NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

Let The Enemy Snooze- While We Get Out The Angry American Vote!

I see Zero set a new record today: a minus 24 on Rasmussen’s Presidential Approval Index. Ya know, if we pull off a big enough victory in November, we have an excellent chance to impeach Zero in 2011!

On 26 August at the Alaska State Fair in Palmer, an old man was brutally arrested for exercising his free speech against President Obama- and calling for Zero’s impeachment. Please watch the heartbreaking video. Yes, the fellow was a bit loud- but a pretty tame camper compared to the stuff I write. For example, the poor guy didn’t call Zero “a yellowbellied traitor.” Much difference between this video clip and Nazi Germany? I think not. One police officer identified himself as an Alaskan State Trooper- boldly flashing his ID and threatening to send any interfering onlookers to jail. And of all places- Alaska!

I can only ask, “What the Hell is happening to America?” Guess I answered my own question. Hell…

It’s most ominous for Dems that Zero’s approval should hit such an all time low so close to the election- only 23% strongly approving of his behavior. I believe Harry Reid and the Senate’s Dem majority will soon disappear from Congress- and the free speech pendulum will start swinging back the other way.

Yes, I still watch Fox News, but not nearly so much. The only Fox employee I still revere is Neil Cavuto. I’ve not much affinity for the others- and rely most on my internet friends to keep me abreast of what’s really happening. If Zero’s henchmen put the kibosh on our critical net communication, we’re in trouble.

Were it not for the net, how would we know, for example, that Zero really has a birth certificate? Albeit both documents are from Kenya, but at least we’ve seen proof that he wasn’t hatched in outer space- that he’s just an illegal alien and not an extraterrestrial one…

I feel like we angry conservatives are massed on a mountain road- about to push Zero’s entire motorcade off a breathtaking cliff- and then applaud wildly as all those shiny government vehicles become scrap metal while tumbling into the rocky abyss below. Oh, the power of the American ballot box!

And speaking of anger, I’d now like to answer my elderly friend Janice in Tennessee, who recently asked my opinion about that fellow in Florida who wants to burn a few copies of the Koran. Big mistake- and here’s why.

In my youth, I wasn’t much of an athlete- especially when the sport involved being taller than a fire hydrant- or had some strange object you had to catch or throw. However, I did find a home on North Hunterdon Regional’s wrestling team and developed a reasonable degree of physical strength by the end of my freshman year- though at first I couldn’t climb those blasted ropes to the top of the gymnasium. My strategy was always to outwit my opponent- and making him angry was the last thing I wanted to do. Even at Lafayette College, my modus operandi remained the same: quietly set up the opposing grappler up for my favorite takedown- and bam! When wrestlers get angry, their adrenalin allows them to do amazing things- even if their judgment gets a bit hazy and bizarre. Better to let them keep that false sense of security instilled by their coach as they walked onto the mat…

I am not a big fan of the Muslim religion- especially the militant version. However, I don’t go out of my way to anger Muslims, because that strategy only leads to more mindless acts of terrorism- and more casualties among our men and women in uniform. I agree with General Petraeus- and if I’m gonna wipe out a nest of killer bees, the last thing I wanna do is get ’em angry!

If I’m gonna stir anyone up, let it be American conservatives- so they get out and vote on 2 November! And not only conservatives- but anyone left in this country with a lick of common sense! And the pinko commie liberals? Let ’em sleep! Let ’em keep that false sense of security that Zero keeps feeding them!

And a big mistake by the Muslims- wanting to build that mosque near Ground Zero! They’re infuriating American voters from coast to coast- from Palmer, Alaska to Miami, Florida. Bring it on! Election Day is soon upon us!

We Taxed-Enough-Already folks couldn’t get a better boost on the eve of the November elections! Maybe we can’t successfully trumpet the truth about Zero being a closet Muslim, but Islamists are unwittingly doing the next best thing!

Hitler squashed German free speech and the fledgling power of what is now called “talk radio” without significantly angering their national consciousness. Oops! Zero doesn’t have that luxury. Videos like the one featured above from Alaska quickly find their way into the American consciousness- thanks to the internet and despite our lame downstream media.

So that’s my sermon-from-a-sinner for today, folks. Bottom line? Don’t anger the enemy. Let ’em snooze away- while we get out the angry American vote!

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Comment by Oregon Country Girl on September 9, 2010 at 10:25pm
Well, they did shut down the internet... I figure we would still find a way to communicate. Start gathering those phone numbers. Although, I don't think they will shut it down. God would still speak to his children. His power would still reign. In fact, I'm quite sure his "supernatural power" would manifest itself in his children to bring about his will. The power of men on this earth is absolutely no match for the awesome power of God and his son, Jesus Christ.
Comment by Adrianne Knobloch on September 9, 2010 at 3:32pm
Rally vs. Mosque and 9-11 Memorial. 9\11\10: PARK PLACE BETWEEN CHURCH & WEST BROADWAY LOWER MANHATTAN, 2PM.

