are, or ought to be, paramount. Collectivism is its opposite.
Inalienable Rights: Rights that are granted by the government. What is given can also be taken away. The U.N.'s Declaration of Human Rights are a system of of inalienable rights.
Unalienable Rights: Rights that we are born with. They may not be taken away by government. "That all men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights." This political recognition is why the Declaration of Independence is regarded as humanity's greatest achievement.
NGO's: Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) are accredited by the U.N. for purposes of implementing Agenda 21. They are well funded by governments. tax free foundations, corporations and individuals.
Outcome Based Education: Method of teaching wherein the student must be able to perform according to prescribed standards, and real knowledge and critical thinking are discounted.
Public- Private Partnerships (PPP): Corporations or other private entities like foundations, NGO's, associations, etc that pair with government to enforce rules and policies that benefit the money partner (corporation) or government objectives. Public- Private Partnership is the re-invention of Mussolini's system of economic fascism.
Private Property: Private property is the relationship between a person and something wherein the owner determines the use and enjoyment of the thing. Private property includes land, personal possessions and intellectual property. Private property also includes one's own person, body and mind, which is why the protection of property rights are so important.
Land ownership is the primary source of freedom and wealth!
Quality of Life: This phrase is frequently used in propaganda and official documents to sugar coat the underlying policies and intentions.
Regions: Political regions are established in order to replace existing political boundaries thus destroying the power of local governments. A water control agency would be an example of this. Regionalizing resources to remove power from local authorities is the way Russia was Sovietized.
Republic: A system of government that operates by rule of law and exists to protect individual rights. The Republic of the United States has a democratically elected representative government, but this does not make it a democracy.
Smart Growth: Herding people into cities and off rural land, for the purpose of controlling human action. Building up (high-rises), not out, and mixed-use buildings with stores on the ground floor with living spaces above exist within a walkable community. The objective is for people to stay within a small area in order to be easily controlled while the animals roam freely everywhere else.
Stakeholders: A person entrusted with the stakes of bettors. Stakeholders are shadowy entities that have influence and are referenced in many documents. Stakeholders in this new political context are those who combine efforts to drive a stake into the heart of private property.
Sustainable Development: The U.N. document called Agenda 21 lays the blueprint for advancing Sustainable Development. This is a euphemism for depopulation and control. The basis of the design is the "Three E' program: "Equity"- using sociology and the law to create a global system of governance; "Economy"- meaning redistribution between nations and converting from free enterprise to Public- Private Partnership; and "Environment"- meaning nature above man.
Tenth Amendment: This is the key to the undoing of Agenda 21- the recognition of States' rights and State sovereignty: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, not prohibited to it by the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
Wildlands: The counterpart to Smart Growth, it is designed to remove people from the land, using the excuse of "sustaining" wildlife; the plan is to remove people and eliminate resource extraction from over 50% of America's landscape.
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