NEVER TOLERATE TYRANNY!....Conservative voices from the GRASSROOTS.

Homosexual Agenda set to target Little League, Future Farmers of America, Special Olympics, 4-H Clubs, YMCA, youth sports and many more.

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The radical Homosexual Lobby will not stop!

Once again they are attacking the Boy Scouts of America in an attempt to force the scouts to abide by their radical agenda.

Radical politicians in California are proposing legislation (SB 323) that deliberately tramples on individual and organizational religious beliefs.

SB 323 will strip the tax-exempt status from pro-Family youth organizations unless they renounce their pro-Family policies and embrace radical homosexual values.

Radical homosexual activist and Executive Director of Equality California, John O'Connor, made it clear that this bill is about punishing the Boy Scouts for rejecting the Homosexual Agenda.

You see, the Boy Scouts are a nonprofit organization dedicated to raising boys into men while teaching them their "duty to God and my country" and keep them "physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight."

And because the Boy Scouts have upheld their pro-Family policy and embraced traditional values, they have been cruelly targeted by the Homosexual Lobby for years.

But this bill attacks more than just the Boy Scouts. . .

. . . This proposed legislation would force ALL youth oriented organizations to incorporate the Homosexual Agenda or else pay the price.

This list includes Little League, Future Farmers of America, Special Olympics, 4-H Clubs, YMCA, youth sports and many more.

You see,the Homosexual Lobby wants to hold these organizations financially hostage.

If passed, this bill would make youth-serving organizations get rid of all existing pro-Family and pro-Christian policies or lose their tax-exempt status -- forcing nonprofit groups to pay excessive taxes!

This legislation is by far one of the most radicalized proposals I have ever come across.

If this passes into law, it will be the first of its kind -- setting precedent to the likes of which we’ve never seen.

The Homosexual Lobby will not rest until everyone is forced to share in their perverted agenda.

That’s why I hope I can count on you to continue standing with Public Advocate in our fight for the Family.

Thank you,

Eugene Delgaudio
President, Public Advocate of the United States

P.S. Please consider chipping in with a donation of $10 or more to help fund Public Advocate's fight for traditional values.

Because Public Advocate of the U.S. is a non-profit, charitable organization that fights the radical agenda of the Homosexual Lobby, contributions are not tax deductible for IRS purposes. This email was not produced or emailed at taxpayer expense. Public Advocate's phone number is (703) 845-1808, its address is 5613 Leesburg Pike, Suite 17 Falls Church, VA 22041, and its website is

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Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 26, 2013 at 4:52am

11 Yr Old Implies Same Sex Marriage Would Take Away Her Mom

At a hearing on legalizing same-sex marriage, opponents of the change have an 11-year-old girl testify and infer that same-sex marriage would take away her mom.

My name is Grace Evans and I want to thank you for letting me speak today.
Even though I am only 11-years-old, I know that everyone deserves to have a mom and dad. If you change the law that says two moms or two dads to get married it would take away something very important for children like me across the state. My mom is very important to me because she teaches me about things about being a girl. She is kind, thoughtful, gentle and beautiful. She cares for me and others and listens to the things I want to talk about. I am learning from her to be a good woman, wife and mother someday. Even though I learned some of these things from my dad, my mom teaches them in a very special way. Without my mom it would be very hard for me to learn them. She's my role model in how to be a girl and I love her very much. My dad is also very important to me because he protects me and helps me get the confidence to be a girl who is growing up to be a woman. He takes care of problems the way my mom cannot. Just like my mom wouldn't be able to be the woman she is without my dad, I wouldn't be able to be the woman I want to be without my dad. Because he is strong, wise and different than my mom. I learned things from him that I would not in the same way from my mom.

Since every child needs a mom and a dad to be born, I don't think we can change that children need a mom and a dad. I believe God made it that way. I know some disagree. But I want to ask you this question: which parent do I not need? My mom or my dad?

I'll ask again. Which parent do I not need? My mom or my dad?

