NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.
Saul Alinsky, author of Rules for Radacals, like many of the other anti-God leftist goats, was unfortunately just another lost soul. He dedicated his communist guidebook to Satan, the prince of darkness.
“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins — or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer
For education purposes, below is a pro-Alinsky writer’s synopsis of those rules:
Rules for Radicals
In 1971, Saul Alinsky wrote an entertaining classic on grassroots organizing titled Rules for Radicals. Those who prefer cooperative tactics describe the book as out-of-date. Nevertheless, it provides some of the best advice on confrontational tactics. Alinsky begins this way:
What follows is for those who want to change the world from what it is to what they believe it should be. The Prince was written by Machiavelli for the Haves on how to hold power. Rules for Radicals is written for the Have-Nots on how to take it away.
His “rules” derive from many successful campaigns where he helped poor people fighting power and privilege
Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement (STORM)
Early 1990S: The Roots of STORM
RAW: Roots Against War
Storm traces its organizational roots back to Roots Against War (RAW), a group of young people of color who came together to fight against the Gulf War in the early 1990s. RAW fused militant direct action, sharp politics and exciting cultural work. In doing so, it laid the groundwork for the next decade of revolutionary politics among young people of color in the Bay Area. Pg. 5
The San Francisco collective did not like the fact that its demonstrating organization was comprised of an overwhelming majority of whites and the middle class. They soon changed that and filled its ranks exclusively with people of color. Jones goes on to explain that RAW was a complicated diverse group of radical leftists. In ’93, external pressures along with the sexually perverse actions by the deviant activist members eventually caused it to fall apart.
These challenges, combined with state repression from without and sexism and unprincipled sexual behavior within the group, led to RAW’s eventual demise. Though the organization fell apart, it had developed dozens of young revolutionaries of color who would carry on its vision. Many RAW members became community and labor organizers. Pg. 7
1994: Launching STORM & First Steps
STORM … had two central points of unity:
In 1995, STORM struggled internally. A feminist woman of color accused one of its leaders of abuses. The organization performed a self-investigation of these serious allegations and they determined the leader had been falsely accused. But in the aftermath of that upheaval, Jones said it’s credibility and reputation had been seriously damaged. He goes on to state that the crisis left permanent marks on its organizational culture and practice. Women in the group continued to seek dominate power and challenged their male comrades alleging sexist behavior.
In the late 90’s the revised cohered group went through a ‘rectification’ process. During that period of reflection, they studied Saul Alinsky’s organizing models and Marxist-Leninist revolutionary methods with particular emphasis on Third World communist movements. Further analysis of those histories helped them to re-emerge and focus their red politics.
They went on to establish the Ella Baker Center for human rights, which fought against state repression. STORM’s political development continued as they worked together with student radicals, forming various coalitions within the broader communist communities in the Bay area. STORM members to study Marxist principles, and in July of 1998, some Core Members even went overseas to attend the Congress of The South African Communist Party (SACP). This led STORM to a rewriting of its Points of Unity and Constitution.
After adopting these documents, STORM restructured and formed several project Work Groups that were designed to undermine and destroy our capitalist system.
STORM’s newly initiated resistance groups then sought to form a national network. They met with their political peers from across the country. Their comrades included (SLAM) the Student Liberation Action Movement from New York City and other young revolutionaries from Boston and Chicago.
In 1999, STORM fought hard to save Pennsylvania’s death-row cop-killer, Mumia Abu-Jamal. They saw him as a political prisoner that was an important voice of resistance for communities of color. During the summer of that same year, several STORM members went on group trip to Cuba.
The group continued to engage in study of the basics of Marxism, including dialectial materialism and a group reading of Mao’s “On Practice” and “On Contradiction.” We also pushed at or went beyond the limits of the traditional Marxists canaon studying such topics as revolutionary feminism, the Palestine Liberation struggle, transgender liberation, methods of evaluation, self-care for cadre and revolutionary mass organizing. Pg. 41
At the beginning of the new decade, STORM began to fragment due to ongoing internal conflicts. Leadership structure splintering and lack of group cohesion led to poor participation and accountability. There was a slow but steady exodus from the group.
On Sept. 11, 2001, STORM decided to align itself with Arab- and Muslim-Americans, expressing solidarity and support. While the group mourned for the dead in New York and Washington, D.C., it also did for the victims of U.S. imperialism around the world. They were angry, first and foremost, with the U.S. government, whose worldwide aggression across the globe had engendered such hate and causing the deaths of innocent working class and oppressed people.
STORM’s ongoing conflicts with other groups in the revolutionary movement had left many irreconcilable differences. Many members expressed fatigue and frustration, and in March of 2002, they decided to formally disband the organization.
