NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.
Written on Sunday, May 19, 2013 by Ralph Barker
“Power-lust is a weed that grows only in the vacant lots of an abandoned mind. ” Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged
We should worry. There are two dangerous growing political power classes in America. They both have status because their members vote. Each group has millions of members. Those who belong do not actually own or direct power; rather, others manipulate them to obtain, keep, and command that power.
In the terminology of Marxists, these types of people are labeled “useful idiots.” Wikipedia defines the term this way:
In political jargon, useful idiot is a pejorative term for people perceived as propagandists for a cause whose goals they do not understand, and who are used cynically by the leaders of the cause.
Who are these millions of people to which I refer? I speak of the uninformed voter and the naive American. Some people are members of both groups.
The toxic combination of these two classes has resulted in an accelerated loss of freedom. This decay of our liberties is rapid and continues. I see no quick remedy. How do you reeducate the already brainwashed masses? How do we undo what years of indoctrination have accomplished via public education, our ultra-liberal universities, and a leftist media?
This duo of the uninformed and naive trumps any influence conservatives can exert at the ballot box. It nullifies a majority of efforts exerted by right wing and patriot organizations. This is an indication that our nation has morphed into a mobocracy, political rule by mobs. In this case the uneducated, uniformed, give-me-my-free-Obamaphone folks populate the mob.
The anger on the right is exacerbated by the realization that the uniformed and naïve combo effectively control the rest of the population. They accomplish this through their votes and political activism that is fueled more by emotion than knowledge. Their actions defy logic. They demand that the masters keep them on the plantation. They like it there.
In spite of their current power, the left is not faring all that well either. The plethora of embarrassing revelations that have emerged this month is grabbing the attention of Americans. As I write this article more damaging details are coming out about the various scandals. This is big trouble for the Obama administration.
On the flipside, the left is angered by the fact their agenda is now brought into question and is stalled. They know they have limited time to get their vision of a governmental utopia fully in place. Their last great opportunity was in the 1960s. Then, they failed, but now those same people, who were protestors then, are people are in places of power and money now.
The swell of tensions in the political realm and the extreme polarization of individuals and groups on the left and right could supply the spark that will ignite what could be a nightmare scenario.
What could that scenario look like? The short answer is a total takeover and transformation of America over a very short period of time. This has already occurred to a large extent since Obama took office. There are countless new Executive Orders, regulations, and laws that could be used to make this possible. If certain things occur as I believe they will, it could happen much soon than later.
Our first threat, as mentioned before, is the uninformed voter. We know that millions of people voted in the last two election cycles who have little knowledge of the issues or the people they voted for.
We also know, for example, by their own admissions, that many pulled the lever for Obama because he is black, because he is handsome, because he is sexy, because he is a good father, or for other wrong reason. He may be all of these things, but this has no bearing on his qualifications to be President of the United States. The consequence of this is that the rest of us will have to suffer for their uninformed and naive choices.
Then, we have the naive Americans. These folks embrace the flawed belief that America holds some special place in God’s eyes and His plans. He needs us, they reason. Therefore, they conclude, that He shields us from the really bad things.
These are those who confidently assert, “This is America! It can’t happen here.” They refer to such things as to what occurred in Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union. The members of this group do not understand human nature or world history. They are naïve.
Sorry, my naïve friends, it is happening here. The result could be the same or worse than what Hitler or Stalin perpetrated. We must never forget that the nature of humanity has never changed. We haven’t evolved into a kinder gentler creature. We are always capable of the most egregious crimes and cruelties.
The gullibility of this group could help put political dissenters in prison or even the death camps. If you laugh at this possibility, you may be a member of both groups.
There is a black cloud that hangs over the Obama White House. As the scandals continue to unfold the possibility of a drastic and desperate move by the President increases.
Consider, that in short order, the Utah Spy Center will be in full operation. This facility along with other like facilities and various other government agencies could implement a total takeover of the country in the blink of an eye. Former NSA employees have testified to this fact.
Via Presidential Executive Orders and laws already in place there is the power by the federal government to turn off the Internet and other forms of communications. I already reported on our loss of privacy and the secret Spy Center in my article of April 27th, This should scare all of us to full sobriety.
