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Here is What Your Lib-Dems Have for Backbones and Guts - Union Slave-masters

Richard Trumka, Union Dues, Democrat re-elections

Here is What Your Lib-Dems Have for Backbones and Guts - Union Slave-masters

 - Jerry McConnell  Sunday, May 22, 2011

When big boss union leader Trumka sounds off, Lib-Dem Congressmen and women absolutely convulse and have spasmodic muscle contractions due to fear of labor union thugs closing in and carrying out the hidden threats of ‘dumping’ the these slimy slaves in a dark alley or something perhaps even worse. 

The labor unions have purchased these one-time souls of family and God who are not even reminiscent of their former selves now as they cringe and crawl at the sound of their union master’s voice, for whom they are permanently indebted because of the simple act of receiving dollars, millions of dollars, in order to buy votes for one accursed word to any one of them - REELECTION.

That ten-letter word has become a symbol of fear, greed, corruption and base conduct befitting the lowest form of animal life.  Without it, there is no tomorrow for these cretins known as corrupt politicians; with it there is a tomorrow of abject slavery and obedience to labor union officials who reap riches not only from the dues they collect from their other fawning peons and serfs known as members but from the corrupt legislation they enact to satisfy the hunger from the greedy and equally corrupt union heads.

At a National Press Club gathering on May 20, 2011, Head Shakedown Boss Richard Trumka of the AFL-CIO informed the liberal Democrats all over this country of his threat that they had better get in line or suffer from the penalties that would be dished out if the corrupt legislators deigned to think that their constituents should come first before the unions with loss of union support.

To be so out in the open with such threats only more positively points to the muscle these power mad goons exert on their feeble and supplicant union members who become dependent on them for more crumbs from the employers. The order of the day is to bleed more and more out of the employers to satisfy the insatiable greed of these task-masters with the pitiful and wimpish cry of trying to make the employee’s life better.

Hogwash!  What they’re doing is using the employee as the pitying point for more increases in dues for themselves.  What doesn’t go for buying votes for the politicians goes into their well padded bank accounts and luxury accommodations for softer work conditions for them.

This is what Trumka had to say about that in the May 20 National Press Club gathering, “We will spend the summer holding elected leaders in Congress as well as the states accountable on one measure: Are they improving or degrading life for working families?...”  How do you like that for chutzpah? Not one word of “what can we do to have you make our workers’ lives more comfortable or how can we help you employers to make your goods and services more worthy of additional price increases?” 

And did you notice in that quote, which by the way was provided by Matthew Boyle of The Daily Caller Trumka said he was holding accountable, not only elected leaders in Congress, but the states as well?  That means the unions of state governments who produce absolutely no product for which to recoup
some of the expenses of making that product, but spend only your tax dollars.  You who have done your honest day’s work in order to pay those tax dollars to the government to pay for no tangible product.

Boyle further quoted Trumka as saying, “We are looking hard at how we work in the nation’s political arena,”  Trumka said, according to prepared remarks. “We have listened hard, and what workers want is an independent labor movement that builds the power of working people - in the workplace and in political life.”

I have this feeling that Mr. Trumka means that HE wants the workers to join HIS unions and take control of workplaces all over the country.  It’s not bad enough that liberal Democrats want to control the everything in the country, now the unions, by controlling the workers will gain that control. We will ALL be slaves to the unions in Trumka’s vision.

The Daily Caller’s Matthew Boyle also pointed out that “Trumka’s remarks come on the heels of what conservatives are calling a power grab by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), which is attacking The Boeing Company for building a plant in South Carolina after disagreements with unions in Washington State. Fred Wszolek of the Workforce Fairness Institute (WFI) calls Trumka’s speech “nothing more than a plea for more bailouts from bureaucrats in government on the backs of American job creators.”

The aforementioned NLRB is now totally under Obama’s control and it, along with unions who wish to gain more power in the workplace, are moving to take such a position away from the people and allow the corrupt unions, with Obama’s blessings, to put the entire country in a stranglehold that could choke the life out of it.

The NLRB is working with unions to kill all Right to Work (RTW) state efforts that would allow a worker to work without having to join a union. All states that have the Right to Work law in place are faring better at getting more jobs for their citizens.  States without RTW laws are losing jobs and suffering because of it. 

All in another day’s work for the country-killing Barack Hussein Obama.

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