Remember that Vareie Jarrett was the one that vetted Van Jones. She said they had been following him for many years and loved his work out in Oakland, CA. Barrak H. Obama appointed him as his green-jobs czar. When he suddenly and quietly left the Obama administration, he joined George Sorros-funded, and the Clinton administration’s former White House Chief of Staff, John Podesta-run (president) the Center for American Progress. The old term ‘Thick as Thieves’ is so apropos.
As we have seen from reading their very own words, these people are guided by a sick and twisted ideology. These dedicated liberals embrace the progressive communist agenda of "The ends justify the means - - any means", and nothing is out-of-bounds to these true extremists in pursuit of their commitment to the fundamental ideas of Marxism-Leninism.
"Harm the enemy (the right/republicans/conservatives), and help the democrat party and fellow socialists at ALL costs." It is a definite actual revolution that these serious radicals of the international left really seek. The focus of their anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist strategy is a united global movement for freedom from oppression and exploitation.
The aggressive and reprehensible political strategies of their anarchist media coalition are grossly evident. The subterfuge tactics of ABC (All Barrack Channel), (NBC) the National Barrack Channel, (CBS) the Commie Barrack System, PBS (the Public Barrack System), New York Times, Newsweek, Time, MediaMatters, Daily Kos, Huffington Post, AP, etc., are quite blatant. Wickedness is at the heart at these various source groups. You can’t debate with these people that want to destroy the country and replace our present system with some communist vision of utopia. They want anarchy to instigate the revolution. Francis Fox Piven of Cloward nad Piven, is calling for violence.
The militant activists working at these corrupt venues pursue their mendacious goals with glee. They have attacked Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman, Rush Limbaugh, etc., spewing out their hate-filled rants. Yet, all their vile words and deeds are truly self-destructive. The liberal media condemn themselves when they seek to do others an injustice. Their very character is diminishing them.
The ravenous pack of liberals within the news media continues to expose their bias on regular basis. All of this maneuvering by the left attempting to guide the masses through propaganda, is the collective action agenda to control the narrative and gain power. But simply put, its not just some opposing societal views at work or even some unethical behavior on their part, but more evil is at its roots.
Christians know exactly where those devilish motivations come from, because they have been given the spiritual discernment to recognize the source. Instead of worshiping man and nature, and deny the existence of God, they actively listen to and willingly follow their maker’s voice. Also, they know from studying The Word that the ultimate and final battle belongs to Him. The LORD guides and directs their path. Sincere people of righteousness that are dedicated seekers of truth, fight the good fight of their faith day after day. The chosen are honor-bound by his/her pre-destined sacred duty - - called to be defenders of the faith. It issues forth from ancient time, before the Katabol, when we proudly stood together on His side.
What can we say in the face of such tragedy? What can we as Jews do on behalf of a friend and supporter who is struggling for her life? So many of us feel powerless to help. Is there anything we can do?
Judaism provides us with a timeless formula for moments like this. As we say every Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, while God in His infinite wisdom maps out the course of our days, the three-fold formula of “tzedaka, prayer, and teshuva” have the power to sway our fates.
Teshuva means returning to our roots, and resolving to correct some flaw or behavior and do better. Today, resolve to take on one step toward spiritual growth in the merit of a speedy recovery of all those who were injured, and in honor of the memory of those who were slain.
Prayer taps into each person’s unique ability to speak with God. So often we forget about this awesome power that we have; a tragedy like this is a good chance to remind ourselves that we have the power to talk directly with God. One option is to say Psalms. A common psalm that is frequently recited in order to help a sick person is Psalm 20. Alternately, you can write your own prayer and have it placed in the Western Wall, the holy site of our ancient Temple in Jerusalem; many people feel that prayers placed in this location have even greater impact.
Tzedaka is the Jewish form of charity. Unlike the secular notion of “charity”, tzedaka is not optional: our Torah demands that we give a fixed portion of our income to support those less fortunate than us. Today, make a resolution to give a portion of money to charity in the name of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and the other victims of her shooter.
Thanks. I agree with you 100% Nick. Have you ever listened to or watched pastor Arnold Murray/Shepherds Chapel broadcast? He has great messages and teachings.
that was an excellent post...ths surely is a spiritual battle,and true christians know why these behaviors,and
actions are dictating our nation. the lord jesus said "those who endure to the end shall be saved,"no,ifs,ands
or buts. this is very comforting to us followers of christ,but so to the great unwashed.
i truly believe this to be the last generation,or the generation of the fig tree......that being started in
1948 with the establishing of the hebrew nation......fellow christians,and conservatives do not fear these end times tribulations...the lord said"not a hair on your head will be harmed" keep up the good fight,with faith in the lord god
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