NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

Just how important is "cutting the budget" ?

"Liberals Will Always Have the Upper Hand!"
By Ron Ewart, President
National Association of Rural Landowners

"I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. In my youth I traveled much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer."  Ben Franklin

It should come as no surprise to anyone with even a modicum of intelligence, that liberals have the upper hand and we gave it to them of our own volition.  You see they bought off almost every segment of the American society with handouts from your money and they have been doing it for over eight decades.
It's quite simple really.  All the progressive/liberals have to do is to use all the people they bought off with your money, against you.  First, they complicated the system by instituting an income tax and turned it into a very complicated wealth re-distribution scheme.  Have you done your income tax return lately?  Did you enjoy it? 
Then they bought off the unions.  They bought off the seniors.  They bought off the farmers and ranchers.  They bought off your children.  They bought off businesses with subsidies and special treatment.   They bought off the world with foreign aid.  They bought off the media because the media is just a reflection of the people and the people are as corrupt as the government.  Let's see!  Have we left anyone out?   We  the people allowed government to turn us into a bunch of moochers and now we won't bite the hand that "feeds" us.  As we fight for our largess, we cry for our freedom?  Ludicrous! 
When it comes time to trim government spending, we're all for it ..... that is provided the trimming happens to the "other" guy and not us.  Now, the Republicans, having listened to a small portion of the American people, those who still believe in self-reliance, responsibility and liberty, want to trim government way back.  Representative Paul Ryan just released a $6.2 Trillion dollar budget cut backs over the next 10 years that does just that.  What an easy target.  The liberals only have to trot out their usual playbook of "6 million seniors are going to die" and "kids will go hungry" (Nancy Pelosi's words) and Republicans will look like they had just guillotined an entire nation.  Then the liberals will resort to the most compelling of all arguments, class warfare and will accuse the Republicans of pandering to the rich.  It works every time.  The left-wing press will only be too eager to jump on the bandwagon and accuse the Republicans of being baby killers.
Never mind that 25% of the top taxpayers pay 87% of all taxes.  You call that equal treatment under the law?  Hell No!  That's just plain wealth re-distribution in its purest form so that politicians can buy votes with money that didn't earn or possess and they do it under the "color" of law.  It's a grand heist by any definition.
How can the Republicans and conservative Americans fight back against this onslaught?  They can't, and will always be on the losing side of the argument for small government, less taxes and less regulation.  It makes no difference that the country is going broke.  Those getting a government handout don't care.  Those politicians pandering to those getting a handout don't care because those moochers will vote for the enabler politicians every time.  That was the plan since FDR Invented" Social Security and it still is the liberal plan today.
The liberal plan is multi-faceted: propaganda at all levels, including public education, buying off as many constituents as they can to gain loyalty and votes and to lie about their entire agenda.   They have been very successful and we, like the dupes we are, fell into their trap with the naiveté of a jungle savage.  If there is anyone to blame for this mess, it is us.  Government just baited the trap, as all governments have since the dawn of human civilization, have done.
The only actions that will save a free and prosperous America fall under three categories.
1.  The American people will wise up en masse and start electing small government politicians that still believe in their oath of office to preserve, protect and defend the constitution, so help them God!  (Don't hold your breath)
2.  America will finally run out of other people's money to re-distribute (just like Europe) and the American financial system will collapse under overwhelming debt and fall into bankruptcy and chaos.  The moochers will riot and there will be blood in the streets.  Just like during the recent demonstrations in Wisconsin. That state government attempted to cut spending including government union members. Now the unions are  doing whatever they can to disrupt the normal process. Whenever government tries to trim back spending on public union salaries and pensions that are busting government budgets, it ends in chaos. Eventually the government will declare martial law and suspend the constitution.  Where it goes from there will probably be ultimately fascism.  "Heil  Obama!"
3.  Or, the blood of our forefathers will rise to the surface and we will take back our government by force as we shed an oppressive government 235 years ago, re-institute constitutional law, trim government, trim regulations and let the free markets and capitalism restore America's wealth and pride to what it was designed to be under freedom.  But that action is plagued by any number of unintentional consequences that could backfire.
Out of the three choices, none appear very promising, much less likely.
But hey!  We are but one small voice in a multitude of voices calling for the restoration of our Constitutional Republic.  Our message is lost in the hopeless din of patriots screaming for redress to a bought-off audience that gives that message little credence.  Liberals will always have the upper hand because they paid for it with your money.  Until they are starved of the fuel that gives them their energy and power ..... your money, they will continue to maintain the upper hand. 
As we have stated many times in past articles:
"YOUR MONEY IS GOVERNMENT'S MAJOR POWER OVER YOU The first power that government has over you is YOUR perception that YOUR money is their money.  The second power that government has over you is by using the money they take from you by force of law, against you.  The third power that government has over you is that you will religiously obey all of their laws."    (Will you?)


"Only when the people realize that their tax money is being used to environmentally enslave them; only when the people realize that their tax money is being used to "feed" a growing population of other people dipping their bills in the government "pig trough" and those "takers" voting for those very same politicians that take our tax money by force to keep the "trough" full; only when the people realize that their tax money is being spent to brainwash and indoctrinate their school and college-age children in the ways of socialism, multi-culturalism, radical environmentalism, collectivism and one-world-government; only when the people realize that their government is using their tax money to merge America into the one-world-order; only when the people realize that the only way to stop this attempted conquest of American freedom and sovereignty is to resist government, en masse, in every legal way possible."

                                        "Only then will we reclaim our freedom."

Taking such a bold action will require courage and commitment.   Have we reached the threshold yet where we would challenge government in this manner?  Not likely!  By the time that courage and commitment are kindled by the flames of liberty's demise, it may already be too late.
But then, hey, whose listening?  Certainly not liberals and certainly not a press who sleeps with the enemy of freedom!

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