I hope that you can see that every child needs a mom and a dad. Please don't change our law and marriage to say otherwise. Thank you for letting me speak today.

Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 26, 2013 at 4:48am
Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 25, 2013 at 10:03pm

Chief Justice Roberts’s Lesbian Cousin To Attend Gay Marriage Hearing

John Roberts 2 SC Chief Justice Robertss lesbian cousin to attend gay marriage hearing

The lesbian cousin of Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts will attend Tuesday’s oral arguments examining California’s Proposition 8 ballot initiative, which bans gay marriage in the state.

Jean Podrasky, a San Francisco woman who says she hopes to marry her partner, told the Los Angeles Times that she plans to be at the court for the arguments. She told the paper the chief justice knows that she is gay, and that she attended his confirmation hearing along with other family members.
Podrasky also said she hopes to introduce Roberts to Grace Fasano, her partner of four years, during the trip to Washington, and is optimistic about how her relative will rule.

“He is a smart man,” she said. “He is a good man. I believe he sees where the tide is going. I do trust him. I absolutely trust that he will go in a good direction.”

But Podrasky also said she didn’t know whether her presence, or having a family member who was openly gay, would sway her cousin.

Read More at The Hill . By Justin Sink.

Photo Credit: McConnell Center Creative Commons

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Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 25, 2013 at 8:29pm

Thousands protest same-sex marriage France

By United Press International

Some people participating in a huge Paris protest against a same-sex marriage bill clashed with police who fired tear gas to control the crowd, officials said.

A police official said two people were arrested but there were no reports of injuries, Britain's Guardian reported.

Authorities estimated hundreds of thousands of people joined the protest Sunday.

The protesters gathered near the Arc de Triomphe and Champs-Elysees calling on French President Francois Hollande and the Senate to drop the bill after it was easily approved in the lower house of Parliament, reported.

The "marriage for everyone" bill was expected to pass the Senate, though protests have weakened support for it, observers said.

Some conservative activists pushed through police lines during the protest, reported. Police responded by firing tear gas.

Protesters at the Arc de Triomphe called on Hollande to drop the same-sex marriage bill and focus instead on the country's flagging economy, The New York Times reported.

A banner on a balcony in the area read, "We want work not gay marriage."


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Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 25, 2013 at 8:23pm

Dear Gordon,

Tomorrow the Supreme Court could decide to completely repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) if they refuse to take up the pro-marriage case before them.

A number of lower level courts have ruled against real marriage and DOMA and if the Supreme Court fails to act DOMA could simply be destroyed.

Public Advocate and the Family desperately need the Supreme Court to review the pro-marriage appeals.

But shockingly, the Obama Administration is going out of its way to wrongfully influence the court's decision.

And it is up to you and me to hold them accountable.

Below I have attached an email with a petition to Defund the Solicitor General until he agrees to defend DOMA in court -- as required by his job.

Please read my email below and then sign the petition right away!

For the Family,


From: Eugene Delgaudio []
Sent : Tuesday, March 5, 2013 12:30 PM
Subject: Rampant lawlessness

Public Advocate Banner

Dear Gordon,

President Obama is openly ignoring his Constitutional duties in order to attack real marriage in America.

You see, it is the duty of the President through his Solicitor General to defend the federal government and its laws in the Supreme Court.

But instead of defending his government's laws, President Obama and his Solicitor General are aggressively undermining the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).

Almost two years ago Obama declared that his administration would stop enforcing the Defense of Marriage Act.

And just last week, Solicitor General Donald Verilli actually filed an Amicus Brief against the federal law.

DOMA is the only law on the books protecting the majority of the states from having to recognize homosexual "marriages" authorized by only a few states.

And it is still a federal law, passed by Congress and signed by the Office of the President.

The Executive Office simply does not have the power to unilaterally rewrite the laws of the U.S. government.

And the Solicitor General is not authorized to decide which federal laws are defended and which are not.

But for almost two years, Obama's Solicitor General has followed Obama's irresponsible decree and outright refused to defend the government.