Our attention is currently riveted on Washington, D.C. We watch and wait as the stockpile of Obama scandals plays out. This D.C. drama rivals the best of soap operas with the exception that this particular production will have national and possibly worldwide impact.
I still maintain my conviction that President Obama operates from a fully conscious Marxist worldview. If you follow his history from his mysterious birth until today we find that he has had few friends who were not Marxists. Yet, very few media reporters, politicians, or even FOX commentators will dare even label him a socialist. We are being re-educated.
In the old Soviet Union they had “re-education camps” to change people’s thinking and their worldview. We don’t need those camps here because we have public education and the media. They accomplish the same thing. So, what’s the difference?
The liberal (Marxists) worldview has already been instilled in our children. We’ve lost the next generation. This makes our efforts for a better future very difficult, if not impossible.
Hitler was correct when he said,
“When an opponent declares, I will not come over to your side, “I calmly say, ‘Your child belongs to us already…What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but the new community.’” Hitler’s speech, November 6, 1933.”
Wow! Wouldn't it be somethin if Obama, because he is not fully qualified to be president, has been only "partially" responsible for actions of "the President" ! Other people, like Valerie Jarret and Hillary and all the CZARS, have actually been the ones responsible for the actual "functioning of the president"?
Is that why Obama gives speeches, plays basketball, and goes on vacation a lot . . . . because he really doesn't RUN the office of president? Is our president really, (the liberal, progressive, radical, democrat party)???
If Obama took the oath of office for president (a second time) out of public scrutiny, and "assumed the office of the president but never fully ACTED as president, could he be impeached, arrested, tried, and convicted of anything serious?
Is THIS what all the secrecy is about? What about the extra SS numbers and that famous "birth certificate" forgery?
Posted By Sharon Rondeau On Monday, May 20, 2013 @ 12:46 PM In National | No Comments
by Sharon Rondeau
It appears that Rear Admiral Brian Losey was commander of SOCAFRICA on the night of September 11, 2012 and could have relayed a “stand-down” order from Adm. William McRaven
(May 20, 2013) — On May 8, former Benghazi charge d’affaires Gregory Hicks testified to the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee that after a terrorist attack on a U.S. compound on September 11, 2012, a “Lt. Col. Gibson” had been ready to travel from Tripoli to Benghazi with a team to mount a rescue but that Gibson was told by someone in his chain of command to “stand down.”
Four Americans were killed in the attack over a seven-hour period, including the ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens.
On Sunday, CDR Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, III (Ret.) explained the chain of command in different units of the military, reporting that Gibson would have been in either the SOCAFRICA or AFRICOM command. “SOC” stands for “Special Operations Command,” which is not limited by geography, whereas “AFRICOM” is a regional command.
On September 11, AFRICOM had been led by Gen. Carter Ham, who Fitzpatrick reported was “arrested” and relieved of duty in the Pentagon for refusing to obey a “stand-down” order which ultimately would have come from the White House. Fitzpatrick said that the order would have gone out from the White House to all commanders of all military divisions that night.
A second report supports Fitzpatrick’s contentions, as does a third in The Washington Times. Several retired military members and a congresswoman have said that the president is the only person who can issue a “stand-down” order.
Hicks had told members of the committee that two “stand-down” orders had been given to two different crisis teams mobilized after the Benghazi compound came under attack and Stevens went missing. Hicks said he did not know who had given the order to Gibson. Hicks had described Gibson as “furious” over the stand-down order and said that Gibson remarked that Hicks showed more courage than the military on the evening of the attack.
On May 6, The Weekly Standard reported that Lt. Col. Gibson’s chain of command was SOCAFRICA and described Gibson as “the SOCAFRICA commander.”
CBS also reported that Gibson was “commander” of SOCAFRICA, but that does not appear to be accurate. Rear Adm. Brian Losey was identified as commander of SOCAFRICA beginning in June 2011 and was reported to be serving in the position in March of this year.
SOCAFRICA reports directly to Adm. William McRaven, Unified Commander of U.S. Special Operations Command.
