NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.
The loquacious Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad likes to repeat certain rhetorical flourishes incessantly.
His favorite, of course, is that Israel, which he often endearingly refers to as the “Zionist entity,” will be “wiped off the map” — or, in some more literary translations, “eliminated from pages of history.” Perhaps his second favorite rhetorical flourish, though, is asking why Palestinian Arabs should have to suffer for what Europeans did during World War II?
“Let’s assume (the Holocaust) happened, the extent of which everyone is speaking of,” Ahmadinejad said in one iteration of this favorite rhetorical styling. “If the crimes were committed in Europe, why should the Palestinian people be victimized as a result?”
This formulation, obviously, is wrong on many levels, not least of which because Israel’s legitimacy as a nation does not depend on the Holocaust. But since the Iranian president is determined to press this point, it seems only appropriate to point out, well, actually yes, the Palestinian Arabs do share a deep and sordid connection to the Nazi Holocaust of the Jews.
With a new report published by the National Archives incorporating thousands of newly declassified documents, some shedding new light on this connection, this little piece of not-so-well-known history seems relevant to address again.
The Palestinian Arab tie to the Holocaust comes primarily through Haj Amin al-Husseini, the recognized leader of the Arabs of Mandate Palestine from shortly after World I until well after World War II. Forced out of Mandate Palestine by the British in the late 1930s for inciting violence, al-Husseini found his way to Nazi Germany during World War II.
Hitler’s Mufti, as some would later not so affectionately call him, spent the war years in Germany aiding the Nazis and plotting to bring the Final Solution to the Jews of the Middle East.
“Hitler himself signaled his intention to eliminate the Jews of Palestine,” the National Archives new report, “Hitler’s Shadow,” reads. “In a November 29, 1941, conversation in Berlin with the Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Hitler said that the outcome of the war in Europe would also decide the fate of the Arab world. … Hitler said that Germany’s only objective there would be the destruction of the Jews.”
This was a cause that al-Husseini was more than ready to sign on to.
The newly declassified documents also show just how lavishly al-Husseini lived in Berlin during the war years – thanks to the generosity of his benefactor, Adolph Hitler. As the report reads:
The CIA file on Husseini includes a document indicating that he had a staff of 20-30 men in Berlin. A separate source indicates that he lived in a villa in the Krumme Lanke neighborhood of Berlin. From spring 1943 to spring 1944, Husseini personally received 50,000 marks monthly … for operational expenses. In addition, they [al-Husseini and another Arab leader living in Berlin] received living expenses averaging 80,000 marks per month, an absolute fortune. A German field marshal received a base salary of 26,500 marks per year.
Despite some of the new details the National Archives report brings to light, the extent of al-Husseini’s connection to Nazi Germany has been known for some time. In their book “Icon of Evil” (which I reviewed for the Weekly Standard in 2008), David G. Dalin and John F. Rothmann do an excellent job of cataloguing al-Husseini’s perfidy.
During his time in Berlin, al-Husseini broadcast messages to the Arab world, urging Arabs to join the Nazi cause. He also supposedly became close friends of Heinrich Himmler and Adolph Eichmann, though this would be denied by al-Husseini after the war. Most notoriously, al-Husseini personally recruited Muslims to help the Nazis exterminate Jews, most successfully in Bosnia.
“With (al-Husseini’s) encouragement and incitement,” Dalin and Rothmann write, “the Bosnian Muslim Waffen-SS company that he recruited, the notorious ‘Handschar troopers,’ slaughtered 90 percent – 12,600 – of Bosnia’s 14,000 Jews.”
Al-Husseini’s ultimate goal was to bring the Final Solution to the Jews of Palestine. He even sought to convince the Germans to help him do this in the midst of the European conflict. Fortunately, these efforts weren’t particularly successful.
After the war, al-Husseini would go on to escape prosecution as a war criminal and live out his remaining decades in the Arab world, revered as a hero.