You see, the Solicitor General's sole job is to represent the federal government before the Supreme Court.

However Mr. Verrilli has rejected his obligations and is actively working to advance the Homosexual Agenda.

And in a case in which he should be working to defend marriage as laid out in federal law, he is attacking it.

To be blunt: under Obama's direction, he has simply rejected his job.

That's why Public Advocate is calling on Speaker of the House John Boehner to take action today.

You see, Congress holds the purse strings in the balancing act in Washington.

Right now, the United States is facing the worst spending crisis our nation has ever seen.

And with Washington searching for government waste, I can think of no better place to start than an agency that refuses to perform its only job.

That's why I've created a petition calling for Speaker Boehner to defund the Office of the Solicitor General until that office agrees to defend DOMA and real marriage in America.

Please click here to sign Public Advocate's Petition to Defund the Solicitor General.

Thank you for all you do.

For the Family,

Eugene Delgaudio
President, Public Advocate of the United States

P.S. Obama's Solicitor General has not only failed to perform his duty to defend federal laws, he has now actually filed an Amicus Brief attacking federal law, the Defense of Marriage Act.

Please click here to sign a special petition calling for Speaker Boehner to defund the Office of the Solicitor General.

Because Public Advocate of the U.S. is a non-profit, charitable organization that fights the radical agenda of the Homosexual Lobby, contributions are not tax deductible for IRS purposes. This email was not produced or emailed at taxpayer expense. Public Advocate's phone number is (703) 845-1808, its address is 5613 Leesburg Pike, Suite 17 Falls Church, VA 22041, and its website is

Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 25, 2013 at 8:20pm

Ohio Republican Party Endorsing Sinful Lifestyle

ohio republican party

If I were a registered Republican living in Ohio, I would seriously consider changing my party affiliation to Independent or Libertarian.

First, Ohio Senator Rob Portman announced last week that he supports gay marriage.  His change on the subject was brought about by his son telling him that he was gay.  Instead of lovingly showing his son that homosexuality is a sinful lifestyle that God calls an abomination, Portman compromises his own standards.

As Gary DeMar queried:

“Would Senator Rob Portman throw his support behind pedophilia if he had learned that his son was a pedophile? There are young pedophiles out there. Would he support adultery if his son was an adulterer? Would he support slavery if he found out that one of his relatives was a slave owner and argued persuasively that owning slaves was legitimate? Would the Senator support his son if he learned that he was selling drugs to children? Would he support contract killing if he learned that his son was a contract killer for the mob?”

Secondly, the Ohio Republican Party just appointed Matt Borges to be their next executive director.  Borges is a registered lobbyist for a group that is pushing to legalize same-sex marriage.  Once the announcement was made, a coalition of 80 conservatives within the state presented the Ohio GOP with a letter informing them that they will no longer support the Party leadership because of the Borges appointment.

Tom Zawistowski, Executive Director of the Portage County Tea Party commented about the appointment, saying:

“With this letter we put the party bosses on notice that we reject their betrayal of the party platform and our conservative values.  We will not support them going forward but will instead support those who are true to our cause.”

Lon Viars, Vice Chair of the Warren County Republican Party and Vice President of Warren County Right To Life, commented:

“Some of our Republican officials seem hell-bent on alienating conservative voters and volunteers, which reduces voter turnout.  They ignore the GOP platform, choosing to put themselves outside the mainstream of our party base.”

Seth Morgan, head of the Conservative Coalition and former Ohio State Representative, added:

“Never have I been more concerned for the direction of our state and country – largely due to a failure in leadership.  Why would the Republican leaders put themselves at odds with sound public policy and the platform of their own party?”

Sadly, Ohio Governor John Kasich, a Republican, has signed a letter of support for the Borges appointment.  So has a number of other prominent Ohio Republicans, including Ken Blackwell, former Ohio Secretary of State, Mike Gonidakis, former leader with Ohio Right To Life and now member of the state medical board.

