President Obama:
He gives a great speech doesn’t he, but do you believe it?
Unfortunately, this administration’s actions speak louder than this President’s words and with Nancy Pelosi as Speaker and Harry Reid as Senate Majority Leader, the gang that can’t shoot straight on the economy has no chance of turning this thing around. I wish that weren’t true because people are really hurting, but it is true.
What’s needed is a resounding victory for conservative principles: fiscal sanity, less government, lower taxes, strong national defense, life and traditional marriage. We need to sweep Republicans into power and not look back, because we need firm leadership that gets this economy moving again.
Here are four ways to help now:
1) Visit our Team Huck Headquarters and find out how to get involved in your state. We have thousands of volunteers and are building momentum nationwide.
2) Make a donation to Huck PAC: Help fuel our efforts on behalf of candidates. $5, $10, $25, $50 or more and each dollar will be invested in the fight to retake control of the House and Senate this November.
3) Follow me on Twitter: I am using Twitter to help organize our efforts online and communicate with voters about the threat this Congress and President represents to our financial future.
4) Become a Fan of Mine on Facebook: My Facebook page has 143,444 fans. Each day I share important information with them and ask them to spread the word to friends and family on Facebook.
You and I could sit back and do nothing. Frankly, that is the easier path for sure. But I haven’t spent much of my life in public service to watch the nation that I love spend itself into financial ruin. I can’t sit back as our values are brazenly attacked and eroded by this Congress. And I won’t let our standing in the world take a hit because “Can’t we all just get along” is our new diplomacy.
I hope you will stand with me. I am counting on you.
I will have more to say very soon but in the meantime please get involved today.
With gratitude,
Mike Huckabee
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