Perhaps al-Husseini’s greatest legacy with regards to the Palestinian Arabs today is the distorted image of the Holocaust that remains prevalent among Palestinians. While the Obama administration bizarrely focuses on Israeli settlements as the key barrier to peace in the Middle East, a far greater barrier is the indoctrination of Palestinian Arabs by their leadership against peace. If the Holocaust isn’t being denied outright (remember, current “moderate” Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas wrote his doctoral thesis and a book denying the Holocaust), Hitler and Nazism are too often glorified. Add this to the other all too frequent virulently anti-Semitic and pro-violence programming on Palestinian television — often targeted towards children — and you have a society and a culture that isn’t particularly being prepared for peace.
Next time you hear Ahmadinejad’s second favorite rhetorical flourish, though, remember the sordid history of Haj Amin al-Husseini.
Thanks to Yitzchok D., for sharing the above post content.
Fayyad: No 'Facebook State' for the PA by Chana Ya'ar
Forwarded with commentary by Emanuel A. Winston, Mid East Analyst & Commentator
Interesting that Brazil, Argentina, Ecuador, Uruguay and
Paraguay are now colluding with the Muslim 'Palestinian' and Arab
States to simply declare another Palestinian State, despite their
decades of Terror.
Once these same nations: Brazil, Argentina, Ecuador, Uruguay and
Paraguay were selected by escaping Nazi war criminals as their safe
places of refuge. Granted, these Nazis were traveling by what is
known as "The Rat Line" provided by the Church of Rome for safe
houses and the International Red Cross which provided forged
passports and other documents. (1)
These corrupt nations and their leaders received payments in
gold and other valuables which were looted by the Nazis from the Jews
and all of Europe. These are now once again partnering with Muslim
Nazis, an evil partnership which goes back to Islam's partnership
with Adolph Hitler.
Let us not forget the European nations who also cooperated
with Hitler in killing their Jews and confiscating their assets. Now
the same European nations have joined hands with Muslim Jihadists to
bring down the Jewish Nation/State of Israel. This process is
presently going through the hands of the U.N., expecting President
Barack Hussein Obama to continue his role as a 'fellow-traveling'
Muslim. You can add Hillary Clinton as part of the collusion with
Saudi Arabia and Iran.
Note our article forwarded on December 16th with the New York
Times article by Sam Roberts: "DECLASSIFIED PAPERS SHOW U.S.
RECRUITED EX-NAZI" (December 11, 2010). He references a report
published in the December 10th National Archives that: "In chilling
detail, report also elaborates on the close working relationship
between Nazi leaders and the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin
al-HusseiniŠwho was paid 'an absolute fortune' of 50,000 marks a
monthŠ.he energetically recruited Muslims for the SSŠHitler told
Hussein that German troops would liberate Arabs in the Middle East
and that 'Germany's only objective there would be the destruction of
the Jews'."
Never let it be said that Palestinians, Jihadists, Islamists - when
it comes to propaganda opportunities - are any different than the
Nazis. Islamists seek a Global Caliphate for Islam, just as the
Nazis sought their Thousand Year Third Reich. Islam is another
"Šism", just like Nazism, Communism, Socialism. Beware of its evil,
the same as of the other "Šisms". When then President Ronald Reagan
spoke about the Evil Empire, it was not merely a clever phrase but,
it encompassed a broad range of nations and their murderous leaders.
The latest twist of Jihadist propaganda is to climb on the back of
the Wikileaks sensation but, with their own spin. The Muslims and
Arabs are starting their own Arab Muslim leaks by trying to use the
Wikileaks as their jumping-off place against Israel and the Jewish
The idea being promulgated is that Wikileaks will soon release more
documents that have an Islamic spin wherein American Jews are to be
blamed for all the Muslim Terror, both globally and in America.
So, what is their ultimate purpose?