Besides his active lobbying to legalize same-sex marriage, Borges has some unethical history that would also question the wisdom of his appointment to head the Ohio GOP.  In 2004, he pleaded guilty and paid a $1,000 fine for granting political favors to those who donated for the campaign of then Secretary of State Joe Deters, whom Borges worked for at the time.

Third, Speaker of the House John Boehner is the senior US Representative from Ohio who has repeatedly parted with GOP values to cave in to President Obama’s demands.  When the rookie GOP class of Representatives tried to make a strong stand against Obama and the Democrats as they promised their constituents, Boehner, on more than one occasion abandoned them and the rest of the nation’s Republican voters to side with Obama.  Boehner tried to justify his actions by stating that if he didn’t compromise, nothing would get done.  Once he compromised on one thing, Obama knew he had him in a corner from then on and he would not have to ever compromise to meet with the GOP.  I’ve often asked if Boehner was a Democrat in disguise.

Yes, it’s a sad day in Ohio politics for the Republican Party.  They’ve lost the support of many Republicans statewide.  This is the perfect time for the Libertarian and Independent party people to launch a campaign to get Republicans to switch their party registration.  The end result will only mean a further weakened and divided Republican Party that will help strengthen the efforts of the liberal Democratic Party.

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Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 24, 2013 at 8:22pm

Fox News Helps Fund The Homosexual Agenda


So Fox News, which has been touted as the “conservative” news outlet, has been caught funding the liberal homosexual agenda. I can’t say I’m surprised at it, but it’s true.

The National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association’s website promotes an event that was held this past Thursday.

Cliff Kincaid, President of America’s Survival, Inc., wrote to Roger Ailes, the CEO of Fox News Channel. The letter reads in part:

Irena Briganti informed me that you had no time to meet with me and my associate Peter LaBarbera to discuss Fox News’ funding of the homosexual rights movement. So I am putting my concerns in writing. Fox News is a “silver sponsor” of the Thursday, March 21, 2013, National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association 18th annual New York Benefit. Rick Reichmuth of Fox News is listed as a participant. Tickets are $150 and the monetary proceeds support this special interest group.

Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth notes “the NLGJA is an activist organization with a strong institutional bias against those espousing traditionalist views on homosexuality.” The NLGJA attempts to instruct journalists on how to cover homosexuality and has even issued a “stylebook supplement on lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender terminology.” For example, the term “wife” is defined as an “Acceptable term for a female, legally married partner of a woman.”

How much has Fox News donated to this group over the years? How much is a “silver” sponsorship?

LaBarbera noted that Fox News Channel donated $10,000 to NLGJA in 2006. He asked Fox News to match the $10,000 donation to a homosexual journalism organization with a donation to pro-family group.

Kincaid then dropped the hammer when he said what the real agenda of the NLGJA is:

Let us be clear: the National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association is a special interest group that manipulates news coverage on behalf of the homosexual movement, and they brag about their successes. Their website boasts how the Associated Press has just released a statement announcing a new AP Stylebook entry for husband and wife, “coming after a requested revision by NLGJA.”

Thanks to NLGJA’s “Rapid Response Task Force,” AP will now use the terms husband and wife, without quotes, when referring to two men or two women in same-sex marriages. In other words, a man can be a wife, and a woman can be a husband.

Kincaid also pointed out this is not a first for Fox News. He names a March 24, 2011 “Headlines & Headliners” fundraiser which included special guests Jamie Colby, Rick Folbaum, and Kimberly Guilfoyle from Fox News.

The news network also sponsored a 2007 NLGJA New York Benefit.

He gave several instances of Fox’s involvement with the NLGJA, including pointing to its parent company News Corp., which proudly sponsored the NLGJA’s annual LGBT Media Summit, explicitly mentioning them in a one-page ad in the summit’s program.

Finally, Kincaid appealed to Ailes’ Catholicism and cited Pope Francis: “Let’s not be naïve, we’re not talking about a simple political battle; it is a destructive pretension against the plan of God. We are not talking about a mere bill, but rather a machination of the Father of Lies that seeks to confuse and deceive the children of God.”

