I agree that our right to free speech does not provide a license to shout “Fire!” in a crowded movie theatre- especially when there’s no fire. And I agree that free speech does not provide a license to fabricate and disseminate falsehoods- unless perhaps, you’re a politician. Nor does free speech in America include the right to incite hatred toward a particular segment of society- except apparently in special cases like Jews, Mormons and the legal residents of Arizona…
Sometimes, however, I wonder if we have gone just a little too far with this “hate speech” crusade- or what might be termed “political correctness run amuck.” It’s perfectly fine for the liberal left to dispense their lethal dung like zealous farmers fertilizing fields with horse-drawn manure spreaders- but woe unto hardworking Americans who voice their hatred for high taxation to support illegal aliens- or even subsidizing entire foreign countries.
Another example might be that elaborate mosque to be constructed near Ground Zero- but I won’t go there today.
Consider this one, however. When the Obama administration illegally offered Joe Sestak a job to back out of a Senate race- the liberals called it “old-fashioned horse trading” within the realm of free speech. However, the Taxed-Enough-Already must be careful how they express their extreme distaste for Obama and his gangland tactics- because Barry’s only half white and a Muslim illegal to boot. (There are also those laws protecting the POTUS- but I’m not sure they really apply here, since the Rat was elected under false pretenses.)
Let me now ask a few politically incorrect questions.
When a “religious” group goes around trying to kill people whom they consider infidels and/or apostates- are they really religious? When a “religious” group shows up a military funeral and deliberately desecrates the final tribute to a fallen Soldier, are they really a religious group- or are they terrorists?
When foreigners enter the United States illegally, why should they be afforded protection by our Constitution- not to mention welfare benefits, free healthcare and a host of other entitlements as if they were legitimate American citizens?
And if a man appeals to his own ethnicity to secure special treatment under the law, all the while spewing contempt for that law, why is it hateful to condemn such a man? Moreover, in a free society the color of a man’s skin should neither be a license, nor a detriment- all citizens being equal under the law.
Why is it perfectly legal, their protection by our Constitution notwithstanding, to murder defenseless unborn Americans- meaning those who have been conceived, but have yet to take their first breath? On the other hand, why do we spare no expense to protect the lives of foreign terrorist murderers?
So many questions- so little time! We are even reaching the ridiculous tipping point where the federal government is protected from hate speech. I think Hitler had a deal like that…
In the 29th chapter of Isaiah, we read, “For the terrible one is brought to naught, and the scorner is consumed, and all that watch for iniquity are cut off: that make a man an offender for a word, and lay a snare for him that reproveth in the gate, and turn aside the just for a thing of naught.”
Also from the 29th chapter of Isaiah, “Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honor me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men: Therefore, behold, I will proceed to do a marvelous work among this people, even a marvelous work and a wonder: for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid.”
Admittedly I’m a little rough around the edges to be citing scripture- but then again, so was John the Baptist…
Here’s the point. I submit that the Lord Jesus Christ has already set his hand to work in these last days- and although to some degree the righteous will suffer along with the wicked, I’ll happily take my chances on the Lord’s side. He will eventually make things right, and the Constitution shall ultimately prevail- as long as a band of faithful Christians remains to possess the land.
And all this wickedness and deceit in our government will not long stand- not if those good Christians continue to petition the Lord of Hosts for redress- for clearly we will not receive such from our federal courts.
Those who “make a man an offender for a word” will be brought low. The dust of the earth shall cover them- and worms shall eat their miserable flesh. Moreover, all the enemies of liberty shall be reduced to naught- and their evil designs melted like hoarfrost before the morning sun. When tyrants seek to silence their opposition, shall we not speak out all the more?
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