For one thing, it gives President Barack Hussein Obama another
hostile tool to be used against the Jewish Nation/State of Israel in
favor of the Palestinian Authority. A false accusation has been used
frequently to shut down objections from American Jewish
organizations, such as AIPAC (American-Israel Public Affairs
Committee), JINSA (Jewish Institute for National Security of
America), UJC (United Jewish Communities), newer ones such as Women
in Green: Women for Israel's Tomorrow, Freeman Center for Strategic
Studies, CAMERA (Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in
America), Honest Reporting, Stand by Israel, Z-Street (Zionist
Street) and moreŠ.
These organizations and many more act to defend the Jewish
Nation/State as well as to inform the American Congress and Media not
to accept Arab Muslim propaganda and proclamations as resembling
truth or facts.
Politically the trick of bad-mouthing the Jews, blackmailing their
most resourceful opponents and lying in their War of Words has been
used repeatedly - to appease Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iran, Egypt, Jordan
and the rest of the Arab and the Muslim world. That is 22
Arab/Muslim states and a total of 57 Muslim states.
Ask George Bush and Condoleezza Rice, Bill (and Hillary) Clinton and
Madeleine Albright, George H.W. Bush and James Baker about their
various roles in the schemes against Israel. Ask about how Bush/Rice
gave the 'go ahead' to the FBI for a 'sting' operation against AIPAC
to shut them up so Congress and the American people would be
After they 'squeezed' enough negative propaganda against AIPAC to try
to shut them up for a while, often using the New York Times as their
mouthpiece, they then dropped the persecution and went on to other
Lobbying Congress with well researched facts by the Jewish community
had to be stopped by Washington Arabists whose vested interests were
tied to the Muslim and Arab oil nations.
Obama was a pagan god-send for the Arab Muslims because he hated the
Jewish Nation/State even more than prior Arabists in the US
Government, attached to the Arab Muslim oil nations.
The Europeans (also under Church doctrine) have been cannibalizing
the Jews for centuries. Their pogroms, expropriations and Holocaust
most certainly fit the Reagan description of an "Evil Empire". I
wonder: How many Jews have to be murdered to qualify a nation or
religion as a practicing "Evil Empire"? In any case the Europeans
choose to ignore Muslim Terror, even against their own nations, if
they could once more precipitate a Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing by
using the Muslim Arabs as Nazis.
Nothing much has changed - except that Christian Europe has
now joined fellow pagan killers called Muslim Arabs. They did
manage, however, to contaminate the noble nation of America by
creating a bond between Washington's American Arabists at the top
American leadership level and the Christian Europeans. They were
guided by early Church doctrine: Attack the Jews, Confiscate what
they have built, and Capture Jerusalem along with the Jewish Covenant
with the Jews One G-d, which would also become a captive.
I suppose it all goes back to the introduction of one G-d by
the Jews and the pagans wanted to add him to their collections of
multiple gods.
The Wall St. Journal December 30th headlined: "Five Arrested
in Europe's Latest Anti-Terrorism Operation in the Latest Terror Plot
Foiled in Europe". From November 2nd to December 29th there has been
a High Terror Alert declared in Greece, Belgium, the Netherlands,
Germany, Sweden, the UK, Italy, the Netherlands, Denmark and Sweden.
These are the Muslims who have poured into Europe, dominating many
neighborhoods, building mosques, converting many to Islam and radical
Note the 8 European countries on high alert for Terrorism.
More 9/11s are expected in America. The radical Muslim Islamists
will need little excuse for blowing up a city, subways, poisoning the
food and water supply with chemical or biological materials and more.
It would be convenient to be able to shift the blame onto the Jews
for the bestial behavior of Muslims - all done in the name of Allah.
After all, the barbaric practice of killing Jews as a human sacrifice
to placate whatever god they have chosen, is a barbarous ritual
advanced by the Church and adopted by the Muslims which continues on
only with more acceptable language.
Both were assured a place in their heaven if they could kill a
Jew and bring that proof of fidelity to their own god - whoever that
might be.
In the meantime, we can expect numerous propaganda assaults by
the Muslims and Arabs, some riding on the back of Wikileaks for
credibility, to the effect that American Jews are enemies of the
American nation.