While not a Roman Catholic, I do agree with the statement. Ailes then went on to make the point that Fox News will be covering the upcoming Supreme Court hearings regarding homosexual “marriage.”

On March 26 the United States Supreme Court will hear oral arguments regarding California’s Proposition 8. The United States Bishops are encouraging support and participation at the March for Marriage on March 26 (Tuesday) in Washington DC. How can Fox News objectively cover this march when the news organization is funding one side of the debate?

One of the speakers is Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, Chairman, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) Subcommittee for the Promotion and Defense of Marriage.

How would you justify to him– or any other American, for that matter– Fox News’ funding of the homosexual rights movement? How is that funding consistent with any commonly accepted notion of journalism ethics?

I think these are valid points made by Mr. Kincaid. As Freedom Outpost’s Shea Bernard so clearly demonstrated, homosexuality is a behavior, not an orientation. It is a choice, not the way one was made. Though Scripture and arguments from Biblical teaching are enough, Bernard went on to demonstrate there is a case made from nature itself against homosexuality, which is why it is often referred to as “unnatural” and many states have laws against it which are referred to as “crimes against nature.” Since laws are on the books in many states against the practice of homosexuality, that should make the issue of homosexual “marriage” a moot point.

I’m glad Mr. Kincaid has brought this to the forefront so that people will understand that there is within the media conglomerate those that fund people who are against Christian teachings and against the foundations of what the country was built on. Even the founding fathers didn’t tolerate open practicing homosexuals.

H/T American Vision News

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Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 24, 2013 at 7:27pm

Sarah Palin Steps Out for an NBA Game, Dons Chick-Fil-A T-Shirt

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin took in an NBA game Friday with a not-so-subtle show of support for Chick-fil-A.

Palin watched the Phoenix Suns take on the Minnesota Timberwolves but instead of sporting the Suns’ purple and orange, she opted for a red T-shirt with the fast food chain’s logo.

Sarah Palin Steps Out for an NBA Game, Dons Chick Fil A T Shirt

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, right, watches the Phoenix Suns play the Minnesota Timberwolves in an NBA basketball game Friday, March 22, 2013 in Phoenix. (AP)

Sarah Palin Steps Out for an NBA Game, Dons Chick Fil A T Shirt

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin leaves an NBA basketball game between the Phoenix Suns and the Minnesota Timberwolves Friday, March 22, 2013 in Phoenix. (AP)

Palin first showed her support for Chick-fil-A last summer after it was embroiled in controversy over its company president’s support for traditional marriage: she posted a photo of herself and husband Todd standing at a Chick-fil-A counter holding their bags of food.

The game was less than a week after Palin spoke to activists at the Conservative Political Action Conference and drank from a Big Gulp onstage.

Sarah Palin Steps Out for an NBA Game, Dons Chick Fil A T Shirt

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin holds up a 7-Eleven Super Big Gulp on stage after speaking at the 40th annual Conservative Political Action Conference in National Harbor, Md. , Saturday, March 16, 2013. (AP)

(h/t Daily Mail)


Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 24, 2013 at 6:10pm

If You Believe In Traditional Marriage You are a Segregationist


Traditional Marriage is a union between a man and a woman at the most intimate level. It’s Traditional Marriage not because a group of people decided to make it so. It’s traditional marriage because God made it so and made men and women biologically suitable that makes it so. The two become “one flesh” (Gen. 2:24; Matt. 19:5; Mark 10:7–8; 1 Cor. 6:16; Eph. 5:31).

Just because people do something the same way over a long period of time does not make something fundamentally and morally traditional. People steal, rape, and murder, but no one would call these actions morally and fundamentally traditional.

If marriage is not a God-ordained institution, then all this talk about marriage is useless, no matter who does it.

Of course, if we go down this road, then there’s nothing that has any principled foundation in law. The State could determine that products of conception between two biological units are the property of the State. If the State can determine that property is ultimately owned by the State, who’s to say that children can’t be put in the same category?

The State does not define marriage. That’s already been done.