CBS News reported that Gibson was told via a phone call from SOCAFRICA that “you can’t go now; you don’t have the authority to go now.”
Fitzpatrick told The Post & Email that upon Obama’s issuance of the order to “stand down,” the order would have been communicated to McRaven, to Losey, and then to Gibson.
U.S. News & World Report stated that the Pentagon acknowledged that Special Forces troops “were ordered to remain where they would do the most good” on the night of September 11.
On March 15, 2013, Ham told the U.S. House Armed Services Committee that “U.S. forces tasked with keeping a lid on the escalating terrorist threat emanating from Africa are suffering from a significant gap in military intelligence and special operations forces assets.” Ham retired in April and was replaced by the officer who Fitzpatrick reported relieved him of duty, Gen. David Rodriguez. Rodriguez was confirmed by the Senate on March 5 after it was announced by then-Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta last October that Rodriguez had been chosen by Obama to replace Ham.
Panetta lauded Ham’s service as AFRICOM commander but did not say why he was being replaced. In response to allegations that Ham had been replaced by Rodriguez because of Ham’s actions to defy the stand-down order on September 11, Joint Chiefs Chairman Martin Dempsey said, ““The speculation that General Carter Ham is departing Africa Command (AFRICOM) due to events in Benghazi, Libya on 11 September 2012 is absolutely false. General Ham’s departure is part of routine succession planning that has been on going since July. He continues to serve in AFRICOM with my complete confidence.”
While testifying to members of Congress about the military response to the Benghazi attack, Dempsey and then-Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta said that “U.S. troops in the area were on heightened alert because of the 9/11 anniversary.” Panetta contended that “without real-time information about what was happening, he, Dempsey and Army Gen. Carter F. Ham, who leads U.S. Africa Command, all ‘felt very strongly that we could not put forces at risk in that situation.’”
Retired military commanders have disagreed by stating that help could have arrived within two hours or that an aircraft could have been flown over the compound to cause sonic booms and disrupt the terrorists.
Dempsey testified that while Americans “deserve to understand what happened in Benghazi,” it was “not helpful…to provide partial answers.”
In addition to the four who were killed in the attack, a Diplomatic Security Service officer was reportedly seriously wounded. During testimony on May 8, Hicks had referred to an injured man as “David Evans.”
The House Oversight Committee intends to hold additional hearings with the two members of the Accountability Review Board (ARB) appointed by then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to examine why the Benghazi compound suffered the severe security failure which permitted the attack and the four Americans to die.
On Sunday, The Post & Email discussed the possibility of whether or not White House senior adviser Valerie Jarrett could have been the ultimate source of the stand-down order, given that she had reportedly “advised” Obama on three separate occasions to “stand down” raids on Osama bin Laden when the military had located his hideout.
Based on a law enforcement investigation which has concluded that Obama’s identification documents are fraudulent, the possibility exists that he is not a U.S. citizen, much less a “natural born Citizen,” which would render him ineligible to act as president and commander-in-chief of the military.
Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin, a former Army flight surgeon, went to prison, forfeiting his career, pension and pay after questioning whether or not Obama was eligible to serve, as Lakin was concerned he would be following illegal orders if Obama proved ineligible. While Lakin was still at Ft. Leavenworth, Obama released what has been declared a fraudulent long-form birth certificate.
Mike Zullo, lead investigator of the Cold Case Posse which conducted the probe into Obama’s birth certificate and Selective Service registration form, told The Post & Email last week that if Congress had looked at Obama’s credentials sooner, “Benghazi might never have happened.”
© 2013, The Post & Email. All rights reserved.
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(The Borowitz Report)—President Obama used his weekly radio address on Saturday to reassure the American people that he has “played no role whatsoever” in the U.S. government over the past four years.
“Right now, many of you are angry at the government, and no one is angrier than I am,” he said. “Quite frankly, I am glad that I have had no involvement in such an organization.”
The President’s outrage only increased, he said, when he “recently became aware of a part of that government called the Department of Justice.”
“The more I learn about the activities of these individuals, the more certain I am that I would not want to be associated with them,” he said. “They sound like bad news.”
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