It is so well-contrived one would think the pro-Arab,
pro-Islam contingent in America's 16 Intel Agencies, some of whom
remain close to the Saudis, Iranians, Syrians, etc. to use Wikileaks
in their subversion of the Jewish State to appease the Islamists.
So, let us wait for the other shoe to drop in the ongoing
pressure to force Israel to abandon vital territory and divide
Questions that come to mind:
· How deep is the State Dept involved in pre-planning of this operation?
· Did Obama issue a "finding" - meaning, Did Obama issue a
release to start the operation wherein different nations would
declare their acceptance of another State of Palestine, then joined
by the Arab League's acceptance and silence by Obama?
· Minimally, I would question Gen. James Jones, now temporarily
out of the loop but, knowledgeable nevertheless.
· Others such as Rahm Emanuel are similarly out of the loop but,
· The same would be said for Hillary Clinton, a willing
participant with Obama to create a Pal State on the theory that
appeasement will turn the Arab and Muslim nations away from Global
Terror and the establishment of a New World Order under Sharia law.
1. "Unholy Trinity: The Vatican, the Nazis and the Swiss Banks" By
John Loftus and Mark Aarons, St. Martins Press 1998
Fayyad: No 'Facebook State' for the PA by Chana Ya'ar ARUTZ SHEVA
Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad is not looking for
a "Facebook State" - and moreover, he is convinced he isn't building
Fayyad told the Reuters news agency Wednesday he expects more
countries around the world will fall into line and announce formal
recognition of the PA as a new country, which is the way the PA would
prefer to create its state with no peace, no recognition of Israel as
the home of the Jewish people, no agreement on the "refugee" issue
and no negotiated final status agreement with Israel.
Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon last week wrote in his personal
blog that the "state of Facebook is more real than the state of
Palestine." He compared recognition of such an entity with clicking
on the "Like" button on the social networking site. Such an entity
would lack designated borders, and would carry no authority or
"Irresponsible governments are quick to 'Like' the Palestinian state
without actually checking out its profile: an authority without
sovereignty, with no borders or territorial continuity, no economic
ability or democratic culture... The State of Facebook is more real
than the Palestinian state which would be created unilaterally
without negotiation with the elected government in Jerusalem," Ayalon
Seventeen years of talks failed to deliver his hoped-for state,
Fayyad told reporters, adding that it was "unlikely" that the current
Israeli administration "could be trusted" to do so.
Formal recognition of the PA as an independent country by numerous
other nations, he said, could "enshrine" such a state in all of
Judea, Samaria and Gaza.
The international campaign to persuade various nations to recognize
the PA as an independent country has picked up steam over the past
several months. At least five Latin American countries announced they
would grant the PA diplomatic status as a new nation, even without
formal recognition by the United Nations and without any specific
borders or sovereignty.
Brazil, Argentina, Ecuador, Uruguay and Paraguay all said they would
recognize the entity as a new country along Israel's 1949 Armistice
Line with Jordan and Egypt, which they referred to as the "1967
borders." Much of the international community uses the term, since
that was Israel's demarcation line prior to the 1967 Six Day War.
That indefensible line did not include the Golan Heights from which
Syrian artillery peppered the Jewish communities along the Sea of
Galilee. Judea, Samaria, Gaza and part of Jerusalem were restored to
the Jewish State in the 1967 defensive war fought against the
attacking neighboring Arab states.
Fayyad has long planned for the unilateral declaration of an
independent PA country within Israel's current borders. He announced
last year in a speech delivered in Arabic that he would unilaterally
declare the State of Palestine in August 2011 if no final status
agreement with Israel was complete by that deadline.
"I am not looking for a "Facebook State" - or as I call it myself, a
Mickey Mouse State," Fayyad stated Wednesday. "If it doesn't matter,
why did [Ayalon] bother to write a comment on it?"
Thanks, to Yitzchok D.
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