To those here who are convinced the debate is religious tolerance, I would respectfully ask you if you consider that framing it in that limited basis is to undermine Constitutional law and the Bill of Rights. I would suggest that you seriously consider the utter self destructive consequences.

Islam as faith is an inalienable Constitutional right but establishing Sharia Legal/Judicial System is not, indeed, it is specifically prohibited by Constitutional law.

When in conflict with the Constitution, and in matters of inalienable rights Sharia always is, practicioners of the faith can not claim faith to protect a non-existant right to trump or in any way dissolve, weaken, ignore, or co-exist with Constitutional law.

Sharia Law, the Islamic legal/judicial system does not recognize any protected Constitutional right ... go over the first 11 Amendments and the 14th, see how Sharia stands in direct opposition to all inalienable and equal treatment/protection/adjudication.

Put the two thoughts together: Sharia, no inalienable rights, Constitution, protected, inalienable rights. One simply CAN NOT follow Islam AND Constitutional law.

For a practicing Muslim, rejecting Sharia is to reject Islam, they can not because the legal/judcial system and the faith are inseparable.

Think of the Christian concept of Trinity, Christians can not choose Father and not Son or Holy Spirit. Neither can a practicing Muslim true to his faith, separate Islam from Sharia.

And so, while religious tolerance is a Constitutional fundamental, using faith as an excuse to ignore the law of THIS land certainly is not.

The Constitution is the ONLY law of this land, our Bill of Rights can not peacefully co-exist with a legal/judicial system that for example, provides for slavery, indentured servitude, misogny, women and children as chattle owned by husbands, fathers, male relatives and subject to genital mutilation, stoning, "honor" killing, primitive and inhumane punishments, child marriages, polygamy, etc. For starters.

Sharia simply can not and MUST not be allowed to exist on sovereign US soil. And American citizens have a civic obligation to stand against all those who advocate the invasion of any other governing system here.

It is not up to us to remedy this for them, it is up to them to live up to and under OUR laws.

If Muslims can not (and their faith demands they do not) follow Constitutional law in our land, then they have one other protected right. Leave the USA and go where they can follow the Sharia legal system.

We simply can not tolerate Sharia here. Non-negotiable. I don't say it. Constitutional law does. The renegade gov't, both federal and state have not defended their oaths to uphold and defend Constitutional law, instead, they have allowed AND PROTECTED Sharia to be actively practiced in the Islamic community here.

If an non-Muslim (American citizen) were to commit ANY of the above, you can write in stone they would be severely punished with years, if not life, if not capital punishment, in prison.

Yet our gov't goes against our law and allows Sharia to flourish. It protects Sharia with extra penalties of hate crimes.

And so,whether speaking of the Mosque near WTC or any other mosque, all preach EXCLUSIVE adherence, as a matter of RELIGIOUS DOCTRINE, DOGMA and OBLIGATION.

None, not even the so called "moderate" ones reject Sharia and/or preach or demand adherence to Constitutional law, inalienable rights, Bill of Rights, etc. in this country (or elsewhere). The Christian doctrine of "Render to Caesar" simply does not exist in Islam.

The Constitution prohibits gov't from establishing any religion, Sharia demands establishing ONLY Islam.

And so, I would argue because ALL mosques are in the anti-constitutional business of sedition as a matter of faith,law, judicial courts, and actively practice this in each town, county and state.

We must demand that federal gov't legislators declare Sharia illegal/unconstitutional and prohibit its practice in ANY form or place, here.

As long as a mosque, ANY mosque obligates Sharia as a mandatory, INALIENABLE part of the "faith," then mosques themselves should be as regarded as illegal as would any Casa Nostra illlegal, criminal/seditious, foreign interest, conspriational enterprise.

Conservatives, Christians, Jews, religious laws adhere to the Constitution, Bill of Rights, letter and spirit. Islam does not. Unless and until they do, they can not and will not assimilate and adopt the law of the land.


As for me, I am going to the Memorial and Protest to stand with the 9-11 Families, they NYFD and NYPD this Saturday.

I would not miss it, for me it is no different than if the Chinese Army was to invade NY and Bloomberg unconditionally surrender US territory, homeland invasion requires us all to be soldiers.

I think it was Ronald Member who last night talked about Cordoba, where the mosque was built over the victory sight. The same happened in Jerusalem, indeed, every conquest they plant a mosque as we planted our flag on the moon and Iwo Jima simbolizing our own conquests and victories. I imagine they can't "sell" a mosque in Shanksville, to redneck and not enough Muslims to attend so they settle for the crescent.

Would love your thoughts on this and hope to see you Saturday. Now really is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.






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