At a time in our culture when religion is out and anything but religion is in, I’m not sure why homosexuals are pushing for marriage since it’s a relationship rooted in religion. The same religion that describes homosexuality as a perversion also defines marriage as being between one man and one woman.

Any young person who has an elementary understanding of biology knows that the sex organs are not compatible between men and men and women and women. They don’t fit. I wish some opponent of homosexuality and homosexuality would state the obvious. I would also like someone to point out that during the AIDS crisis that the disease was predominately in the homosexual community.

There were also innocent victims of AIDS. Ryan White (1971–1990) was a hemophiliac who became infected with HIV from a transfusion of contaminated blood. There were others. These are exceptions that prove the rule.

Then there are the general mortality rates of homosexual and bi-sexual men when compared to the general population. “In the U.S., recent research has identified HIV/AIDS as the leading cause of death among men aged 25–44 in the states of New York, New Jersey, California, Florida and Massachusetts, and 64 out of 170 cities having reported at least 25 AIDS-related deaths.”[1]

It’s no wonder, therefore, that proponents of homosexual marriage are going off the logical rails in order to defend the indefensible. The latest charge is that anti-homosexual marriage advocates are like racial segregationists.

Openly homosexual Don Lemon of CNN compared opponents of same-sex marriage with opponents of interracial marriage:

“[P]eople felt the same way about interracial marriage [as some people today feel about homosexual marriage]. People didn’t agree with interracial marriage. People didn’t think black people should vote. People didn’t think women should vote. Did that make it right? Should you respect that viewpoint?”

There is a difference between race and gender and what people do sexually. Homosexuals cannot produce offspring unless they find someone from the opposite sex to supply the needed sperm or egg. It’s not a matter of race or gender, what a person is by nature, but what people of all races and both genders do sexually.

Sexual distinctions are not made in terms of race when it comes to adultery, pedophilia, polygamy, rape, child molestation, and mother-daughter, mother-son, father-son, father-daughter marriages that are a logical extension of the way homosexual marriage advocates argue for their view.

David Sirota of joined Lemon and the other two pro-homosexual marriage advocates in pouncing on radio host Ben Ferguson who opposes homosexual marriage.

“You just said you oppose gay marriage. You opposed extending the same rights to marriage as everybody else. That is intolerant. That is the definition of intolerance.”

Opposing homosexual marriage is only intolerant if homosexual marriage is morally acceptable. That’s what the debate is about, and it’s something Ferguson did not raise against his three-on-one attack.

Opponents of homosexual marriage oppose it for everybody, the same way they oppose adultery, sex with children, and polygamy for everybody.

The reason there has been a shirt in opinion about homosexual marriage is because most Americans have never been taught to think. They can’t follow an argument.

It doesn’t help that opponents of homosexual marriage are fearful of gay bullying that can result in the loss of jobs.

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Comment by Gordon Ray Kissinger on March 24, 2013 at 4:22pm

‘Marriage Equality’ Spells ‘Marriage Extinction’

wedding rings

Next week the U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments on the most critical cases of our time related to marriage equality. On Tuesday, March 26, attorneys will make the pitch both for and against California’s Proposition 8. This, of course, is the Golden State’s pro-marriage amendment. It maintained the timeless definition of natural marriage as between man and wife.

Then, on Wednesday, March 27, the high court will consider the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), passed in 1996 with overwhelming bipartisan support and signed into law by then President Bill Clinton. It, likewise, secured the definition of legitimate marriage for purposes of federal law.

Although both cases certainly address a multitude of legal and political issues, they also involve a number of moral and cultural considerations that, if wrongly decided, will literally shake Western civilization to the core.

The stakes could not be higher. Of central concern is whether the Supreme Court will put its official stamp of approval on that cartoonish contradiction-in-terms labeled “same-sex marriage.” Ultimately, these nine justices will decide recklessly either to deconstruct, radically redefine and render functionally trivial the age-old institution of natural marriage – or leave it alone.

They’d better leave it alone.

