NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

Sometimes I just get too fat- and while it may not be the most sensible method for weight loss, I periodically opt to stop eating altogether. I’ve been able to beat back the flab by simply subsisting on just water and/or fruit juice for a week or so. Sounds stupid maybe- but that’s what works for me. And as long as I’m starving myself thin (or at least thinner), it’s always a good time to multitask- catching up on all those things I’ve neglected while stuffing myself fat.

And amid all that multitasking, I do pray a lot more- and wonder of wonders, I always stand amazed at how miraculously my other problems begin to fade away with the unwanted pounds. My fellow Christians call that fasting and prayer- the former without the latter being but mere starvation.

Now the kicker. Maybe our federal government should try this- at least the fasting part! The present Republican House majority certainly has the power. Yes, I’m talking about putting the kibosh on raising the debt ceiling.

Other than marginally supporting our Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Airmen, Coastguardsmen and their families- what are the worthwhile federal accomplishments of late? The Patriot Act? ObamaCare? Sealing the southern border? Spending our tax money wisely? Continually insulting our intelligence?

And speaking of intelligence, I suppose shutting down the CIA for a while might put a crimp in their drug operations- but maybe that’s a good thing. There would be less cocaine and heroin on our streets- and the international banking cartel would find it much more difficult to carry out its money laundering and other shenanigans on Wall Street. If you doubt that stark assessment, listen to stellar American patriot Mike Ruppert for a while. First watch Segment 16 to whet your appetite- and then begin with Segment 1 to really educate yourself. I must warn you that Ruppert takes a dim view of the last six Presidential administrations (counting WJC’s and GWB’s twice)- as do I. 

Have trouble grasping the fasting analogy? Try this. Our federal government is like an overloaded tractor-trailer with no brakes as it careens down a steep mountain grade. Our only chance for survival may be for the House majority to seize the wheel, take a bumpy emergency exit- and just stop the damn thing.

Taking that emergency exit might cripple Barry’s agenda, too. Sometimes life is all about stopping something’s momentum, whether it’s a runaway truck, an opposing football team- or simply too much tyranny at the top.

If you watched the Ruppert videos, you were reminded that Ron Paul voted against the Patriot Act. And like Abe Lincoln issuing his greenbacks, that act alone gives me reason to back Congressman Paul in 2012- at least for Vice President. Heaven knows we could do a whole lot worse. Richard M. Nixon? Lyndon B. Johnson? George H. W. Bush? Albert A. Gore? Richard B. Cheney? Joseph R. Biden? I rest my case.

And yes, above all else, Ruppert thoroughly debunks the “lone gunman” theory regarding 9-11, but I’d rather not get bogged down in that today- although delving into the deliberate destruction of the Enron evidence is tempting.

It is my firm belief that reliance on the 2012 Presidential election to save the Republic is foolhardy. What the Taxed-Enough-Already can accomplish in the remaining months of 2011 far exceeds the importance of who we run for President next year. Our present economic woes are all that precarious!

And notwithstanding the importance of above, I now revisit President Thomas Jefferson’s warning that if the American people ever allowed private interests to control the flow of currency into the economy, first by inflation and then by deflation, we would one day awake homeless and without property.

Last week I received notice that my New Jersey Police and Fire pension was being reduced according to NJ statute because the COLA last year should have been a negative percentage. Neither was there a positive COLA for 2011. Been to the supermarket lately? Filled up with diesel or gasoline? Herein we have a curious validation of President Jefferson’s warning. While the hideous plummeting values of our real estate have justifiably caused official deflation, food and energy prices continue to rise. (But please don’t get me wrong, folks. In a state clearly on the verge of bankruptcy, I’m happy to get ANY pension.)  

Another example foreboding a complete financial collapse: our official unemployment rate continues at hover around 10%, but America’s real unemployment rate is easily double the official estimate.

Irresponsible federal deficit spending, massive trade deficits and the outsourcing of American jobs to foreign countries are but symptoms of one common illness: adverse manipulation of our economy by the international banking cartel and its greedy affiliate corporations. Our tyrannical executive branch, an inept Congress and a broken judicial system are really small potatoes by comparison. Succinctly put, “It’s the Fed, stupid.”

Views: 32


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Comment by Sandra on January 31, 2011 at 9:58pm
He seems good, we will see if he carries through on his word...  He maybe what it takes to beat O
Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on January 31, 2011 at 9:49pm

I sure LIKE this guy! West-Paul 2012?


Comment by Sandra on January 31, 2011 at 8:48pm

What a sweet picture..... Thanks for sharing!

Comment by Richard Allan Jenni on January 31, 2011 at 8:43pm



Comment by Sandra on January 31, 2011 at 8:37pm

Your a nut Wayne! I think he has his hands full...


Comment by Sandra on January 31, 2011 at 5:18pm

As always a very good read. We are headed over the cliff. I sadly feel that they have the new GOP under control and we will not see much out of them as far helping. You can bet there will be no investigations into a lot of the illegal goings on.   Seems the RINO's know how to fool us into thinking some of them where TP, and they may not be, just propped up to appear that may. Again, see who supports them and follow the money! I sure hope people are awake by 2012, but with out common sense I don't see that going to happen. To many believe the spin media.  Long hard road ahead unless some fluke gets them out, you sure can tell they are fighting to remain in power for greedy reasons. I don't have much respect for any of the past presidents except a couple. This crap has been going on a long time.  The Commies know this is there last chance to turn us into Marxism style government.  I think people need to turn off the TV and stop putting sports etc ahead of there future! Thanks again Allan.







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