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Is Barack a Petrified Political Fetus?

Obama Role Model: Comte de Saint-Germain, History's Greatest Con Artist

Is Barack a Petrified Political Fetus?

 Kelly O'Connell  Sunday, October 9, 2011
image Barack is in worse shape than a fetal pig in a jar, turned rubbery brown after years of immersion and sunlight. You see, he’s a PPF­a Petrified Political Fetus. He’s all done, but never begun. He decided to skip his chance to be a leader so he could roll out his “community organizer” schtick. Obama is both bored and frankly disgusted by the thought of leading America the Ugly. So he frankly decided he’d rather not, and call it a day. Permanently.

It would seem that Barack is ready to join a long list of frauds who achieved prominence after juking and jiving their way to success. One infamous role-model fraud will be examined­Count St. Germain. But it is terribly sad at a time of extreme crisis around the world, where so many lives hang in the balance, that a ridiculous poseur would take the place of a trained leader to aggrandize himself. This is the subject of this essay.

Petrification of Political Fetus Obama

How badly has Barack muffed his presidency? Well, let’s put it this way…if Barack were a plate juggler at a Chinese circus, there would be so much pottery on the floor the audience would have to assume it was a Greek wedding. Obama has screwed up every decision, when not assuming the posture of the previous administration. Of course, we can give him a pass on the killing of Osama bin Laden and still not murder our premise that Barack is no leader, whatsoever.

It has become a truism of even leftist political analysis that bamboozler Barack is waaaaay over his head as leader of the free world. In fact, he’d probably be at wits end running the camera department at the local Walgreens. But consider the following recent body slams our boy king has endured from the faithful.

Tina Brown, doyenne of leftist publishers, recently said...

But if he (Barack) doesn’t feel ready to run- Actually, I just hope he doesn’t, because in the end, you know, his tremendous misgivings, maybe he is right. I mean, We had this with Obama. He wasn’t ready, it turns out, really.

First Black American billionaire, Democrat Robert Johnson, founder of Black Entertainment Television (BET) recently criticized Barack’s Buffet Rules, saying,

I think the president has to recalibrate his message. You don’t get people to like you by attacking them or demeaning their success..By attacking me, Obama is not going to convince me that I should take a bigger tax hit because I happen to be wealthy.

Democrat Senator Webb criticized Barack’s plan to hike taxes: “I do not believe we should be increasing ordinary earned income taxes on any level.”

But it may have been his recent decision to not offer a budget plan, then admit it­during the recent budget standoff­that cemented his reputation as the “ Leading From Behind” politician. In fact, he couldn’t lead a group of chickens away from a fox’s den.

II. Barack’s Cargo Cult Presidency

Obama’s presidency resembles a Cargo Cult in that it is designed to look like wise policy and leadership, but underneath is a crazy, mindless replica which can only hope to fail. Cargo Cults are groups of primitive tribes who, after they were visited by modern man who flew in goods via planes, thought they could get the airmen to return by building primitive grass-planes as an act of worship.

Physicist Richard Feynman wrote about a type of thinking which is exactly the same as the basic premises of this belief. Sir James Frazier in his immortal Golden Bough wrote this type of thinking was characteristic of primitive man, calling it Sympathetic Magic.

Feynman wrote in his article Cargo Cult Science,

In the South Seas there is a cargo cult of people. During the war they saw airplanes land with lots of good materials, and they want the same thing to happen now. So they’ve arranged to imitate things like runways, to put fires along the sides of the runways, to make a wooden hut for a man to sit in, with two wooden pieces on his head like headphones and bars of bamboo sticking out like antennas‚Äîhe’s the controller­and they wait for the airplanes to land. They’re doing everything right. The form is perfect. It looks exactly the way it looked before. But it doesn’t work. No airplanes land. So I call these things cargo cult science, because they follow all the apparent precepts and forms of scientific investigation, but they’re missing something essential, because the planes don’t land.

Feynman describes what is missing in this thinking:

But there is one feature I notice that is generally missing in cargo cult science…It’s a kind of scientific integrity, a principle of scientific thought that corresponds to a kind of utter honesty…

But the metaphor of Cargo Cults and their faux designs can also apply to politics. In fact, Randall Hoven describes this in Cargo Cult President. He writes of Barack,

He is the Cargo Cult President. At least the real Cargo Cult followers built real things that looked like landing strips to get airplanes loaded with food and supplies to land on them. Obama thinks you get factories to produce things and hospitals to fix people by making speeches­speeches that are reasonably good imitations of speeches given by real leaders.

Overall, consider how Obama leads a fake administration that cannot­either by talent, or evil design­do the most basic things to make America work. Therefore we are caught in a situation that increasingly looks like another Great Depression, directed by a man who apparently believes he can “Lead From Behind” while our country breaks down all around, in his wake.

