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Israel, the Texas of the Mideast!

Obama's ‘Hope & Change’ campaign slogan hid his ultimate agenda that is devastating our country and our alliances

Israel, the Texas of the Mideast!

 - A.J. Cameron  Monday, May 23, 2011

Once again, our Agitator-in-Chief has acted as a renegade despot in frustrating a trusted ally.  The President’s speech on Israeli borders being rolled-back to pre-War of 1967 borders revealed his prejudice against Israel and the Jewish people.  Israel is his Texas of the Mideast!

The President’s ‘kiss’ adds to the line of betrayals of family, friends and political allies by this duplicitous politician.  Don’t you wonder when those close to him will awaken to the fact that he is the consummate user and abuser of people?  Hasn’t he proven that he will drop them as if they are yesterday’s underwear once he has extracted what he needs, especially if they become a distraction or liability?  With his double-dealing on trade with Columbia, South Korea and Panama, and his snubbing of the state of Texas for disaster relief, how could Israel be comfortable with anything proposed by this President that affects its own national security?

The President’s ‘Hope & Change’ campaign slogan hid his ultimate agenda that is devastating our country and our alliances.  Regardless of his place of birth, his steadfast assault against the country he has sworn to protect is a dereliction of duty.  His indoctrination into taking down ‘the man’ while with the scurrilous ACORN sets him apart from every President who has occupied the White House, and as long as people remain silent, his ‘Yes We Can’ will become ‘Yes We Did,’ at the expense of our freedoms.

When you consider which states and organizations received stimulus money, how he accused the Cambridge, MA Police of acting ‘stupidly,’ and how he attempted to rally support by encouraging Latinos, especially those here illegally, to attack their ‘enemies,’ hasn’t he shown himself to be the most partisan of Presidents?  He is the ultimate ‘Singulus Musketeer!’

During the election campaign, when pressed about his obvious lack of experience, he countered that he brought a wealth of judgment and values to the office.  It was code for ‘vote me in, and I’ll turn the tables in the temple of our government.’  The government in the state of Texas has had the temerity to act according to the will of its residents, and, for this, the President has turned a deaf ear to those who truly need and qualify for Federal disaster assistance. 

In spite of which church the President attends, his actions shriek his true intentions.  His rebuke of Israel is just another step in reversing the many positives our country has achieved and offered.  Wasn’t it President Truman (D) who assisted in the establishment of Israel?  Has Israel ever been the initial aggressor in any war within the Mideast since its founding?  Hasn’t the expansion of the state of Israel come about after their successful defense of their country?

How can this President be trusted to act in the best interest of Israel when he isn’t even acting in the best interests of his own country?  How can the Jews in the U. S. support this ‘Usurper-in-Chief?’  Isn’t it time that American Jews move past traditional party affiliation and onto policies when supporting and contributing to ‘any and all’ politicians? 

Let’s equate the President’s call for Israel to sacrifice to something more personal to him.  Is the President willing to refund all money paid to him for the books he wrote, or had ghost written under his name?  Is he willing to roll back our society to the pre-Civil Rights era?  Both of these propositions are as preposterous as his call for Israel to retreat to pre-War of 1967 borders.  President Obama’s entire presidency invites a comparison to the reprehensible actions of Bull Connor against peaceful, civil rights demonstrators in Birmingham, AL in 1963. 

PM Netanyahu appears to realize what so few within the GOP realize. This President NEVER negotiates in good faith.  Every syllable of every word must be parsed for what is hidden within what he says.  I pray that the GOP realizes this when ‘negotiating’ on the debt ceiling.  As a Roman Catholic, I respect PM Netanyahu.  I wish we had a President who would stand up for the USA and its citizens as this PM stands for Israel, not the Angel Martin-like President (The Rockford Files) currently occupying the White House.  I also pray he will reconsider his abuse of Texas and Israel.


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