Here’s the bottom line: Homosexual activists don’t want the white picket fence. They want to burn down the white picket fence. The endgame is not to achieve so-called “marriage equality,” but, rather, to render marriage reality meaningless.

In a recent column headlined, “The Revolt of Intelligence Against ‘Marriage Equality,” worldview expert Rick Pearcey addressed one prominent “gay” activist’s admission that the destruction of natural marriage signifies the left’s ultimate cultural coup de grâce.

“Masha Gessen, a lesbian and a journalist, spoke frankly about this at a conference in Sydney, Australia,” he wrote. “‘It’s a no-brainer that we should have the right to marry,’ she said. ‘But I also think equally that it’s a no-brainer that the institution of marriage should not exist. … ‘Marriage equality’ becomes ‘marriage elasticity,’ with the ultimate goal of ‘marriage extinction.’”

Still, if counterfeit “same-sex marriage” becomes the law of the land, then a whole lot more freaky deaky will follow before marriage extinction inevitably occurs.

One of liberals’ favorite Alinskyite defense mechanisms is to ridicule the opposition if confronted with some irrefutable argument against some hallowed left-wing delusion. Such is the tactic employed whenever a thinking person walks into the room and points out this big ol’ gay elephant: Once the government pretends that some vague combination of “love” and “consent” are all that a “marriage” requires, then other “arbitrary” and “discriminatory” parameters beyond a binary male-female prerequisite must also go poof.

That is to say, if the Court magically divines some constitutional right to “same-sex marriage,” then full “marriage equality” necessarily demands that polygamous, incestuous and any other equally aberrant nuptial cocktail be likewise permitted.

It’s a “no-brainer,” right?

To that end, I’m very concerned with the Supreme Court’s recent history of radically redefining that which cannot be redefined. Though examples abound, I’m thinking specifically, as concerns the topic at hand, of the Court’s 2003 holding in Lawrence v. Texas.

In Lawrence, the liberal majority, for the first time in history, radically redefined male-on-male sodomy – hitherto classified “a crime against nature” – as a “constitutional right.”

In his characteristically brilliant dissent, Justice Antonin Scalia voiced my concerns better than I can: “State laws against bigamy, same-sex marriage, adult incest, prostitution, masturbation, adultery, fornication, bestiality and obscenity are likewise sustainable only in light of Bowers’ validation of laws based on moral choices,” he wrote. “Every single one of these laws is called into question by today’s decision.”

So, if the high court removes one natural marriage parameter for one special-interest group, then “equal protection under the law” requires that it remove all natural marriage parameters for all special-interest groups.

Liberty Counsel made these very points in a friend-of-the-court brief filed with the Supreme Court: “Ultimately, there is no principled basis for recognizing a legality of same-sex marriage without simultaneously providing a basis for the legality of consensual polygamy or certain adult incestuous relationships,” noted the brief. “In fact, every argument for same-sex marriage is an argument for them as well.”

Another brief filed by 18 state attorneys general voiced similar concerns: “Once the natural limits that inhere in the relationship between a man and a woman can no longer sustain the definition of marriage, the conclusion that follows is that any grouping of adults would have an equal claim to marriage,” they wrote.

The brief further observed the self-evident “no-brainer” that legitimate marriage is “optimal for children and society at large.”

It’s all very simple. If anything is marriage, then everything is marriage. And if everything is marriage, then nothing is marriage at all. “‘Marriage equality’ becomes ‘marriage elasticity,’ with the ultimate goal of ‘marriage extinction.’”

I sincerely hope that the honorable and learned men and women who sit upon the highest bench in the land can recognize that all of these San Francisco-style social-engineering games are a deceptive means to a destructive end.

And it’s not the emotionalist end they’ve dolled-up and dished out. The left’s fierce push for “gay marriage” has nothing to do with “marriage equality” and everything to do with “marriage extinction.”

Or, as Ms. Gessen candidly put it: “[I]t’s a no-brainer that the institution of marriage should not exist.”

I just pray that at least five justices still think it should.

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