And all Obama thinks he needs to do is put out faux policies, like “Stimulus” economics, or “Arab Spring” foreign policy, or “Tax the Rich” fiscal policy, etc. And all because Obama pretended to know the science of leadership,despite no experience, and leftist dupes across America bought his con act. But imagine if people had not propped up Obama his whole life and allowed him to move ahead even though he wasn’t qualified­what a different situation we’d be in right now!

III. Obama Role Model: Claude Louis, Comte de Saint-Germain

Eighteenth century Saint Germain, who claimed to be 300 years old, was one of the most famous frauds in history, vibrantly reminiscent of Obama. Writes biographer Isabel Cooper-Oakley,

The original ‘International Man of Mystery,’ the Count St. Germain, was an 18th century European aristocrat of unknown origin. He had no visible means of support, but no lack of resources, and moved in high social circles. He was a renowned conversationalist and a skilled musician. He dropped hints that he was centuries old and could grow diamonds. He never ate in public, was ambidextrous, and as far as anyone could tell, totally celibate.

Oakley mentions further claims made by Saint-Germain:

He always appeared about forty years old, popped up from time to time after his official death, made spot-on, unambiguous prophecies, could transmute matter, and spontaneously teleported to distant locations.

Saint Germain was supposed to be the greatest alchemist of his age and also wrote important works on the occult. He also loved to boast. Another biographer of the Count says when he overheard a topic he felt himself the unmitigated expert on, he could not restrain his contempt:

Said Gleichen of the first time he met Saint-Germain: “He threw down his hat and sword, sat down in an armchair near the fire and interrupted the conversation by saying to the man who was speaking: ‘You do not know what you are saying! I am the only person who is competent to speak on this subject, and I have exhausted it. It was the same with music, which I gave up when I found I had no more to learn.’”

While the Count’s claims seem silly stuff in a scientific age, are they really any more nonsensical than Obama stating that if he is elected, that the earth will begin to heal itself, the polar caps stop melting, and the seas lowered? Perhaps Barack is no more deluded than Saint-Germain when he allowed others to constantly describe him as the smartest man to ever occupy the White House, or as one who needed no practical experience in assembling a budget, running the world’s largest bureaucracy, or in conducting foreign affairs.

The Saint’s megalomania is reminiscent of Obama bragging about himself to a job interviewer looking for White House work:

I think that I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters. I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m gonna think I’m a better political director than my political director.

In fact, if one were to put together Saint Germain, Paris Hilton, and Peer Gynt, then adding a touch of Martin Luther King’s wily, borrowed rhetoric, one might begin to understand the terrible peril America currently labors under.

IV. The Obama Follies Will End In Tears

One of the most remarkable acts of journalism in the wake of Barack’s election is found in an article by Scotsman Gerald Warner, titled “ Barack Obama inauguration: this Emperor has no clothes, it will all...” On a day when another article ominously asks, “Is US Economy Flirting With ‘Modern-Day Depression’?”­a few excerpts are apropos here:

This will end in tears. The Obama hysteria is not merely embarrassing to witness, it is itself contributory to the scale of the disaster that is coming. What we are experiencing, in the deepening days of a global depression, is the desperate suspension of disbelief by people of intelligence­la trahison des clercs­in a pathetic effort to hypnotise themselves into the delusion that it will be all right on the night. It will not be all right.

It is frightening to think there is a real possibility the entire world economy could go into complete meltdown and famine kill millions. It is questionable whether the present political system can survive the coming crisis. Whatever the solution, teenage swooning sentimentality over a celebrity cult has no part in it. The most powerful nation on earth is confronting its worst economic crisis under the leadership of its most extremely liberal politician, who has virtually no experience of federal politics. That is not an opportunity but a catastrophe.

These are frank, even ungracious, words: they have the one merit that, unlike almost everything else written today about Obama, they will not require to be eaten in the future.


Doubtless Barack is over his head as president, in every measure of the concept. Whether he employs this as a plan to topple America from greatness­as some claim, or that he is simply an incompetent nincompoop, too selfish and irresponsible to care the damage he does­is now irrelevant. But it is important to understand that Barack never rose to the challenge of becoming a great leader­as many prophesied of him­or even a competent one. Instead, he simply crumpled to the ground, clutching his knees while morphing into a human fetal fossil, never having grown a metaphorical inch before quitting. Therefore, he really is a person who parachuted into his position­to use Pelosi’s metaphor­who has no natural ability to do anything required for leadership, save read a sandwich board.

Obama has clearly drunk deep of socialist and Marxist philosophy during his life which he admitted to Joe the Plumber and others that he really believes. If the goal of any self-respecting socialist is to foment revolution in any manner possible to bring about a Marxist state­Who are we to refuse to believe his sincerity when his actions seem to inevitably lead to socialist sabotage over any other possible theory?


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